*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
Wow... these drawings are inspiring me too draw *twinkly eyes*
Go draaaaaaaw D:
And I only got this (behold of the signs that AG can't display!!) "Undersøgelsen vil kredse omkring navigations-taksonomien, for at se hvor nemt det er at finde rundt på skat.dk og hvordan man kan finde de korrekte informationer uden at få problemer, idet siden er skabt på baggrund af ønsket om, at brugeren skal kunne klare mange, hvis ikke alle opgaver fra hjemmet, i stedet for at måtte ringe op til Skat, eller tage til det nærmeste kontor. Navigationen er en vigtig del af hjemmesider, og ofte noget der kan gøre brugere frustrerede, hvis den ikke er lige til. Af denne grund bør det være nemt for både ekspert og novice brugere at kunne navigere på sitet. Især for sites omkring det offentlige skulle have et let og ligetil navigationssystem, der ikke giver problemer eller sænker brugerens tålmodighed med sitet, idet det vil virke mere besværligt at skulle navigere på en ny måde, og muligvis uden funktioner mange vil finde tryghed og genkendelse i, og som bliver brugt jævnligt. Den deskriptive taksonomi vil ikke blive undersøgt, da det kan forventes at der bliver brugt et professionelt og specialiseret sprog med termer, der er skabt til at blive brugt inden for denne del af samfundet. Det ville være interessant at undersøge om informationerne og termerne er forståelige og bliver forklaret, samt om der er synonymer i søgningen, i tilfælde af at en bruger ikke kender det rigtigt begreb, men jeg vil ikke beskæftige mig med dette denne gang."
Lemme translate with my logic and German support...
Navigation? Duh...
Af denne grund
Aus diesen grund? Because of this?
Gah, if I continue I'll be up all night. So I'll just comment on the Eevee...
Crafty eyes. They give the appeal of a puppy but you can tell it's not one from the face shape. I like them... The added shine gives them the effect os slightly protruding out of the face.
Still deciding how to draw the body? It looks good, maybe the legs could be a bit thicker (Warning: 100% completely biased).
I don't know why I'm not going to participate in the current competition, perhaps because I'm lazy...
Really not looking to pick another discussion like our last one, but...
Ahhhh come on, I can't write 'This is my opinion, and it is totally biased' on every one of my thoughts.
I see something. Really. But I'm not telling you what.
If you see something, surely you would say what you see, so as not to lead people to believe that you don't actually see anything and are therefore embarrassing yourself and giving Cen incentive to pwn you again?
@Uli: It's the paper for one of my exams. It makes me tired. As for the eevee, I don't think I will finish it at all, I would have to redraw the fluff around its neck if I did, and would have to erase the sketch underneath by hand instead of simply removing the layer. Lazyness wins everything.
@MoonFairy: Thanks. I do what I can.
Then we got the trouble. That period is a link.
Cen just totally pwned you.
Yeah, Cen is soooo awesome at pwning himself...
Pwning myself now? How so?
I disagree. I see something. Really. But I'm not telling you what.
But no feedback for me.
I think that made sense.
It did. Thank you Jess. Nice to see you around again.
In other news, for the people who don't want to go back a page to see what the link hid:
A design for a villain I was planning to maybe use some day. Idk about it anymore, but at least he is not stuck in my head. He likes bombs, he is rather laid back, but always on time. Whether this time he is on is his own or everyone else's is something I can't tell you. A strange mix of order and chaos, and not very villainous looking. Unless he is standing with his watch, counting down to the moment he is going to blast your head off with the bomb he places around your neck. He is a little psychotic, yes, but it usually comes in waves. As long as you miss the Tsunami or the seventh wave*, you should be fine.
*Seventh wave being the biggest of the waves as per myths.
It did. Thank you Jess. Nice to see you around again.
Good. I've actually been here for about 3 or 4 days now, but I've not posted because I have nothing interesting to say. Ha
I clicked the link earlier and to be honest, I didn't think he looked like a villain because of the bright colours and the smirk. Now I think about it, he looks more like a children's villain. Does he have a name?
Good. I've actually been here for about 3 or 4 days now, but I've not posted because I have nothing interesting to say. Ha
I know what you mean. Thus inventing/introducing the [reason for lock here] tags I put in the titles.
I clicked the link earlier and to be honest, I didn't think he looked like a villain because of the bright colours and the smirk. Now I think about it, he looks more like a children's villain.
Funnily enough he was made to look very little like a villain. The idea strung to mind while reading a thread about CoX (City of Heroes/Villains, a mmorpg about, well, heroes and villains). It was a story about someone being insulted for having a villain that didn't look villainous, and he just came to mind. He is a bit like a children comic's villain. Besides the gore, and the success at being evil, of course. Rest of the time it would be a blend of the generic villain behaviour (rubbing hands together while laughing devilish, having a real evil laugh) and just being a bit of a stoner.
And no, sadly no name, and half of the information I am making up on the spot. I don't know if he will ever be other than a drawing and a bit of text, so I didn't go through the trouble of finding a name. Though I could imagine it would be something long and hard to pronounce, and he would go "Hello, I am *regular name here* von *odd name filled with made up words, Qs and other oddities, which takes long to say* *little gaps for breath*. But you can call me Doof."