ForumsWEPR[necro] For all the Israel haters...

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1,627 posts

I dare you to claim that this is not a clear example of U.N. bias against Israel. This sort of stuff has been seen time after time after time in events like the Goldstone Report, the Zionism equals Racism vote, and the Durban Conferences. The U.N. needs to seriously reexamine what it stands for, because it has now become a sound-off board for those who wish to condemn Israel at every opportunity.

Discuss whether or not you think that the U.N. is biased against Israel.

  • 181 Replies
1,627 posts

I'm sorry, but haven't we been discussing this all along? Israel's legality, the conflict's future, the UN, all this ring a bell?

Yes, however there is no specific topic at hand. If you'd like to suggest one, than we can continue this argument.
1,826 posts

One of the only reasons we pay you is because you're a nuclear country with an unstable government. Also, you have Taliban and al-Qaida who we really don't want getting a bomb.

In 80's Uncle sam paid us because he was wetting his pants fearing what if red bear gained access to Indian Ocean?
Now you pay us cuz we let you get your supplies through our land.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

One of the only reasons we pay you is because you're a nuclear country with an unstable government. Also, you have Taliban and al-Qaida who we really don't want getting a bomb.

Be grateful that the Pakistanis have prevented any of these from happening.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I have no wish to rebegin for what has felt like the dozenth time. Unless you have spent time coming up with good reasons why Israel was legal right from the beginning.

1,773 posts

Because Its our historical home! our ancectors lived here, most of our traditions and religion are based here. our ancient capital is here. even the name, "jews" is based on judea - a large piece of Israel.
Because we built it from nothing, when ther are peoples who fought against it.
we splitt blood here, for serveral time, to save it. we defend it on a daily basis.
because its my home. its wher i was born, wher my parents were born, wher some other parents dreamd to reach, some of them die in the process.
its were we prayed to reach in the last 2000 years, and where we always wanted to make our home.

this is why.

and for the other topic, The IDF is the most humane army in the world, care more about human life than any other country. i didnt see other countries putting soliders in prison for hurting other peoples, that in serveral other nations could be called "enemie civilian" or "suspected terorrist".
I didnt see in other counteries such hope for a peace, that fall again and again.
an i didnt see in any other place in the middle east democracy, and not just one for getting america support {aka lebanon [come on, hizballa is ruling ther with arms, not votes] and eygept [i dont think that the "muslim brotherhood will keep democracy after they will be voted. who it remind me?"}.

this is why we are legal, and this is why you cant question my legality.

hope its enough.

9,439 posts

Because Its our historical home!

Technically the territory was under the control of Egypt before that. Why can't Egypt claim it back?
1,627 posts

Technically the territory was under the control of Egypt before that. Why can't Egypt claim it back?

Because the giving of Israel to the Jews was not just because it was their historical home, but because Jews already had large settlements of land in the region of Palestine, so they simply gave that land as a country to the Jews from the British Mandate. We didn't steal anything, we bought that land, and it became a country.
1,303 posts

We didn't steal anything, we bought that land

You bought a small part of it. The rest of it was stolen.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Quoting the LoN report of 1920, there were 700,000 people living in the Palestinian region, with only 76000 being Jewish, almost all of whim came only recently in 40 years before the report. Certainly not a majority until the massive influx of illegal Holocaust survivors only a few years before "Independence".

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The native Indians should be given the USA or parts of the USA they lived in then. You lost your land 2000 years ago, you lost it. Having a religious claim to the land is pathetic and not valid.

1,627 posts

Quoting the LoN report of 1920, there were 700,000 people living in the Palestinian region, with only 76000 being Jewish, almost all of whim came only recently in 40 years before the report. Certainly not a majority until the massive influx of illegal Holocaust survivors only a few years before "Independence"

Doesn't matter if they were illegal, they still became the majority! Your argument suggests that everyone was going to &quotlay fair." Sure, tell that to the survivors of Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and Dachau. After being put through concentration camps, you think that anyone who was there was going to be like, "Hey guys. You know, we've just lost 6 million of our own kind, but how about instead of returning to our spiritual home, which we probably need more than ever, and follow the British laws which unduly favor the Arabs, let's go home, back to our friendly neighbors who turned us in to the Germans. " No. They were going to play by the same rules that they were forced to play by for the past few years. They were going to get in any way they could. You are attempting to apply today's logic to the events of yesteryear, and when you do that, every action looks barbaric. As I like to say...

1,303 posts

Why should the Arabs get terrorized, because of something somebody else did.

1,627 posts

Why should the Arabs get terrorized, because of something somebody else did.

Yes, the poor Jewish settlers who are moving to the kibbutzim already built previous to the Holocaust are such a threat, considering that they will mainly be living in swampland and desert.
1,303 posts

Imagine for a moment that afghan/iraqi people was given land in israel, because the american felt sorry for the afghan/iraqi people after the war.
And israeli felt it was unfair and started a war against them. of cause the afghan/iraqi people win, because of the support from usa and its allies.
afghan/iraqi people take the opportunity to gain more land, so they take more land from israel.
They blocked the small land israel have back, and controls water, electricity and much more.
imagine that israeli leader think it wrong and launch rocket on them, and now all israeli people are considered terrorists.
because of all that, they build a big wall around the small land, against the israels will.
Imagine that every afghan/iraqi attitude was this:
If Israeli lay down they arms, there would be peace. If Afghan/Iraqi lay down they arms, there wont be any afghan/iraqi left.

The reality is, that what happening to Arabs/Palestinians. They land was unfairly taken by Israelis, and the Israelis threat Arabs as some evil beasts.

2,226 posts

You lost your land 2000 years ago, you lost it. Having a religious claim to the land is pathetic and not valid.

I have to kind of agree with this. It may stink, but really you can't say leave an apartment, and then kick out the people living in it 20 years later saying that you lived there first and therefore it is yours.
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