ForumsForum GamesIsland under a godly dome V3 [RP/RPG]

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To those of you who already know me, the only thing I can say is - third time's a charm. To those who don't:

Welcome to the year 1432 on the Island of Tulse. There's a lot of things going on, so I won't bother using a fancy language and try to keep this introduction short and simple.

General info:

This island is isolated from the rest of the world because it's inside an indestructible dome. It's land mass is equal to that of the country of Poland, slightly above 1 million inhabitants and the difference in climate between the north and south is like northern and southern Europe, this results in lots of hurricanes and heavy tornadoes on a regular basis. Roughly 99% of everything here is already discovered. The inhabitants are very similar to humans except for their glowing viper-like eyes and some can use magic. Recently people have discovered gunpowder and some have already started mass producing weapons that require it. Here's how it looks on a map:

Click this link to see a larger picture that also includes the names of the most important regions.

This island has a total of 3 factions and 30 kingdoms and 1 empire, 33 of these were in a 13 year long war 10 years ago. The war ended with a white peace and a 10 year truce that ends in one day from now. Mages make up about 0.0002% of the population (a.k.a. 1 in every 5000 people is a mage). English is the most commonly spoken language here, but some places speak in different languages as well.


I want to make a couple of these so that you don't cause me too many sudden problems:

1. Your character is not allowed to be able to go through, damage, change shape or influence the dome in any way.

2. Time manipulation does exist, but has limitations: you cannot skip any periods of time and you cannot go back in time. You can only pause it or make it go faster. Predicting time is allowed, though.

3. You can do anything you desire, hence why this is an RP/RPG. However, you are not allowed to choose the consequences of your actions.

Application sheet:

You only need to post this once in order to start playing. After that posting it is completely unnecessary.

Name, surname, nickname: [The name and surname is obligatory, the nickname is optional. You can also have multiple names or surnames if you so desire.]

Location: [You can either point the location in paint or something similar or tell me the whereabouts of where it is.]

Appearance: [Imagine explaining it to an illustrator.]

Personality: [The longer description, the better.]

Biography: [Everything about your current situation and the past. Things like life-changing events, other characters involved, anything that doesn't break any of the rules.]

Magic abilities: [Only necessary if you plan on having any. If you do, describe the spell and give it a name. These skills can be completely anything. It can be something primitive like shooting fireballs or something complex like having enhanced eyesight if you're 20 feet above sea level.]


To explain briefly - it's complicated due to lots of exceptions and conditional exceptions and exceptions to exceptions and so on. The only important thing to note is that when mages run out of mana (we all know what that is), they can still keep using magical spells, but they start losing various random limbs, body parts or blood and die very fast or receive permanent, incurable damage.

Factions and Kingdoms:


People call this the most evil faction and for a good reason. They believe a certain religion and all heretics are either killed or enslaved. Most of their income is made by gold, their army has a high morale due to receiving a lot of money from the government and having the right to do whatever they want, but this faction is about 30 years behind on technology from everyone else.

Vermile's Empire:

The island's only empire. Largest land mass, army and navy. Everyone has been living under strict rules and has been forced to follow every Emperor's order since childhood. The king is selfless, and only uses this to improve the Empire, not his personal life. When this Empire is at war, everyone is forced to join the military and use whatever equipment they have for battle.


The most liked and populated faction. The government is led by a council of 7 people, 2 of which are changed every 4 years. The government believes that people should have all the saying and deserve rights to do anything they want. Half of the faction's money is spent on making people's lives better and the other half is spent on everything else. This results in the army having bad equipment and a slow technological progression.


The richest and most influential faction. They are the sole reason why trade between all the various factions and countries exists, the reason why everyone has access to everything. They have the highest amount of mages, the faction is well fortified, their army is small, but well equipped, most technologically advanced and always ready for combat if the need arises.


They used to own the Aucen's island and the Islands of Augsten in their entirety and there's a reason they have their own Gulf. They used to be one of the richest kingdoms on the island until they got invaded by Vermile's Empire and are now trying to stop Vermile from invading them completely. They also have their own different language, but the letters are similar to the English language.


The weakest and least populated kingdom on the island. They are too far from other factions to help them, so the real question is who will invade them first. Currently everyone is on their way out of there.

