I will post my first story (i already made it) just after TSL3_needed confirms about the story, b/c i have a feeling this is going to be like The Spam War....so yea...
btw....if you want to be in the story....just post here...b/c this is the beginning of AG, u most at less be iron Lord or higher...or have bean in AG for more then 7 months...
ZOMG! I can haz be in the storeh?? Are there requirements?
Oh i see...dose are stronger words? I will use them indeed. First yes, second yes there is.
btw....if you want to be in the story....just post here...b/c this is the beginning of AG, u most at less be iron Lord or higher...or have bean in AG for more then 7 months...
can i be in ur story
ummm...you didn't meet the requirement, but i still think i have something for you, so i will say for this one yes.
Lol, can I be in the story? What are the requirements anyway?
Reading the post two posts above yours, for one.
"btw....if you want to be in the story....just post here...b/c this is the beginning of AG, u most at less be iron Lord or higher...or have bean in AG for more then 7 months..."
Green, sam, and lolo are ready to go to AG's land to take the gol....wait....right! Green, sam, lolo, and Green's grasshoper are going to AG's land. But just before they went off to a new adventure, they though about the long way to the land. It was discouraging them. Dudeguy noticed that, and said:
''Wait. I think i have something to help you out.''
Dudeguy ran off, and said to Green (the team leader) to wait.
''Were do you think he is going?'' Asked lolo.
''I have no idea. Lets just wait and watch.'' Responded Green.
Dudeguy came back whit a animal. A blue animal. It was a manta. Lolo and sam was surprised. Not Green. Dudeguy noticing again, said:
''Let me explain...''
Dudeguy explained that a manta, even if its a aquatic creature, is a very fast animal, on ground, and water. So, he says, instead of taking 2 days to go, it will take only 1. So 24 hours.
''Thanx....but those the animal have a name?'' Asked sam.
''Yes it dose.'' Said Green before Dudeguy could answer. ''It's The Manta!'' Finished Dudeguy.
''What, thats it?!'' Said sam surprised.
''Yea why not? Its simple, and easy to remind.'' Said Dudeguy.
Before they go, Dudeguy said that Green had to talk to him in private....
Zlith couldn't believe it. He try to get up, but he is wounded, and tired. He still gets up through.
''You shouldn't move to much.'' Said Graham by approaching Zlith.
''Don't touch me!''
''I understand that you are scared that you are in ennemys base, but we have something important to tell you.''
''Something important?''
''Yes, but the vice-king, might tell you it better then me.''
The door opens and a person enters the room. Graham bows, and leaves the room. The person stares Zlith, and tells him to calm down, and that they don't want to harm you. Zlith calms down, but stills keeps a bit of vigilance.
''Hello! You might of heard of me. I am the vice-king, Ernie15.''
''What....what do you want whit me?'' Asked Zlith.
''I want to ask you a preposition.''
Dudeguy and Green were now in a little house. Away from sam, and lolo.
''What is it?'' Said Green.
''I saw your skills back then, and the king agreed whit me to make you Knight.''
Green was really happy. But Dudeguy stopped him.
''Calm down.'' He said, while smiling.
''I am sorry''
''Its okay. But because you will have to go right away, i will give your sword now.''
Dudeguy past a sword to Green. Wean they came back, Sam, and lolo were really surprised. But Dudeguy said to go, and spare the emotions for later. Now it will start. The adventure that will change all the lands. Green, sam, and lolo are now going to the far land called AG......
To be continued....
Author's notes:
This is my next chapter, i think its a bit longer then the other one. I had a lot of ideas. I am trying hard to put everyone that asked in the story. Sorry if i couldn't put everyone. I will try next chapter. That goes for you too ferary