This is a thread where Fallen'll be posting his pencil works. Fallen is very open to constructive criticism, and will refer all impolite people to the rules of conduct of this Ag section. Without any further ado, Fallen will post a Blazingly hot Flareon upon this page.
Well I don't know if Albator was mediatised in the U.S. but if it did, you'll have to ask your parents about it ^^. In any case, that's a space pirate Samus AIN'T BEATING!! Did it some two or three years ago, I just recently started to date my drawings to avoid such confusion.
based off your pencil art, I'm reading that you are more of a big picture kinda guy, that you go for a more complete effect rather than incredibly detailed. I am still a lot like that more "impressionist" as to leave an impression on someone so they'd come back and view my works more, then do an incredibly detailed piece of work.
even though, I still quite enjoy working under a magnifying glass and design engine assemblies (ID: industrial design)
I guess I'm just not experienced enough to do as detailed work as an engine. I've made a gun design while in high school, a magnum drawed on sectionnal view. I may try my hand at it some other time.
TRUdog thinks that FallenSky's artwork is fantastic. TRUdog also thinks that FallenSky should start referring to himself in the third-person again because TRUdog thought it was hilarious.
Uh, TruDog your a bit late... XD FALLEN SAID AINT! OMG your a true southerner now. join the club. I can feel the stares when I post something that says yall or aint..... XD
TRUdog also thinks that FallenSky should start referring to himself in the third-person again because TRUdog thought it was hilarious.
for the love of god, 1 person talking in 3rd person = hilarious to an extent, (mr. pockets) as he points on the innately funny things and his own thought process. That is funny. but when 8 other people do it.... it makes it seem slightly more annoying than anything.
Does that guy have a diamond in his hand, or is that a hole? Also, does the blade purposely get thicker the higher it goes?
I have to say, it's pretty a cool drawing. I wish I could draw eyes like that (I'm still drawing them like Yugi's millennium eye, only recently moving to skin flaps over pupils). I don't get the reason for the skull symbols though.
Lol, because it's a tribute to Albator, it's not my original character. Albator is a cartoon that aired when your parents were young, I always thought that for its time, it looked absolutely fantastic. Basically, Albator is a space pirate so, yeah, skulls... The blade's just because I was tired; made it sketchy. As for the diamond, I totally don't get what you're refering too...
TRUdog, even though I really had a knack at expressing myself in third person, I stopped since I couldn't get on any serious thread anymore. Plus, I'm a pretty serious person myself so I didn't want people to think of me as a clown. As DDX said, MrPockets really should be the only third person representative on Ag, it'd be all the more funny.
And Moon, Ain't ain't ain't ain't ain't!! God, I've been told that I sound British but now Southerner!!
XDDDDDD ROFL FALLEN!! You are a serious person? I never noticed... Seriously. Well... you never really joke around alot... but still. you're funny in your own way plus @the 3rd person thing, It was alot harder to think in third person... I like to type like I am myself. not Mitsuki would like to tell you that she is very happy right now. plus, you can't really add smilies. XD and smilies are AWESOME =3
To all people hoping that the next piece of work will be an amazing drawing: I just drew a sharpener... Umm, until I scan the's a tribute to kenkakenka.
Next'll be an original art, I promise...Aside from the sharpener I mean...