This thread is based off of a few different threads like The Twisted Pictures Machine or Epic Picture Weirdifier. Threads like those have been popping up everywhere, so I thought, "Why not make a contest out of it!" Basicly, this thread is a contest of who can make the funniest/weirdest/coolest picture out of any ordinary photo. I will look for suggestions for pictures from players, once I see one I really like I'll chose the picture and the people will start their editing. I'll chose the best picture and announce the winner.
=/ He didn't really change it. He just drew it again, but with different colors. I think?
Different background, the fish is now having spots on the lover body instead of stribes. Also, if changing colours and background and marking are not "changing it", then what do you call simply blurring the image, or making a whirl one place, or goofy-fying it.... Might not be accepted at manipulations, which I am okay with, but saying it has not changes from the original is a lie.
Still, you should at least try a new effect of try to manipulate it a different way, you'll probably make it really awesome like the last round, that one was amazing.
Still, you should at least try a new effect of try to manipulate it a different way
I am, I was saying what I did to the picture last round looked really cool on the picture this round and wish I had done something different last round, so I could do what I did last round, this round.
ya, This is my first try, though I'm pretty sure I could do better.... ps:if you copy and paste it somewhere else then invert the colours it still looks cool.