This thread is based off of a few different threads like The Twisted Pictures Machine or Epic Picture Weirdifier. Threads like those have been popping up everywhere, so I thought, "Why not make a contest out of it!" Basicly, this thread is a contest of who can make the funniest/weirdest/coolest picture out of any ordinary photo. I will look for suggestions for pictures from players, once I see one I really like I'll chose the picture and the people will start their editing. I'll chose the best picture and announce the winner.
Everyone, here is how the rating will happen on the 15th, the judges will give each photo a rating from 1-10 and also a comment to go with it. I'll then give a average rating for each photo and announce the winner! Here is how each rating palate will look:
*Artist's name* Moat: *Moat's rating from 1-10 and comment* Fluffy: *My rating from 1-10 and comment* TSL: *TSL's rating from 1-10 and comment* Overall picture rating: *I'll give a average for the photo*
Great job everyone! Here are the ratings/comments for each picture!
GuitarHeroFtw Moat: 5/10 - I hate to be rough on you with my rating. But you hardly changed this one at all. Nothing but the lure was changed, and although I do admire your humor in that, I think you could've done far better. Far better Fluffy: 3/10 - uhh... that isn't very different. At all. >.> TSL: 5.5/10 - All in all it was very bland, and not a lot of creativity. It did however make me lawl, so I gave it points. Not the greatest. Average picture rating: 4.5
Jdoggparty Moat: 8/10 - Very good, but could've been better. A little too bright on the eyes, and let's be honest, it wouldn't have taken that much effort or time to make. Fluffy: 8/10 - Awesome job with the Heat Map effect! The colors look very good together, with the red backround and all. TSL: 7/10 - I definitely liked the thermal image type look, as well as the curvy type antennae. The graphic level however seemed to drop. Pretty good if I say so myself. Average picture rating: 7.6
Thisisnotanalt Moat: 9/10 - I liked it a lot! Very pretty, much different from the original, and very nice to look at. Also, you can tell that this one took some real effort. Fluffy: 8/10 - Very nice. Nice contrasting colors. TSL: 8.5/10 - Very colorful, definitely my favorite. I like the patterns on the 'wall' behind it. It makes me think that it's a painting on a wall. Truly a great edit. Makes me wish I had photoshop. Average picture rating: 8.5
Ligaboy Moat: 6.5/10 - Well, I can tell that took some time and effort, and it is epically weirdified. But in my opinion, it just doesn't look good at all. It's blurred to death and a mess of pixels and bright light. Fluffy: 9/10 - The colorless effect makes the picture look almost unreal, I think it's my favorite. TSL: 7.5/10 - While very bland, the effect is magnificent. It's almost like I'm looking through some glass in space. Very good. Average picture rating: 7.73
Cholokid Moat: 7.5/10 - Although this clearly didn't take much effort(didn't do anything but invert colors, yeah?)it looks very good. Although I think you could have done better with the colors; the fish tends to kind of blur into the white background, and it's a bit too bright on the eyes. Fluffy: 4/10 - Not very interesting, it didn't look like it took very much effort. but still kinda looks cool. >.< TSL: 5/10 - As he said yay, I said nay. The only effect I see in it is an invert. Not very creative. Doesn't look very good either. Average picture rating: 5.5
Parrot657 Moat: 3/10 - And I repeat the reasons why Guitarheroftw's got a low rating as well:But you hardly changed this one at all. Nothing but the lure was changed. And you get less points than he does because I at least gave him humor and originality. You as well as copied him. Fluffy: 6/10 - Lol. It kinda makes me laugh cause' it just looks like the fish is just staring crazily at it, lol. 6/10 for funniness/creativity. Just next time, try to put more effort into it. You know this contest is called the Picture Changing Contest. TSL: 6.5/10 - Very good, nice creativity. Also quite funny. Nothing other than that stands out. Average picture rating: 5.16
Crimsonblade55 Moat: 7/10 - Not bad. I like the cool color schematic and especially the bloody teeth,and a fair amount of effort was put into it. But it still could've been better I guess I'll update as new submissions are added, eh? Fluffy: 7/10 - Pretty cool. But this contest is called, once again, The Picture Changing Contest. TSL: /10 - N/A sry :/ Average picture rating: 7
Fluffy: GREAT JOB! Everyone's pictures are really, really, awesome. Pure awesomeness in this thread. Sorry for posting so early but I can't go on tomorrow or the next day. Sorry for no merit reward but you get to be on my profile! Moat: All in all, everyone put in a great effort and a great picture and it was very difficult to make my decisions! I hope that my well-intended criticism doesn't come off too strong, and that it helps you TWIST better pictures. I also hope you had a good time participating in the Picture Changing Contest, and whoever wins, everyone's pictures pwn. This coming from someone who TWISTS pictures often as well.