ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Land of Antonia

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First of all, this story is fictional and the ants' social behaviors are different than in a real anthill-so please don't post a comment if it's going to talk about "Ants don't behave that way".


The Call went on. Hundreds of Ants poured out of the Anthill. A dead cricket has been found not too far. It was massive, well, at least for Ant standards. Its huge legs were flat on the ground and its body was some inches long. Hundreds of ants slowly and carefully carried its huge body into the Anthill.
The Queen Koldrymandias is always hungry, but it's no time to eat. Nearby anthill Antopolis has been awkwardly sending ants to their food supply location, and many ants were starving. But, as mother of the great complex, she got the first bite. Then the cricket's body was munched by many ants, starting with the hungriest of all. They had been lucky to find a cricket of such size.


"That cricket sure was heavy" told Ban the ant to his friends Lan and Zan "I'm happy we had a mouthfull. "
"Yes" Agreed Zan "Just hope the idiots of that other anthill...errr what was its name?"
"Antopolis" Told Ban to his Friend
"Well, those guys get away from our food." He angrily said " If I were queen, I would start the war. Let it begin, we got nothin' to lose and much to win"

But that was what he thought.


"Granzan!" Called the Queen "A cup of water! I am thirsty. It is not a good thing, for I am your Queen!"
"Yes your highness, happy to help you Highness." He said Humbly. "Would you like..."
"Plain water fool" She said. Then she had him banished for asking a question. The Queen was proud.
The water was brought to her presence by the finest of chefs.


Granzan took his family away in the night to avoid any questions. They wandered in the wild for many nights, eating any dead catterpilar or bug, with scarcely enough food to live. They passed the Great Antropolis and the Butterfly Plains.They took residence five miles to the East. They were the founders of anthill Garvarson in which liberty was ensured, and you could name yourself something that didn't end in -an, so Granzan changed his name into "Gransces", which in the language he created for his anthill, meant "The Free one" or "He who escaped opression".
Many ants, in either day or night fled away to the new anthill, were they learned Gransces's tongue. They all changed their names as it was, as tradition, fordibben for your name to end in -an. In some weeks, the ants in Garvarson were from ten ants to ten hundred, and then to ten thousand.
But each winter, the butterflies from Butterfly plain came to the anthill for a place to survive, and the ants welcomed them with open
hands, as long as they had their own food, for the ants in the anthill barely had enough for themselves. So, trade flourished as traders from this anthill, using butterflies as steeds, went into North, South and West, but never to the East, for the Wicked Queen there had her home.
They became rich, and soon had a great supply of food, so they didn't starve, unlike the nearby anthill, which completely depended on the nearby food supply. So, they built great walls, ten inches high and two inches wide to cover the anthill, and the anthill wasn't a simple mound, but a city with hundreds of miniature buildings and skyscrapers towering through the metropolis, and small suburbian houses. These buildings were made of white and grey bricks, while the wall was made of white bricks. Altough it had these great defenses, the Anthill lacked soldiers . But that was not a problem, for there were many mercenaries nearby.
And on the top of the great anthill, a great tower stood. It was completely made of bronze and iron, forged in the hands of Calderon the Great. It was twenty inches high, and could be seen for many yards. In the tower, the King, the Queen and their kids lived peacefully. The tower inside was far more beautiful than in the outside. IT was strong, very strong, and could resist hard storms and rocks, so, when storms came, the ants from all over the city came to seek shelter, and none was turned back, and they happily welcomed them, even if the only place available for them to be was in the king's room. But its engineers had designed it carefully, and there was room for 50,000 ants.


Feedback would be appreciated!

  • 76 Replies
3,937 posts

In this story every female ant is like a mini-queen. She marries a male and they form a family, much like humans.

938 posts

I think that there should be a winged ant that comes into the equation. He's an eerie, sketchy sorta figure. He's missing an eye and antenna on one side, and he has a long rip in one of his wings from battles long ago. He could be a mercenary/spy for the Queen. There could be a lot of different plot scenarios this way.
Also, try to get your tenses correct. I've seen a couple of parts where you messed up.

3,937 posts

Yes, I'm not very good at spelling and grammar.

3,937 posts

Here's the next chapter on how they escaped from the Queen's hands.


