ForumsForum GamesIsland under a godly dome V3 [RP/RPG]

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To those of you who already know me, the only thing I can say is - third time's a charm. To those who don't:

Welcome to the year 1432 on the Island of Tulse. There's a lot of things going on, so I won't bother using a fancy language and try to keep this introduction short and simple.

General info:

This island is isolated from the rest of the world because it's inside an indestructible dome. It's land mass is equal to that of the country of Poland, slightly above 1 million inhabitants and the difference in climate between the north and south is like northern and southern Europe, this results in lots of hurricanes and heavy tornadoes on a regular basis. Roughly 99% of everything here is already discovered. The inhabitants are very similar to humans except for their glowing viper-like eyes and some can use magic. Recently people have discovered gunpowder and some have already started mass producing weapons that require it. Here's how it looks on a map:

Click this link to see a larger picture that also includes the names of the most important regions.

This island has a total of 3 factions and 30 kingdoms and 1 empire, 33 of these were in a 13 year long war 10 years ago. The war ended with a white peace and a 10 year truce that ends in one day from now. Mages make up about 0.0002% of the population (a.k.a. 1 in every 5000 people is a mage). English is the most commonly spoken language here, but some places speak in different languages as well.


I want to make a couple of these so that you don't cause me too many sudden problems:

1. Your character is not allowed to be able to go through, damage, change shape or influence the dome in any way.

2. Time manipulation does exist, but has limitations: you cannot skip any periods of time and you cannot go back in time. You can only pause it or make it go faster. Predicting time is allowed, though.

3. You can do anything you desire, hence why this is an RP/RPG. However, you are not allowed to choose the consequences of your actions.

Application sheet:

You only need to post this once in order to start playing. After that posting it is completely unnecessary.

Name, surname, nickname: [The name and surname is obligatory, the nickname is optional. You can also have multiple names or surnames if you so desire.]

Location: [You can either point the location in paint or something similar or tell me the whereabouts of where it is.]

Appearance: [Imagine explaining it to an illustrator.]

Personality: [The longer description, the better.]

Biography: [Everything about your current situation and the past. Things like life-changing events, other characters involved, anything that doesn't break any of the rules.]

Magic abilities: [Only necessary if you plan on having any. If you do, describe the spell and give it a name. These skills can be completely anything. It can be something primitive like shooting fireballs or something complex like having enhanced eyesight if you're 20 feet above sea level.]


To explain briefly - it's complicated due to lots of exceptions and conditional exceptions and exceptions to exceptions and so on. The only important thing to note is that when mages run out of mana (we all know what that is), they can still keep using magical spells, but they start losing various random limbs, body parts or blood and die very fast or receive permanent, incurable damage.

Factions and Kingdoms:


People call this the most evil faction and for a good reason. They believe a certain religion and all heretics are either killed or enslaved. Most of their income is made by gold, their army has a high morale due to receiving a lot of money from the government and having the right to do whatever they want, but this faction is about 30 years behind on technology from everyone else.

Vermile's Empire:

The island's only empire. Largest land mass, army and navy. Everyone has been living under strict rules and has been forced to follow every Emperor's order since childhood. The king is selfless, and only uses this to improve the Empire, not his personal life. When this Empire is at war, everyone is forced to join the military and use whatever equipment they have for battle.


The most liked and populated faction. The government is led by a council of 7 people, 2 of which are changed every 4 years. The government believes that people should have all the saying and deserve rights to do anything they want. Half of the faction's money is spent on making people's lives better and the other half is spent on everything else. This results in the army having bad equipment and a slow technological progression.


The richest and most influential faction. They are the sole reason why trade between all the various factions and countries exists, the reason why everyone has access to everything. They have the highest amount of mages, the faction is well fortified, their army is small, but well equipped, most technologically advanced and always ready for combat if the need arises.


They used to own the Aucen's island and the Islands of Augsten in their entirety and there's a reason they have their own Gulf. They used to be one of the richest kingdoms on the island until they got invaded by Vermile's Empire and are now trying to stop Vermile from invading them completely. They also have their own different language, but the letters are similar to the English language.


The weakest and least populated kingdom on the island. They are too far from other factions to help them, so the real question is who will invade them first. Currently everyone is on their way out of there.

Holy Indra's Alliance:

It is a union of the 28 remaining kingdoms who are trying to stop Vermile's Empire's rapid expansion. All of these small 28 countries speak a language that is completely different to the English language. If they were a single kingdom/faction, it would be the most populated and the richest.

Click this link to see the political map.

Final notes:

1. If you decide to be somewhere where English is not spoken, everything in that language will be translated to English for you, but the real English will be switched to something else. Don't ask why I'm going through this trouble. Everything has a reason.

2. Very often I'll say things like "might be" or "seems like". That means it has about a 60% chance of being true and a 40% chance of me trying to trick you. I'll do this very often if you're in a difficult situation.

  • 77 Replies
1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

On the kitchen table there is a third of a bread loaf and an apple. Since you tend to wake up later than both of your family members, they normally leave enough food in the kitchen for you to eat. Once you finish your meal, you hear that one of your family members has stopped working in the forge and now there's only one person making noise.