Holy Indra's Alliance:

It is a union of the 28 remaining kingdoms who are trying to stop Vermile's Empire's rapid expansion. All of these small 28 countries speak a language that is completely different to the English language. If they were a single kingdom/faction, it would be the most populated and the richest.

Click this link to see the political map.

Final notes:

1. If you decide to be somewhere where English is not spoken, everything in that language will be translated to English for you, but the real English will be switched to something else. Don't ask why I'm going through this trouble. Everything has a reason.

2. Very often I'll say things like "might be" or "seems like". That means it has about a 60% chance of being true and a 40% chance of me trying to trick you. I'll do this very often if you're in a difficult situation.

  • 77 Replies
1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil seems to be so lost in thought that he doesn't even notice you stopping. If anything, he starts walking faster. You continue following him into the road going through the forested area. This road has a significantly smaller amount of gravel on it, and it isn't located on a slope while the grass surrounding it is still as tall as it is. Ten minutes pass and you reach a small house about thirty meters away from the coast. Despite being near the sea, the area is rather dark, the trees are big and their branches and leaves are covering everything around you. There are no birds chirping, the leaves aren't rustling, wind is pretty much non-existent, you can't hear a single thing except the quiet waves on the nearby coast.

The first thing you notice about the house is that the windows have planks nailed in front of them, preventing you from seeing anything inside it and the front door has large metal plates on it. On top of the door, there is something scraped on the wood, saying "Mind won't kill you". Nargil walks to the front of the door and looks around. He stops looking about thirty seconds later when he seems to have found something near his feet. He picks it up, it is an apple core, and it is almost white in color, which means that someone ate it not too long ago.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

You don't hear any sort of response from your calling. "I don't have the patience to wait for a response anymore." Nargil says as he starts kicking the door, attempting to knock it down. The large metal plates on the door make it practically impossible for him to break in, however. After about four kicks he stops trying and sits down, facing away from the door and looks straight at the ground with terror and confusion.

Suddenly you hear the door being unlocked, something opens it and right as Nargil reacts, a woman appears out of the dark interior and holds a rusty dagger to Nargil's throat while looking at you with either fear or anger, you cannot tell. This woman is about 5.5 feet tall, she has bright, purple eyes, a pale skin, she is very thin, has long, blonde hair, seems about thirty to forty years old and is dirty all over. "Drop your weapons and leave." she says bluntly and aggressively.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"And how do you expect me to believe you? What if you're both responsible for all this?" replies the woman. "What can we do to make you believe us?" Nargil replies as he puts the sickle on the ground. The woman looks at him in silence for a short while before responding in a voice that reeks of desperation: "My daughter is sick, help me heal her and get us out of here. I don't care how, just as long as she stays alive and healthy." Nargil immediately asks: "Your da-" before suddenly stopping as you hear a little girl, about 7-9 years old, heavily coughing inside the dark house.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"I have a few friends in the town who are capable of curing illnesses." Nargil looks at you while answering. The woman is still holding the dagger to Nargil's throat. She leans down to pick up the sickle Nargil put on the ground and throws it inside the house. "You!" she shouts as she looks at you. "Carry my daughter to the town. Me and this man will follow you about 3 feet behind you. Do so much as scratch her and your friend is done for."

856 posts

"I'm honestly not sure if that's better or worse. What do you think we should do?"

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

"From what I understand, they're only going to stay here til tomorrow, which is when the truce between all the factions ends. The most likely scenario is that Vermile's Empire has already stationed several thousand troops all over southern Clarity to surround the Holy Indra's Alliance. This doesn't affect us, though. It's very unlikely that they want to fight you, since in the end it would just be pointless casualties." Codeth opens the front door and attaches a poster to the outside wall, the headline of which says: "Sharp edges for dull prices"

As Codeth opens the door, you see the man with the orange eyes still hanging around the entrance of the house on the opposite side. He's just leaning against the wall with his arms crossed looking at everything around him. He then starts looking at you and Codeth with curiosity, but still doesn't do anything.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The woman backs off slightly and forces Nargil to do so as well. He gets up and walks backward along with her. Once you reach the door, you notice that the woman has started paying attention to you with an eerie expression.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil has his head turned to your direction as well, and right when you look back at the woman, he notices it and very swiftly grabs the her by both forearms and squeezes them strong enough so that the dagger falls out of her hand. He turns around and pushes the woman against the wall. Holding her there with all his strength, Nargil says to her in a very quick pace: "Look, we don't want to harm you. A friend of ours died alongside with several others in this area. We just want to have a clearer view of what's going on. If you need help, we'll help you. Please, just trust us!"

