ForumsForum GamesIsland under a godly dome V3 [RP/RPG]

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To those of you who already know me, the only thing I can say is - third time's a charm. To those who don't:

Welcome to the year 1432 on the Island of Tulse. There's a lot of things going on, so I won't bother using a fancy language and try to keep this introduction short and simple.

General info:

This island is isolated from the rest of the world because it's inside an indestructible dome. It's land mass is equal to that of the country of Poland, slightly above 1 million inhabitants and the difference in climate between the north and south is like northern and southern Europe, this results in lots of hurricanes and heavy tornadoes on a regular basis. Roughly 99% of everything here is already discovered. The inhabitants are very similar to humans except for their glowing viper-like eyes and some can use magic. Recently people have discovered gunpowder and some have already started mass producing weapons that require it. Here's how it looks on a map:

Click this link to see a larger picture that also includes the names of the most important regions.

This island has a total of 3 factions and 30 kingdoms and 1 empire, 33 of these were in a 13 year long war 10 years ago. The war ended with a white peace and a 10 year truce that ends in one day from now. Mages make up about 0.0002% of the population (a.k.a. 1 in every 5000 people is a mage). English is the most commonly spoken language here, but some places speak in different languages as well.


I want to make a couple of these so that you don't cause me too many sudden problems:

1. Your character is not allowed to be able to go through, damage, change shape or influence the dome in any way.

2. Time manipulation does exist, but has limitations: you cannot skip any periods of time and you cannot go back in time. You can only pause it or make it go faster. Predicting time is allowed, though.

3. You can do anything you desire, hence why this is an RP/RPG. However, you are not allowed to choose the consequences of your actions.

Application sheet:

You only need to post this once in order to start playing. After that posting it is completely unnecessary.

Name, surname, nickname: [The name and surname is obligatory, the nickname is optional. You can also have multiple names or surnames if you so desire.]

Location: [You can either point the location in paint or something similar or tell me the whereabouts of where it is.]

Appearance: [Imagine explaining it to an illustrator.]

Personality: [The longer description, the better.]

Biography: [Everything about your current situation and the past. Things like life-changing events, other characters involved, anything that doesn't break any of the rules.]

Magic abilities: [Only necessary if you plan on having any. If you do, describe the spell and give it a name. These skills can be completely anything. It can be something primitive like shooting fireballs or something complex like having enhanced eyesight if you're 20 feet above sea level.]


To explain briefly - it's complicated due to lots of exceptions and conditional exceptions and exceptions to exceptions and so on. The only important thing to note is that when mages run out of mana (we all know what that is), they can still keep using magical spells, but they start losing various random limbs, body parts or blood and die very fast or receive permanent, incurable damage.

Factions and Kingdoms:


People call this the most evil faction and for a good reason. They believe a certain religion and all heretics are either killed or enslaved. Most of their income is made by gold, their army has a high morale due to receiving a lot of money from the government and having the right to do whatever they want, but this faction is about 30 years behind on technology from everyone else.

Vermile's Empire:

The island's only empire. Largest land mass, army and navy. Everyone has been living under strict rules and has been forced to follow every Emperor's order since childhood. The king is selfless, and only uses this to improve the Empire, not his personal life. When this Empire is at war, everyone is forced to join the military and use whatever equipment they have for battle.


The most liked and populated faction. The government is led by a council of 7 people, 2 of which are changed every 4 years. The government believes that people should have all the saying and deserve rights to do anything they want. Half of the faction's money is spent on making people's lives better and the other half is spent on everything else. This results in the army having bad equipment and a slow technological progression.


The richest and most influential faction. They are the sole reason why trade between all the various factions and countries exists, the reason why everyone has access to everything. They have the highest amount of mages, the faction is well fortified, their army is small, but well equipped, most technologically advanced and always ready for combat if the need arises.


They used to own the Aucen's island and the Islands of Augsten in their entirety and there's a reason they have their own Gulf. They used to be one of the richest kingdoms on the island until they got invaded by Vermile's Empire and are now trying to stop Vermile from invading them completely. They also have their own different language, but the letters are similar to the English language.


The weakest and least populated kingdom on the island. They are too far from other factions to help them, so the real question is who will invade them first. Currently everyone is on their way out of there.

Holy Indra's Alliance:

It is a union of the 28 remaining kingdoms who are trying to stop Vermile's Empire's rapid expansion. All of these small 28 countries speak a language that is completely different to the English language. If they were a single kingdom/faction, it would be the most populated and the richest.

Click this link to see the political map.

