


SO AWESOME!-/)^3^(\ (Me when I saw My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic.)
Hi! You've reached the kingdom of PinkieCake, or Pinkie to people who are, y'know, acquaintances. Comment below or go get a candy bar. Here's a dollar!
Mi logo!
------AAAA------God But Pinkie Pie
----AA AA----
--AA AA--
AA AAtheist!

Become a brony!
(Before making any final decisions on the show, watch the two pilot episodes! Heck, it takes at least three to get a solid opinion.)
Somepony explains just why ponies rock!
-"-"- Im Mr. Owl
[O.o] - O RLY?
[¬.¬] - Ya rly..
[ ^.^ ]- Oh ok.
Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan NyanNyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan
Coming soon to DVD and BluRay!
Do what you want cause a marshmallow's free, you are a marshmallow!
Yay, yay, hip hip hooray! Being of mallow is wonderfully great! Do what you want cause a marshmallow's free! You are a marshmallow!
When I use a rabbit Armatar, I am Pinkie Pie. When I use a squirrel Armatar, I am Pinkamena Dianne Pie. When I use anything else, I am bored.

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  • Efan Ethan's excessively edible eccentricities.
    28 7628
    Art, Music, and Writing
    Made 13 years ago
    We'll just have to see where this goes.Hope so, this work looks pretty good!
  • bazc0p Aliens real or fake?
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    Made 13 years ago
    I think it's a hair from impossible that there are no life forms on any planet other than Earth. Really think about the entire universe, gu…
  • fst6 You're banned
    57599 5560001
    Forum Games
    Made 13 years ago
    You're banned for using my ban reason as a ban reason.
  • TRUdog Where do you go for inspiration?
    14 4123
    Art, Music, and Writing
    Made 13 years ago
    I search the Equestria Daily YouTube archive for pony stuff. After about half an hour, I start drawing pictures of Pinkie Pie. An hour late…
  • daleks If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?
    59 9448
    The Tavern
    Made 13 years ago
    If I could have a certain talking pink pony as my pet, life would be perfect. =D
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