Ban continued walking as if nothing was happening, not noticing some guards following him closely. The peaple looked at him, fearing what would happen after rumors of guards killing innocent peaple started going abroad. He came before the Gate of the city, and called the guards above.
"Hey, I'm leaving! Please open the d-" He had no time for the next word as one of the guards punched him on the head, and the other werestled him to the ground. Ban fought against the guards, took one by the neck and threw him at the wall, and the other came by the rear and kicked Ban in the Back. He fell to the ground and the guard started laughing. The other guard was knocked out, at the bottom of the wall. Ban stood up and punched him in the face, but then the guard kicked him on the head and Ban was left unconscious.


The Queen, sat on her massive throne, ordered the guards to take Zan to her presence. He still was blindfolded, and his hands were handcuffed. He was thrown to the floor. The Queen cruelly laughed, and then spoke:
"So" she said with her ugly voice, which was unpleasant to the ear "You are the mighty Zan, who has dared my power. I have learned you and your friends have wished to go, away, far far away,to Garvarson, the town of the fools." She laughed out loud "They defy my power, know that I'm gonna burn that city to ashes. To Ashes,!" She laughed maniatically. Only then did Zan notice his handcuffs were bigger than his hands, so he could easily escape.
"Look who's a fool" he thought.
He rapidly took off the handcuffs and the blindfold. The Queen was surprised. She took out a small sword from the throne. Zan ran through the corridors of the palace. Guards were hot on pursuit. He jumped a sword aimed at his knees, ducked left at an arrow, which hit a guard, and jumped at a small spear. He passed many corridors and at last, he saw the door. It was open. He saw the stairs to reach the small house, which was in a small hill. Without thinking, he throwed himself at the floor and rolled down the stairs. The guards tried following, but their heavy armor made them clumsy, and they fell on their way. Zan ran, ran away, and then jumped into Ban's home. Ban was nowhere to be seen, and only then he realized where his friends were.
"That Queen's gonna pay!" He thought, he ran out of the house after a quick drink, to rescue his friends.


Ban suddenly woke up from his unconsciousness. He was being taken in a small cart. He saw the guards were unaware of him, and were talking about their reward for taking him to the Queen. He turned his head and saw Lan, his head was full of blood, "they punched him, allright" he thought. "innocent Lan." Then, in the street, he saw a guy running at top speed at him. He rocognized Zan. He was very tired, and at last reached them. The guards didn't notice his presence.
"Hey Za--"
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh" he wispered "imma get you outta here"
He ran towards the guards and punched one in the face. The other looked around too late so see Zan's leg in kicking position. He was kicked in the stomach. The guard fell to the ground. Then, Ban and Zan put on the guards' uniforms, and disguised themselves, and put a blanket in Lan's unconscious body, and some pots and jars on the cart. They looked like guards going to some outpost in the frontier. They took the cart on which Lan was covered, and went to the gate.
"The Queen sent us to an errand in the border with Antopolis!" Zan screamed. "Urgent. We need to get there fast!"
The guards inmediately opened, and they were free. They happily sang after they were many yards away from the city. They marched, resting liittle, covering their tracks. After a week, Lan woke up, but he was badly injured, for the guard had punched him with his Iron Gauntlet, and the ants threw to the floor the heavy armor, for now there was no danger, and wore their normal clothes. So he rested while the others happily cooked, hunted and sang, hapy to be far away from the Queen and her malice. At last, after a month'ss journey, they saw the great city, its great white tower shone in the light of the sun, the great wall shimmering white, the massive doors open, hundreds of ants going in, and in the skies, hundreds of ants with butterflies as steeds, went to West, North and South, the butterflies loaded with rare spices and ornate pots. The guards were many, and they were completely armored in Iron, with golden ornaments shining in the sun, always ready. From the great white tower, the great flag of the city was proudly shown to all the ants.
But when they reached the gate, the guards on the ground, inpecting the new ants who came to live in the city asked for their names. They had told them their names, and the guards had told them to change them. One of the warriors came forth, and gave them a dictionary, and some prefixes and suffixes. The new names were: Banis, meaning "New Ban", Zarratonix, meaning "Zan the Brave" and Laelenic meaning "The good one".
So they were inspected, and when they saw they were free of weapons or armor, they gave them entrance to the city. If the city was impressive from the outside, it was ten times as impressing from the inside, for there was no Adobe House, but all were made of Marble, and plants were everywere, covering an patch not occupied by a house. The roads were made of perfectly alligned rocks, so none tripped. The city was great, yes, and the ants were shown to their house. Nearby was the Great City's Market, full of busy ants, buying and selling. They were given a small manual of the city's rules:

1. Thou shall not slay any fellow civilians, unless thou art under danger of death thyself.

2. Thou shall pay the taxes, five iron coins a year, and one golden coin.

3. Thou shall not rob

After, in public, swore an oath to keep them, they were given entrance to their house again, there where three beds covered with nice blankets, one couch, a table, four chairs for the table, a fireplace to cook and a white wooden door, because these were courtesy of the King himself, for he had many riches and wished to give them to the citizens. Also, nearby too was the theater, and the bank, but other buildings, like the tavern, were far away, but mani taxis-a cart with worms pulling it-were in the city, and the worms had been carefully given the genes, for selective breeding had been used, so the worms endured many hours at top speeds, which were as fast as some ants.