Final notes:

1. If you decide to be somewhere where English is not spoken, everything in that language will be translated to English for you, but the real English will be switched to something else. Don't ask why I'm going through this trouble. Everything has a reason.

2. Very often I'll say things like "might be" or "seems like". That means it has about a 60% chance of being true and a 40% chance of me trying to trick you. I'll do this very often if you're in a difficult situation.

  • 77 Replies
856 posts

Name: Zexed Dakumeiji

Location: In a small city in Clarity by the Candove and Vermile borders, in a forge owned by his father

Appearance: Approx. 6'2" with a moderately muscled, athletic build. Weighs about 190lbs. Has white hair, purple eyes, angular facial structure, a long, thin scar that runs over his left eye(but doesn't touch it) that starts about midway up his forehead and ends level with his mouth, and slightly pointed ears. Is just over 26 years of age

Personality: Zexed is a bit shy, but, if you manage to gain his trust, he will stay by your side till the end. While he doesn't enjoy violence, he knows more than most about how to fight. He generally has a kind loving heart toward the people around him.

Biography: Zexed lives with his father(Codeth) and younger brother(Eliakith) in the apartment above his fathers forge. Zexed's mother died giving birth to Eliakith. Zexed first discovered his magic when he was 9 years old, while he was helping his father in the forge. He was putting more fuel in the furnace when the flames suddenly burst out toward him. He instinctively thrust his hands out, and immediately there was an enormous blast of wind that extinguished the furnace. Ever since, Zexed has read every book he can on Wind Magic and has constantly been training himself to one day master the Element. Due to his distrust of the Vermile soldiers that pass through town, he has been in many fights with them, one of which gave him the scar he has today. He is currently saving his money to go to a nearby Magic Academy to finish his training.

Magic Abilities: Zexed can use the wind in a myriad of ways, and has yet to discover the upper limits of his power. He generally uses the wind to speed up his movements and augment his strength, though he can use it ascend to higher ground and generate powerful blasts of wind. He can also use it to soften falls from high up and augment his voice so that it can be louder or even disguise it.

Alright! Let's do this!

1,356 posts

[The intro is a little longer than I anticipated. Regardless, the rest of my posts aren't going to be nearly as long as this]

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196) & Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Out of nowhere, you see a field of gravel. It is endless and extends to the end of horizon and beyond. The sky is as bright as it can be on a daylight, but you can see the stars glowing as well. You see two sunsets happening at the same time. One to your left and one to your right. You are unable to move your legs and are stuck in the middle of this empty wasteland.

Several hours pass and you see a silhouette in the distance. It seems like a human, but it's so far away that you can't tell anything he or she is doing, it also seems like magic is not available here, so it can't be used to communicate with the person in any way. Another hour passes and you can see that the human is heading toward your direction, but it's stance doesn't change, which means he or she is walking slowly. You start hearing very, very quiet whispers in the back of your head, but you can't tell what they're saying. The only thing you can notice is that they're saying something short over and over again. Another half an hour passes and the human is now approximately 200 meters (656 feet) away from you. The whispers are starting to become louder and clearer. It sounds like a 20 year old man and his whispers keep saying: "Corruption, corruption, corruption, corruption,..." over and over again.

As the person was slowly walking, a bright sun appeared right at the end of the horizon behind it, illuminating everything around him/her, therefore making it hard to see details about the human. That's not a problem, however, because within 5 minutes the distance has been shortened to 50 meters (164 feet). The human's shape is starting to show itself. Proportion-wise it seems like a male in full body armor and a cape. Not only do the whispers in the back of your head keep getting louder and louder, there are now also multiple people whispering the same word as he keeps walking toward you. The voices of the other people whispering are hard to tell due to how many there are, but the voices are definitely different.

Now with every step you can see more and more details of the man. His entire armor seems to be Prussian blue color and the cape is such a dark shade of grey that it's almost black. His helmet has spikes all around it, pointed at the back and there are three longer spikes on the forehead facing upward. His shoulder guards also seem to have lots of small spikes facing upward. The blue armor has black stripes all over it that seem to be shaped and placed like veins. He's also carrying a dark brown belt that seems to have two small purses on his right side and a scabbard with a burgundy red sword on his left side. As you keep noticing all these details, the amount of voices just keeps continuously increasing to the point where you can't understand what they're saying. Not only that, but the whispers are starting to become loud.

The man is only about 10 meters (33 feet) away from you at this point. The amount of voices is hard to tell at this point, but what you can tell is that they still keep getting louder and louder. They start becoming unbearable, you feel your ears heavily bleeding. The man doesn't stop coming, he is only about 1 meter (3 feet) away from you, the voices don't stop increasing their volume and the man does not stop. He takes another step and right as he touches you...

