The sun was up at its apax. The sky was alight with the firey brightness of the giant ball of gas hanging in the air. The stroller rolled down the hill in Los Angeles, and the mother screamed and ran after it. She tripped, and fell, but, she managed to grab the baby as she was falling, and bring it to safety. A car ran over them. The end.
That is bad, as usual, but that's what makes it funny in a certain way. Total randomness, it's like saying; a potato was walking, it tripped and then exploded, fin. But...they don't award Oscars for stories!?!
Nah maybe the Short story award from the Story awards.
I host it. =D Lol, I just made the Story Awards. five minutes later. "Hello! Peoples...The winner to the most random and best short story is Trumpetfury. *Applause*
3 sentences in: "My god, there's a story forming here. This guy might actually be able to-" *reads last sentences* "You have pissed me off a multiple of 3 times. You have less writing capability than Stephanie Meyer. Congratulations, you are now less than a n00b."
And everyone applauds this? I am ashamed of you people.
Besides, what's worse about this, is that you actually have the ability to make a good story, but you won't. You put 0 effort into it and you give writers a bad name because of it. I won't laugh at something that my friend's 6 year old little sister could have thought of.
But you can make something good! You obviously have the ability to write, and fairly good at that. But you don't want to. You want to take a dump on literacy and then say "laugh at it".
SO I'll say it again: put some effort into it and I'll actually give you the Thoadsy seal of approval.
i wrote this as a joke, i didnt write it bad. if that makes sense, i purposely wrote it bad, to make it stupid. yes, i could write something good, i've even attempted a book or 3. but i get bored easily, and im easily amused. i cant sit down for too long, until i see something on the ground and go, 'oooooooooooooooo loooook at thaaaat...' and just stare at it. At the beginning i somewhat contradicted myself, but think nothing of it! :P
i wrote this as a joke, i didnt write it bad. if that makes sense, i purposely wrote it bad,
That isn't even good comedy!
C'mon, just try. I dare you to TRY and write a good, well done story here on AG. If you do, I will give you 1 "IOU" where you can basically order me to do anything you want.