In a dark chamber, far from the city, war leaders planned an attack, but these weren't ants, but wicked beasts many times the size of the ants. in Garvarson they were known as the "Podialtiri" which means "the giant killer", and in Antopolis as Fell'Dresdo which means "huge beast", and finally, in the Queen's city, they were know simply as 'Mantises'. After deciding carefully, they chose an anthill to attack.

4,689 posts

Ohh! Awesome story adn the mantis bit at the end was a good way to end it.

1,903 posts

I like these, but what happened to chapter 1.3?

3,937 posts

Ohh! Awesome story adn the mantis bit at the end was a good way to end it.


I like these, but what happened to chapter 1.3?

Oh, I'm just going to do even chapters.

1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0
That's the way it will go, if I do each odd number, it would take much time to do a single chapter.

To resume this, each chapter has 6 little chapters.
676 posts

This is really fun to read. Go, umm zantic and batic and lanic, umm or whatever their names are lol jk I say the big beast should attack any hill but Garvarson because it made of marble and cuz that's really nice and it probably has beautiful artitectual work on it lol

3,937 posts

Yes, Garvarson is really a great monument, marble, hundreds of pieces of art, yes, it is mighty...or at least to an ant...

Well, don't let your hopes to high, because maybe they'll attack it, or maybe Antopolis, or the Queen's Anthill, or another anthill...

3,937 posts

Here's what some of you have been waiting for...


Ikenbrae was a big ant. He also had wings, and he flew every day, seeing the great marvels of Garvarson in the skies. He was the best architect the king Gransces had, and he also had a big advantage that he could see the terrain to be used from the air.
"King, please, I hate them, I don't want to go there" he said to the King. "That place is full of rubbish and disease, and I hate them. They have never been kind to us."
"Yes, I know. But they sent us a message they recently cleaned the whole Anthill. Now, fly away, don't bother your king!" He said, laughing. The old Ant didn't have the power to scream. But he liked joking. "Please close the door as you leave"
"Yes, your majesty"
He then started a jouney to the anthill Hazania, an anthill one mile from Garvarson.


"Do you know where they will attack?" Said a king to his military advisor "I never thought they would do such a thing. They're few, very few. How can they muster an army in a matter of years?"
"I don't know sir..." The advisor said "Maybe the anthills ten yards from here, Rasfen and Carazras, but I certainly think they will attack anthill Antopolis the Great some miles away. They haven't got much of an army, sir"
"Possibilities!" said the king, as he wasn't very good at math
" T-ten of a thousand sire" said the advisor.
"Good. is that low?"
"Yes, sire, very low. I don't think they will go for here or Rasfen and Carazras."
"Good, that is good. Where do you think they will attack?"
"Antopolis the Great or Garvarson the Mighty"
"They're far from here. We may, after all, recruit an army in time"
"I'm afraid that won't be possible, sir!" screamed a very tired kid, who probably ran from his little home to the palace at top speed without rest.
"What are you saying!?!?!" the king said
"They have allready breaked through the gates. They're pouring into the town!"


Ikenbrae saw the anthill Hazania not far. It was big, there were many small houses made of timber and hay, and the peaple were in the houses. The walls were tall, made of strong rock carved from the mountain nearby, Argarabias.
"Weird" he thought "I did not know the parties here were wild" he thought again, as he saw smoke rising from the anthill. " Oh my gosh!!!!!!" he said aloud, after seeing many creatures, many Podialtiri entering the anthill.


The battle was big. From the gates, thousands of Mantises entered, and a battle could be seen on the streets. The Hazanians fought bravely, but they were outnumbered, but still, they fought hard, and were remembered as Heroes. But despite the Guards' heroic effort the Mantises killed them all, and then surrounded the mound, where the tower was seeing the battle unfold. The mound had only one entrance: stairs, which climbed the mound in circles untill it reached the courtyard, were fountains decorated the greenery, and beyond was the tower. The mantises entered the stairs, and the guards formed a phalanx, and many mantises were slain, but the guards' spears were eventually buried in the corpses, and they took out their swords, and fought untill the end. As the mantises continued passing, they reached the courtyards, and destroyed the fountains, and they attacked the tower.