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

You wake up in your bunk bed that's in the room you and your brother sleep in. It is the middle of the night. You feel a bit of liquid near your ears, it seems that this dream has caused genuine bleeding to your ears. You can hear the birds outside and the wind blowing on the trees, so your hearing seems to be unharmed.

You don't hear any breathing from the bunk bed below you, where your brother normally sleeps, so it seems like your brother has gone somewhere. Codeth's room's doors seem to be closed, he normally snores loud enough to hear him through those doors, but this time there's absolutely no noise coming from his room. He has probably gone somewhere too.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

You wake up in the midnight, in same bed and room you've always woken up in before. The old wooden planks on the roof, the relatively large window to your left and a door with a closet next to it on your right. The only unusual thing is the liquid near your ears. Seems like the dream has caused your ears genuine bleeding. You can hear the sea waves from the nearby sea shore, the birds chirping, the trees rustling, so your hearing doesn't appear to be harmed.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

You recall there being one on the shelf that's next to your bed. As you attempt to take it, a sudden loud and terrifying screech starts. A silhouette is blocking the moonlight coming from your window, as it is standing right on the outside of your window port, staring directly at you. The screech sounds like a mixture of two swords scraping against each other, but making strange pitch shifts like a broken violin. The silhouette is nothing like the one you saw in your dream. This one barely looks human. It is so thin that it doesn't seem to have a single muscle, its left arm is longer than the rest of its entire body, and the top left part of its head has strange bumps on it, but since it's dark and the moonlight is blocked, you can't see what exactly those bumps are. Your body is completely frozen once again. The thing lifts its left arm. It doesn't have any fingers, but it has 40cm (16 inches) long claws instead.

The thing breaks your window, steps inside your room and slowly walks to you with its head always turned directly in your direction. The screech gets louder as it gets closer to you, but not nearly as loud as the whispers in the last dream. It is next to you and slowly lifts its left arm once again. It seems that it wants to kill you. It goes for your face, but once again, right as you make contact, the screech stops, you wake up in the same room, but it's morning. This time, however, you feel that this is reality. Your ears feel as dry as ever, the only thing left of the dream is your pounding heart that is taking its time slowing down.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

You get up from your bed after waiting a few minutes and go to your window. You can actually move for once. There are no footprints on your floor and everything is right where you left it. Everything outside the window looks normal as well. The barn, the grass fields, all the small shacks surrounding it, the trees in the distance and the beach behind them, it's all there.

The weather outside seems to be pretty clear, except for a large mass of clouds in the distance. It may be tornado supercell, but since it's so far away you can barely see it, you can't tell whether it's heading toward you, or has it gone past your farm and is heading in the opposite direction.

856 posts

I climb off of my bed and look for a mirror or candle

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Judging by how far the cloud mass is, it might take at least 90 minutes before it gets near you. You leave your room and go past the stairs that lead to the first floor, heading to the kitchen that's on the other side of the stair room. The kitchen's window is facing the opposite direction of the coast, you can't see the cloud from it, instead you can see the road that leads to the city.

However, since all your inside doors are open, you can see your room's window from your kitchen, so you can keep an eye on the cloud. There's a furnace below the kitchen's window. Two cupboards on each side of the door and a table in the middle. There are 2 full buckets of fresh, clean water under the table. Various clay dishes in the cupboard on the right side of the door and various ingredients and food, including peppermint and sugar in the other cupboard.

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

Right as you're about to move your legs, you hear a loud, terrifying screech that sounds like two swords scraping against each other, making strange pitch shifts like a broken violin. The sound is coming from Codeth's room. At this moment you realize that, once again, you're not able to move, nor are you able to use magic. The screech isn't as loud as the whispers in the previous dream, though. You can hear footsteps in Codeth's room. Footsteps that are becoming louder and closer. As they do, the screech becomes louder as well.

The door gets broken and now you can see what is making the noise. It looks like a dark silhouette, but in no way similar to the one in the previous dream. This one looks taller, it's so thin that it may not even have a single muscle, it has weird bumps on the top left part of its head and its left arm seems to be longer than its entire body. You can't see any facial features, clothes, skin color etc, due to it being incredibly dark in the room. It walks right next to you, not stopping the screech, it lifts its left hand. You notice that it doesn't have fingers, but 40cm (16 inch) long claws instead. It quickly thrusts all its claws directly to your face and right as you make contact, you wake up once again in the same room.

