ForumsForum GamesIsland under a godly dome V3 [RP/RPG]

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To those of you who already know me, the only thing I can say is - third time's a charm. To those who don't:

Welcome to the year 1432 on the Island of Tulse. There's a lot of things going on, so I won't bother using a fancy language and try to keep this introduction short and simple.

General info:

This island is isolated from the rest of the world because it's inside an indestructible dome. It's land mass is equal to that of the country of Poland, slightly above 1 million inhabitants and the difference in climate between the north and south is like northern and southern Europe, this results in lots of hurricanes and heavy tornadoes on a regular basis. Roughly 99% of everything here is already discovered. The inhabitants are very similar to humans except for their glowing viper-like eyes and some can use magic. Recently people have discovered gunpowder and some have already started mass producing weapons that require it. Here's how it looks on a map:

Click this link to see a larger picture that also includes the names of the most important regions.

This island has a total of 3 factions and 30 kingdoms and 1 empire, 33 of these were in a 13 year long war 10 years ago. The war ended with a white peace and a 10 year truce that ends in one day from now. Mages make up about 0.0002% of the population (a.k.a. 1 in every 5000 people is a mage). English is the most commonly spoken language here, but some places speak in different languages as well.


I want to make a couple of these so that you don't cause me too many sudden problems:

1. Your character is not allowed to be able to go through, damage, change shape or influence the dome in any way.

2. Time manipulation does exist, but has limitations: you cannot skip any periods of time and you cannot go back in time. You can only pause it or make it go faster. Predicting time is allowed, though.

3. You can do anything you desire, hence why this is an RP/RPG. However, you are not allowed to choose the consequences of your actions.

Application sheet:

You only need to post this once in order to start playing. After that posting it is completely unnecessary.

Name, surname, nickname: [The name and surname is obligatory, the nickname is optional. You can also have multiple names or surnames if you so desire.]

Location: [You can either point the location in paint or something similar or tell me the whereabouts of where it is.]

Appearance: [Imagine explaining it to an illustrator.]

Personality: [The longer description, the better.]

Biography: [Everything about your current situation and the past. Things like life-changing events, other characters involved, anything that doesn't break any of the rules.]

Magic abilities: [Only necessary if you plan on having any. If you do, describe the spell and give it a name. These skills can be completely anything. It can be something primitive like shooting fireballs or something complex like having enhanced eyesight if you're 20 feet above sea level.]


To explain briefly - it's complicated due to lots of exceptions and conditional exceptions and exceptions to exceptions and so on. The only important thing to note is that when mages run out of mana (we all know what that is), they can still keep using magical spells, but they start losing various random limbs, body parts or blood and die very fast or receive permanent, incurable damage.

Factions and Kingdoms:


People call this the most evil faction and for a good reason. They believe a certain religion and all heretics are either killed or enslaved. Most of their income is made by gold, their army has a high morale due to receiving a lot of money from the government and having the right to do whatever they want, but this faction is about 30 years behind on technology from everyone else.

Vermile's Empire:

The island's only empire. Largest land mass, army and navy. Everyone has been living under strict rules and has been forced to follow every Emperor's order since childhood. The king is selfless, and only uses this to improve the Empire, not his personal life. When this Empire is at war, everyone is forced to join the military and use whatever equipment they have for battle.


The most liked and populated faction. The government is led by a council of 7 people, 2 of which are changed every 4 years. The government believes that people should have all the saying and deserve rights to do anything they want. Half of the faction's money is spent on making people's lives better and the other half is spent on everything else. This results in the army having bad equipment and a slow technological progression.


The richest and most influential faction. They are the sole reason why trade between all the various factions and countries exists, the reason why everyone has access to everything. They have the highest amount of mages, the faction is well fortified, their army is small, but well equipped, most technologically advanced and always ready for combat if the need arises.


They used to own the Aucen's island and the Islands of Augsten in their entirety and there's a reason they have their own Gulf. They used to be one of the richest kingdoms on the island until they got invaded by Vermile's Empire and are now trying to stop Vermile from invading them completely. They also have their own different language, but the letters are similar to the English language.


The weakest and least populated kingdom on the island. They are too far from other factions to help them, so the real question is who will invade them first. Currently everyone is on their way out of there.