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

While the interior of the house is incredibly dark, so is the entire area around the house, since most sources of light are blocked by the branches of the surrounding trees. Thanks to this, while Nargil was dealing with the threat, your vision has already managed to adjust to the darkness, making you able to see the basic things inside. It mostly empty. The planks covering the windows are probably parts several pieces of furniture. You see some unlit candles inside on the floor and a white bed sheet, under which the child is probably sleeping.

Nargil relaxes and lets the woman go. She relaxes and her expression stops being so tense, but it still remains rather serious. "I am very grateful, and I want to apologize. I hope you understand where my aggression came from. Living under constant fear from an unknown source for several days on end can really drive some people mad. The best idea is to get out of here as fast as humanly possible, but I was too scared of going outside. Only yesterday I came to the conclusion that there is no other choice. So, once again, I apologize."

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The woman calmly takes the dagger you held out while Nargil slowly walks to the front door of the house and looks inside it. "Gahnajos..." the woman responds with a slight confusion before continuing: "Isn't that the family where several members disappeared out of nowhere several years ago?"

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"Even one is a lot." she quietly mutters to herself. "If you live nearby, then I would recommend you to go away from here as fast as you can as well. If anything, I am actually surprised that somebody else came to this area. Shouldn't there be rumors spreading about this place now that everyone's dead?" After a brief pause Nargil responds: "Not that I've heard of. I came here for different least until I discovered the insanity happening around here."

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"Will you help me carry my daughter? She is rather heavy." the woman says as she picks up the dagger she just dropped. "I'll help." Nargil responds. "Though I don't think we'll have to walk for too long. I was brought here by my friend and his carrier. He came here to do business with some of the people here, he said he'll be back at Syther's place in about an hour from now." he continues as he enters the dark house and comes out when he finishes talking, holding the child, covered in bed sheets in one of his arms, and in the other arm he holds a map. The girl's skin is even paler than her mother's, other than that she looks rather similar to her mother. Her hair is blonde and short, doesn't go any lower than her throat and she seems about 3.5 feet tall. The map in Nargil's hands looks something like this. Your location is Marienne Residence.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"Getting to Syther's place would take slightly less than half an hour. Though, I would recommend staying here, if it feels chilly. I don't want to wait inside Syther's house. I don't even want to see it." Nargil responds. "I recommend that we stay here for half an hour and then start going to Syther's place."

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"If I understood correctly, Syther is the name of the friend both of you spoke of earlier. Is his surname Gred?" the woman asks. "Yes, it is." Nargil quickly responds. "Well, waiting next to a corpse of a close friend can be a very painful experience, so you may stay here. If you wanted to kill me, you would've done it when you had the chance. So I don't question your intentions." she says, before continuing: "My name is Veyereta. Veyereta Marienne. People call me Vey for short. My daughter's name is Cadina. Pleased to meet you." She reaches her hand to you for a handshake.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"No. I simply assumed his surname is Gred since that residence is one of the two I checked and the one that is the closest to yours - Gahnajos." the woman points to the map Nargil picked up from the house while he puts the little girl back inside and she coughs once again as he comes out. "And what is your name?" Vey asks him. "Nargil Hurtel." he replies. "Nice to meet you, Nargil." the woman says as they shake hands as well.

"You're not the only one that has acted unpleasantly today. I am normally much more carefree, but under these circumstances I simply cannot control my fear. I think Ajelja is the only one that hasn't acted out of character so far." he says to Vey, before continuing: "These dreams last night haven't really been much help either."

"What dreams?" she asks. Nargil quickly describes the dreams, without much detail, mentioning that everyone on the island had it. "Everyone had it? I thought mine was only a result of my constant fear that was growing on me throughout the last several days." Vey responds.

856 posts

I walk over to the gentleman in question, "Greetings, my good sir. How does the morning fare for you?"

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