It is morning, your ears feel dry and you can hear both of your family members making the usual forging noise in the floor below. You can feel that this time it's reality.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

After having dressed up and sitting in the kitchen for about 10 minutes, the water starts boiling. Within that time you notice that the large cloud mass is heading nor toward you, nor away from you. It's moving along the coastline, heading south.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

You walk past the living room on the first floor and head directly to the exit. Right as you open the door, something pushes the cup of tea off of your hand and it falls on the ground without breaking, but still spilling the tea everywhere. It is one of your neighbors cows. It has a brown skin color and the left leg on the back has a black bandage around it, hence why you recognize it's his. None of his other cows are nearby.

The neighbor who owns these cows was a friend of your father, but he is very similar to you in the way that he is very reserved and isn't very talkative. By appearance he is about 2,2 meters (7,2 feet) tall and has a very muscular build. His left leg is a little damaged and makes him do a very noticeable limp. He has a rather dark skin, has long, black hair and a long, black beard that extends slightly further down than his neck. He always wears dirty clothing, since all he does throughout the whole day is work in his farm.

When your father disappeared, both of you have still kept in touch. He is always there when you need him the most and you are always there when he needs you the most, but that is the only connection between the two of you.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The cow follows you to the barn on its own. This is pretty strange because you have never interacted with it and you only see it when you visit your neighbor, which happens very rarely, so the cow shouldn't even know who you are. You manage to find a rope rather quickly and make a lead for the cow.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The cow is completely calm and stands still while you're applying the lead to the its head. Some of the goats have noticed the cow and are mildly interested, but all they do is watch. The chickens behave as if it's not even there.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The neighbor's place is about fifteen minutes away. You start heading to it. The road to it is a bunch of gravel and sand scattered on the ground. Travelling on it with a carrier would be very inconvenient. On both sides of the road there are lots of trees close to it, followed by a small slope that leads to the ground that's 50cm (20 inches) below the road. The ground is made of simple grass and some trees here and there. The ground is flat enough so that building an entire city would be rather easy here. The trees around here are mostly birch, oak, maple, chestnut, spruce and pine trees. The grass is about 70 cm (28 inches) tall.

On the way to the neighbor you notice leaves falling off the trees and the wind blowing directly in your face stronger than it usually does. Autumn has started. Ten minutes later, when you start seeing your neighbors territory, his grain fields on the right and his cow field on the left, the cow suddenly stops and doesn't want to keep going.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The pull works out and the cow continues following you, but now rather reluctantly. You know that the cow field's entrance is near the neighbor's house, so you head there. As you get closer, you start hearing somebody knocking on the door and shouting: "Gred! Gred! Are you there, you old fool?"

Gred is the neighbor's surname. His name is Syther. The voice shouting the name sounds familiar. It is another one of your father's friends that lives in the nearby town. Unlike Syther, his personality is very upbeat and he takes things seriously very rarely. He isn't quite as muscular as your neighbor, but he is still strong enough to work as a blacksmith. He doesn't make weapons, instead he makes small animal figures made of decorated iron and steel and makes a decent income from doing so. He is also much shorter than Syther at around 1.70m (5,6 feet). He goes by the name of Nargil Hurtel.

You walk a minute more, you take a turn around the corner and there you and Nargil make eye contact as he has given up and started heading back. "Oh! Hi there! I see you've gotten yourself a pet." he says with the usual smile on his face. "I'm assuming you haven't seen that other, quiet, more muscular pet anywhere as well, have you?"

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

He responds to your question by pointing at the gate to the field of cows. The gate is completely open and there is only one out of Syther's nine cows there. "I came for a visit eight days ago and he wasn't here then. I come here now and the first thing I see is this. I don't remember if it was like that when I last visited, but it doesn't matter... Something is wrong here. I started heading to your place to inform you, but I guess that now I don't have to."

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil looks in the sky, trying to remember. A couple seconds later he looks at you with disappointment and says: "No...I don't. I was in a rush, so I didn't have enough spare time to look around." He follows you and the cow to the field and asks: "If Syther hasn't been here for 8 days or maybe even longer, that would mean that nobody has been feeding the cows. Shouldn't they be incredibly hun-" he suddenly stops as you both smell a disgusting stench that smells like rotten meat.

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Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The stench keeps getting progressively stronger to the point that you feel like you're in the middle of it no matter which direction you go. Nargil seems to have noticed what you're doing and points to the house. From here you can see that it has a large window on the second floor and it is completely open. "This isn't normal. I say we break in to see what's going on." he says with his hand covering the nose.

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