The sun was up at its apax. The sky was alight with the firey brightness of the giant ball of gas hanging in the air. The stroller rolled down the hill in Los Angeles, and the mother screamed and ran after it. She tripped, and fell, but, she managed to grab the baby as she was falling, and bring it to safety. A car ran over them. The end.
Okay trumpetfury, now that you're building up a collection of award winning stories, I'm thinking you should probably keep them in a single thread from this point on! It would make browsing a little bit easier.
No the lesson is, don't let go of your baby stroller and you won't get run over. I definitely agree with strop. Dude, your story was a movie that is awesome, so you wrote, directed, and produced it?
DDX mean things arent nice to say first of all. and second of all, thank you Strop, for appreciating my awesomeness, i will make a thread for all my award winning stories, and DDX, i make these stories to make people laugh. not to spam, or or anything.... :\\
DDX mean things arent nice to say first of all. and second of all, thank you Strop, for appreciating my awesomeness, i will make a thread for all my award winning stories, and DDX, i make these stories to make people laugh. not to spam, or or anything.... :\\\\
well I didnt know you made an effort into those stories. I thought they were just spam (since you make a new thread every single time) if not spam, then a particular form of trolling.