this was inspired by one of meh favorite first person shoooter games, wolfteam. if anybody plays wolfteam, tell meh and i'll add you. i already have a plot in mind for this book, and it'll be written in Present Tense. More to come soon! Cheers, HooRah!
lol yes i realized that. with my other book, i already have some chapters made up. with this, it's off the top of meh head sadly . i might just give up on this.
ummm yeah i could i have a chapter pretty well made up. in here... *pokes at head with wide eyes while slow nodding* i probably will tonight after im done playing wolfteam...
sorry cenere thisll be cleared up soon dont worry, and yes rushing is very fun. dont think ill be able to post tonight, got grounded at supper and have to go with friends sumwhere. sorry i didn't meet you wolfish love XD. it involves werewolfs though...
It was more a comment on people having a special liking to wolves. And horses and tigers. Popular animals are popular. And now you reminded me of a book that is tempting me > >; But good luck with the writing, may the block miss.
The General sits back in his leather chair and surveys the room around him. he sees the blank computer screen and his personal assistant, Williams, flicking through more files.
"Williams?" he asks. "what number are we on?" Williams replies hurridly. "wellsirwereonnumberfortynine, nearfinishedactually,soontomovetofifty, whoifimaysayso, isanexcellentmarksman..."Williams?" the general interrupts. "yessir?" says Williams cheerfully. "shut up" the general states flatly. williams normally happy face goes sullen. "yessir." comes the expected reply.
Williams clicks a button and a man's photot shows on the screen. he has rough stubble, pointed eyes and a sharp nose. the general reads the following inforamrtion below.
Name: Richard Witzer Rank: staff seargeant Age: 47 Specialized: explosives Health: Perfect Family: only child, parents Station: middle east deceased.
"too old, knows too much." the general comments. "oh, and skip 50, the team already has 2 snipers." he adds in. Williams glares at him as if he has done him some personal wrong. Williams skips the ext portfolio and shows another portrait, this one of a clean shaven young man with brown hair, brown, soft eyes, and a harsh face. the general again reads the information.
Name: Michael Rench Rank: corporal Age: 24 Specialized: close combat Health: perfect Family: deceased ; Fire Station: National Guard Fort.
"Williams," says the general." I think this may be our guy." "no family." he continues." to ask questions if something happened, no necessary job duty, young, low rank, and trained in close combat." Williams agrees. the general stares at him for talking again. "uhhh... yeah i'll go call Exis in now.." Williams says as he skitters through the doorway. moments later, a figure shrouded in shadows appears. he is a dark silhouette, even with some light filtering in from outside. "you called me?" he says in a low growl. the general, solid as he is, feels uncomfortable around him. "i believe i've found the last member of your team, he meets all necessary requi.." the general says as Exis cuts him off. "the team is complete, with the last member." Exis echoes. Exis steps from the shadows he wears dark leather with silver straps and chains. a wide-brimmed western styled hat covers his face. tilting it backwards, he reveals three long, deep scars running down his face. "So my Wolfteam is complete." it's more of a statement than a question.
tell me what you think, i'm trying to start this one off slowly. if it seems a bit rushed guess what.. i rushed.. so sorry for anybody expecting better :P XD
thank you Nilo! 1 supporter and counting. ^^ williamns talks like that to show he is quick and jittery, and also trying to "lease" the general so fast it's to the point of annoyance XD. this is what i imagine him as, like the guy from darkwach but hairier and not as theatrical