You head downstairs to see what's going on in the forge. When you get there, you see that Codeth is forging with as much focus and dedication as usual, while Eliakith, having quickly cleaned up his workplace, is heading out with a backpack. "See you at dinner." he tells you both before storming off. He is currently in his 3rd year of diplomacy school. This school is giving him a lot of homework to do, and this homework has been keeping him rather busy for the last couple of months.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The closer you get to Nargil, the weaker the awful, rotten scent becomes. As you reach him, the smell has completely disappeared. He doesn't seem to be noticing you, but you do see a change in his facial expression. It's not nearly as cold anymore. He looks completely normal, just lost in thought. Taking one step closer, he notices you and turns his head to your direction. "Going home?" he suddenly asks.

856 posts

I create a small gust of wind to get my father's attention

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

Codeth hammers the sword he was making a couple of times, before putting down his hammer and turning to you. "Good morning, Zex!" he says with a smile, his face then turns slightly more serious and he asks: "I just want to make sure, this night you had a strange nightmare as well, right?"

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil gets up and looks at the other cow, before looking at the sky once again. "What a drag." he says, ignoring your question. "I took a vacation today just to meet you and Syther. I wanted to crack some jokes at both of you, have some nice conversations, not participate in a nausea fiasco. Talk about a terrible day." he looks at you, as he continues with a slight cheer in his face: "Well, if there is an afterlife, then I hope he's going to have a good time there. What happened, happened. Not worth sorrowing over, right?".

He stops talking for a brief moment, looks at the cow again and says: "I guess I'll help you lead the other cow. I want to come back here to clean this place up and bury Syther and his cows, though I'll need your help to do that. Would you help me?"

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"Thank you very much! It is friends like you that should truly be appreciated." Nargil smiles. He looks at the cow for a few more seconds before covering his nose, running to a shack in the closest corner of the cow field and taking a lead out of it. He swiftly applies it to the cow's head and brings it over to you. The cow moves with a slight hint of resistance, but since Nargil is stronger than average, he doesn't have any serious problems leading it to you.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil follows you, bringing with him the cow that has now stopped resisting. Both of you walk for a couple minutes, heading further and further away from the house. "From what I knew, as a relatively close friend of his, he was a normal farmer, just living his life. Why did this happen? It obviously wasn't a robbery, nothing was taken. Maybe it's related to your parents? I am very confused." he starts thinking aloud.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil looks at the horizon in front of both of you, not saying anything. A couple seconds later he looks at you and makes his response: "If it was indeed a monster that did it, then next person, or people will be the ones in the closest proximity to this house. We should probably raise awareness. A neighbor's death is definitely not irrelevant information."

He starts viewing all the trees and the tall grass surrounding both of you, and a couple seconds later says: "Plus, we should probably be on the lookout for strange things ourselves. That monster might as well pop up behind any of these trees, maybe crawl out of that tall grass. Maybe there are several of these monsters. Regardless, this environment is really not helping here."

856 posts

I sigh and say " Double your guess and you'll be twice as right. Let me make a guess. You and Eli have had similar dreams."

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

Codeth responds while sitting down on a small bench next to his working table: "Thought so. Everyone in this village, if not the entire island, had the same dream. Don't ask me why, though..." he suddenly stops talking as you hear lots of synced footsteps walking closer to your house. Outside the window you suddenly see about a hundred soldiers from Vermile's army marching around the corner, heading to what seems like your direction.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"You're right, we should probably inform everyone first, we can clean up the house later. It probably won't grow any legs and run off. Then again, not like it would be any more shocking than what I saw today." he quickly responds as he starts walking at a slightly faster pace to catch up to you.

856 posts

"Well. These guys either somehow all need their equipment repaired all at once, or their looking for me again. Any deliveries you want me to make before I make my escape?"

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

"How on earth did they find where we live?" Codeth says, not responding to your question. "Thank god Eli went in the opposite direction." he continues as he looks at the other direction. You look there too and notice that there are five infantries of Clarity, dressed in yellow armor with a vertical, wide and white stripe in the middle and the Clarity's symbol on their chest, but don't wear helmets. They are all looking at the marching troops, but don't seem like they have an intention of fighting, as they don't have any sort of formation, they're simply leaning against the walls of the surrounding houses and are holding their weapons in their scabbards.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

A few more minutes of walking pass without any talking or anything happening around the two of you. You've reached your house, everything is where it is supposed to be, all your animals are making noise and you can hear the relaxing sea waves nearby. "So, where do we keep these?" Nargil asks, referring to the cows.

856 posts

"I suggest we use the classic bait and switch. You let them in, and I'll get their attention by leaving 'my way'. Hopefully that'll draw them all away from you. I'll do it down the street to draw suspicion away from you. Sound good?"

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

"Sounds like a plan. You're getting better at this." replies Codeth with a curious face, probably still wondering how the soldiers managed to find the forge.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil follows you to the pasture, replying: "Whoever lives closest to you and Syther. To be more precise, the first one we can reach. We may need to arm ourselves, though. In case the worst happens."

856 posts

"Alright then. Any deliveries before I go?"

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

Codeth quickly views the army marching your way, while carefully, yet swiftly replying: "No, thanks, now go before they get too close."

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

While Nargil is removing the lead from the other cow, you notice that all of the animals are unharmed and behave completely normally. "Anything sharp will do. It's better to have it when you don't need it, rather than not have it when you need it, right?" he replies with a smile as he has removed the lead.

856 posts

"Alright then. See you soon." I say then run up to the roof of our house.

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