This is a thread where Fallen'll be posting his pencil works. Fallen is very open to constructive criticism, and will refer all impolite people to the rules of conduct of this Ag section. Without any further ado, Fallen will post a Blazingly hot Flareon upon this page.
Here you go, another hand drawing. I messed up the depth effect of the book, but since it was an *eraser prohibited* drawing, I guess this thread can tolerate it ^^. The suggested drawing weeks will take place soon enough, I'm still awaiting some more ideas. The Maw section is having it rough these days... Anyhow, Voila, used the autofix of photobucket yet again so it looks actually darker than it is. The shading was not totally respected by the scanner but the result it still satisfying in my opinion; what's yours!
not to be mean or anything, but I think you can have a greater range of values in your hand, because when i step away from the screen it looks a bit 2d ish. which is an artist's greatest dilemma (mine at least). anyway keep it up looking forward to more work
Wow that really cheers me up guys, thanks a lot. I'll do my best to sustain the thread in new entries so keep coming, and if you haven't checked all the pages be sure to go take a look, you might have missed something^^.
WOW! Unexpected shout from a certain zombie called Alt! So, you gonna eat my brain to become more clever? Don't even try, I'll phoenix down you to re-death!