Holy Indra's Alliance:

It is a union of the 28 remaining kingdoms who are trying to stop Vermile's Empire's rapid expansion. All of these small 28 countries speak a language that is completely different to the English language. If they were a single kingdom/faction, it would be the most populated and the richest.

Click this link to see the political map.

Final notes:

1. If you decide to be somewhere where English is not spoken, everything in that language will be translated to English for you, but the real English will be switched to something else. Don't ask why I'm going through this trouble. Everything has a reason.

2. Very often I'll say things like "might be" or "seems like". That means it has about a 60% chance of being true and a 40% chance of me trying to trick you. I'll do this very often if you're in a difficult situation.

  • 77 Replies
1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

"Very soon." replies Codeth as he lifts his palm before you turn around and start running up the stairs. Twenty seconds later you have reached the roof and you have a generally good view of everything going on the street. The imperial army is there, about 30 seconds away from reaching the entrance of your house. They all wear black armor with a purple cross and a skin colored stroke around it, just like the one on the flag. You see that the exact number of soldiers is 92. They're moving in a 6 x 15 formation with 2 people leading at the front, who are the only ones not wearing any specific uniforms and none of which you have ever seen before. One of them seems about your age and the other seems like a 40 year old.

An important thing you know about the imperial soldiers is that they move in very wide and narrow formations when they're in a battle. The narrowness allows them to move quicker and the width makes it easier to encircle the enemy. A 6 x 15 formation is used to make space and push everyone out of the way, and too thick for a battle, especially if they intend to fight a small group of opponents. Plus, it doesn't look like they have their guard up, as not one of them has pulled out a weapon.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"Yeah, a sickle would probably be better. Though, are you sure that you want to bring a club along? Looking at the distance between you and Syther, it would probably take about an hour to walk to all of the neighbors of you and Syther, if not longer, so carrying a large chunk of wood for that long may get tiring. By the way, where do I put this?" Nargil refers to the lead in his hands that he has removed from the cow.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"Yeah. Syther was already dead at least 8 days ago, and since it doesn't seem like you've seen any walking sharks or anything as absurd within that time, then it's safe to say that our chances of encountering anything are slim to none." Syther mentions before slowly walking to the barn, leaving the cow in the pasture.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"I live in the town and I only come here once in about every one to three weeks, so I don't really know this place any better than you do. If that thing has moved to a different location, then it's definitely not near my town." Nargil continues walking to the barn. A few moments later you reach it and get to the sickle's location. He takes it and swings it around a couple of times.

856 posts

I create a small breeze to try and pick up anything they might be saying

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

The Empire's inhabitants, especially the active military personnel are constantly under strict discipline, which normally forbids them from participating in pointless banter unless they are given a specific permission to do so. And as it seems, not one of the soldiers has spoken a single word, nor have any of the two in front. Eventually they reach about a 5 meter (16 feet) distance from the forge and suddenly stop walking. Both of the men in front turn around, and the one that seems forty years of age shouts to all of the soldiers: "5 minute break! Do as you please!"

All of the soldiers take off their helmets and you immediately recognize about 5 of them that you have encountered in the past. One of whom has given you the scar that you still have today. Everyone is randomly walking around the front of your house, mostly talking about things they ate this morning and cracking jokes at each other. The man who was your age, that was one of the two men in front, simply leans against the wall of the house on the opposite side of yours, looking around. Now that he is closer to you, you can see some distinct visual features. He has a very pale skin, his clothes are mostly brown and black, with a slight hint of red, he has orange eyes and hair that is such a dark shade of brown that it almost seems black.

The other man who was walking in front starts talking to one of the five Clarity's soldiers that was on the other side of your house's entrance. Using your wind magic, this is what you hear them talk: "Since you're all here, I assume we were not given false information." the older man says to the soldier, as he looks at your house and continues talking: "Are you sure that this is the right place?". The Clarity's soldier looks at your house and replies: "This one? No." he then looks at the house on the opposite side of yours. "This is where you're going to stay until tomorrow." The 40 year old man replies by lightly nodding.

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"It's about as light as I expected it to be. I could carry this thing around for the entire day with no problem." Nargil hangs the lead on the same wall and continues by asking: "I guess we're going to get you a kitchen knife and get going with our errand?"

