This is a thread where Fallen'll be posting his pencil works. Fallen is very open to constructive criticism, and will refer all impolite people to the rules of conduct of this Ag section. Without any further ado, Fallen will post a Blazingly hot Flareon upon this page.
wasn't that guy on page 9 called Captain Harloc...oh he was...just checked :P but when you say parents were didn't they make that series in the 80's ? or was it already 70's?
anyways for those who don't know about it so here is the picture here
Sincerly, it is a complete coincidence. Even though I like your thourough concern I would have prefered if you had posted a link instead of a pic. As for JereN, his name is really ALbator but as I said, this show may not have been aired in the states...
And By the way, I don't know who's this drako fella, but he lacks substance and precision in his traits, I don't like really appreciate that picture of wolf link...Wolf link looks more...dignified.
Even so, if he's got the skill to do that, adding depth and details shouldn't be that hard. If he was too lazy to do it then it's as sad as drawing without the spirit. And are you sure DDX? I thought he was using a Drawing Pad...
Even so, seeing how he's able to do finer traits even with a pad, it'd been easy to hack a little here and there...Ah, anyhow, here's a little perspective work I made with a sharpener, too me about 10-15 minutes. Note that the hacking's not looking as smooth as it should since I'm using photobucket's autofix option to make it look darker for the thread. Anyways...Sharpener....
Now as I promised to you, and since the thread has grown, I'll choose one reasinable suggestion weekly and I'll try to do draw it for you, so when you comment, feel free to tell me what uoi would like to see me draw ^^.
Also, for those who have missed some works, there's a nice drawing on page 10 that needs to be seen. I feel it has been skipped since the thread's expanding pretty fast ^^. Thank you all, keep coming please!
Nice sharpener! It looks darn close to the real thing. The screws look very real...
I'll choose one reasinable suggestion weekly and I'll try to do draw it for you
Ok... I want you to draw a river going through mountains. A bit like this, although that doesn't have to be the motive.
The reason I'm saying that is because I had to draw that for Art class with oil paints (my water was awesome, but the mountains could've been rainbow crystals).
Well, I officially announce the art suggestion thread open, I'll be your artist! Now Ulimited, I'll ponder that after having some more entries, but you'll surely have the honor of being the very first to have his suggestion drawn. It will be in pencil however ^^. Thanks for the great comments!
After having some suggestions, I'll announce the beggining of the first week. I'll try my best to make a drawing of your suggestions each week, it'll prove to be quite a good practice for me since I don't draw all that often. You're free to keep your suggestions or make new ones for the next week if I don't take yours; the criterias are decency, originality and of course, interest on my part ^^.