"Great was the tower's fall,
nothing was left of it,
The Mantises pillaged it all,
they burned to ashes the pillars."

The guards remaining formed in a circle, and fought untill their spears and swords broke, and then fought with their hands and jaws, and they are since remembered as Wild Heroes, in the poem 'The Last Stand of the Hazanians' written by Ikenbrae, who changed his name to Harrozus, which means "Horrible things I have seen" and indeed the fall of Hazania was horrible, for many lay dead, the effort of hundreds of years was burned down in a matter of hours. The king had also died, and his bodyguards and advisors-but with a sword in their hands, a dead enemy at their feet and a victorious scream in their mouths!

And the Legend of the Warriors of Hazania spread wide abroad, and many were marvelled at their resistance, proving that ants could indeed kill hundreds of Podialtiri, the scourge of the North.

4,689 posts

Wow epic battle. Too bad the ants lost. Keep it up.

676 posts

Sounds like you don't want to mess with the Mantises. Commanderdude's right. Epic

3,937 posts

@Commander: Thanks for the feedback! Thank you for reading!

@Cowmaster: Yes, but the Hazanians reduced the Mantises' numbers considerably. It was a phyrric victory for the mantises.

3,937 posts

This chapter is about Jant the King and his resistance against the Mantises.


"We aren't sure about it but we think Hazania has fallen to the Great Ant-Slayers.
"Hazania has fallen?" asked Jant the King of Rasfen to his advisors and messengers "This is not good. Where are they headed to? I need to know, fast."
"We think they're headed for Carazras, but we're not sure. I think you should prepare the army." His advisor said.
"Right. Call Jorges and Damisel." He said to them.
Jorges and Damisel were his military advisors.
"What do you think needs to be done?" The King Asked
"If we don't get more soldiers and strenghten our walls soon this town will fall.
"Very well then. Send agents to Carazras. We need to talk with its king.


"King's orders" Shouted the guard to the populace. Everyone went to their houses and many volunteers enlisted in the army. The strongest ants took boulders and wood and helped put them in the wall. The gate was reinforced by several inces of wood and the walls were very thick.
The soldiers put on their armor, for they didn't know when would the Mantises attack.


"I do not understand" said the old king of Carazras "How could the king of Rasfen ask for such a thing?"
"You are not safe" Said the agent "Your walls are made of wood, Come seek refuge in the city of Rasfen.
"I agree that our walls are made of wood, and are not thick. Let us ask the populace of this town, they shall decide!"


Hundreds of ants entered Rasfen. Rasfen had some soldiers, clothed in Red and White, the colors of the old flower of the King, which had been brought. Red and Gold-clad soldiers shared the walls with Green-White soldiers. Banners flew proudly in the air. The city's populace had been safely taken to the King's Tower, in the top of the mound. And the town could be easily defended, for high mountains flanked it from all sides except from the north, where the mantises would be coming.
The guards were bored. It was midnight and nothing had happened. They were not sleepy, because the king had ordered them to sleep in the day. But sudddenly, a great flaming rock flew from a distance in the horizon and hit the wall, and many soldiers fell to their death. And the Mantises charged, and they had ladders, and bows taken from Hazania, and Rams. The soldiers were still being bombarded by the enemy's artillery.
"Where is my artillery!?!?!?!" asked the Captain to himself. Suddenly, a rock came from behind and hit the mantises, and splattered many. "There it is!" He said excitedly. The archers of Carazras were famous for their aming, and they killed some, but the enemy's Arrows fell as rain, and indeed rain was falling down. A tiny little struggle in the small world were a small drop causes death to many. So the mantises placedthe ladders, and many ladders broke because of the rain. The Mantises secured the ladders, and started climbing. A big fight started in the walls, and meanwhile the Mantises rammed the door with their Battering Ram, and behind it were many guards, ready to attack anything that came into distance.
The Rasfenians fought in the night against the mantises.


Harrozus saw fire in the distance. "This will not happen, that I am sure of!" He thought. He flew off to the distance, and nobody saw him untill later, much later.


The fight in the walls started to take its toll on the Soldiers, many were tired, and no reinforcements were available. And then the wall fell to the ground. The Engineers of the mantises had been sapping the walls for sometime, and then, hundreds of Mantises poured in Rasfen.

3,937 posts

Bwahahahaha! Your realm shall be conquered! >

Thanks for the feedback!

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