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil follows you inside your house and walks along you upstairs. As all of your inside doors are open, he notices your room, goes in it and looks at the sea through the room's window. Meanwhile you head to the kitchen and turn left, to the cupboard that's on the right side of the door. Both cupboards in the kitchen have small doors and three shelves below them. The third shelf from the bottom is the one where you keep your knives and spoons. Inside it there are two knives. One of them has a blade that is approximately 10cm (4 inches) long, and the other is 20cm (8 inches) long.

On the opposite side of the door there's the other cupboard that mostly contains various foods and flavors. In this cupboard you have the sugar and peppermint that you used for your drink earlier. There's also some salt, about five hundred grams of solid butter and about 300 grams of cheese, all of which you made from your goats milk. Most importantly, there is a basket with about 50 raw eggs and two loafs of wheat bread.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil laughs as he turns his head from the window to your direction: "Don't worry about me. Yesterday a friend of mine had a birthday and...well...let's just say that I ate so much food that I'll probably regret it for the next couple of days."

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil lightly nods. Both of you exit the house and look at the road ahead of you that you used to get to Syther. This is the only road that leads to your house, excluding the beach. There's a crossroad about a minute away from Syther's house, which leads to all his neighbors and the village where your father used to sell fish.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"Yeah, there's no need to go to the furthest people first. That would simply be a waste of time." Nargil walks along with you on the road. Slightly more than 10 minutes later you reach the crossroad, the road in front of you leads to Syther's house, while the other two lead to various neighbors.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

As Nargil follows you to the road on the right, he shakes his head. Smiling, he says: "Don't worry. Me and my wife have a lot of food home." You continue walking on the road. The people here always have a distance of approximately fifteen minutes away from each other. After 5 minutes of walking pass, Nargil asks: "So, since I brought it up just a short while ago, what do you think is the deal with the dream that everyone on the island experienced?"

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

"I also think it's magic, but I've never seen anything of such scale to the point where it would influence the entire island. That's only my guess, though. Maybe it's only in our area. Regardless, if something that powerful exists, then we have every right to feel threatened. The purpose of it is beyond me." About ten more minutes pass and you reach a two story house surrounded by large grain fields.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

The fields are empty and you don't hear any noise coming from anywhere. You approach the house and through the front window you already notice a similar view to Syther's house. Everything is scattered throughout the floor, fragile objects broken, holes in the interior walls and all furniture has fallen over with every shelf open.

1,356 posts

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

Nargil looks through the window and sees the view inside. His facial expression becomes cold once again. He doesn't answer your question, instead he lightly pushes you off the door and kicks it with full strength. The door breaks and falls down, adding to the already existing mess that is the interior. There's a staircase on the left side that leads to the second floor, and at the end of it you see blood spilled all over it. Once again, a rotten smell appears, but not nearly as strong as the one you experienced beforehand. You don't see the corpse, though. "There's no mistaking it, let's try one more house." Nargil says coldly and without emotion, looking at the upper floor.

856 posts

I head back down to the house and create a gust of wind to get my fathers attention down in the forge

(Sorry again for the inaction. I was creating my own game. Check it out if you want. Nithentros is the name)

1,356 posts

Zexed Dakumeiji (wookie1196):

As you head back down, you hear the old man ordering the soldiers to enter the building and they were followed by the soldiers of Clarity. The only person that doesn't go inside is the young man who is still leaning against the same wall. Codeth had his guard raised, so you didn't even have to use magic to get his attention once you got down there. He says, smiling: "I'm not sure what just happened, but it obviously wasn't what we thought at first."

Ajelja Gahnajos (KatPryde):

About four hundred yards (360 meters) from the house you just visited was another path that leads into the direction of the coast. It may be a road to the closest neighboring house to you at the moment. It is in a rather forested area, though. Nargil's cold facial expression still remains, as he says, ignoring your question once again: " All this disgusting filth of human death." He looks at you and you immediately notice that he has never looked more frightened.

"Syther never died. Nobody ever died. All the wars that have happened in this island's history. The concept of human death. None of it is real, right?" the volume of his voice starts slowly decreasing: "Chajende, Ganhin, now Syther. You and my wife are probably next. But it doesn't matter. This is all a dream, right? None of the things that happened today are real, right?" He looks away and starts smiling. "I was whispering a prayer to myself back at our friend's place for Syther. Looks like I didn't have to. If I die here, everything will go back to normal...back to...normal..." He stops smiling and continues walking down the road.

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