First of all, this story is fictional and the ants' social behaviors are different than in a real anthill-so please don't post a comment if it's going to talk about "Ants don't behave that way".
The Call went on. Hundreds of Ants poured out of the Anthill. A dead cricket has been found not too far. It was massive, well, at least for Ant standards. Its huge legs were flat on the ground and its body was some inches long. Hundreds of ants slowly and carefully carried its huge body into the Anthill. The Queen Koldrymandias is always hungry, but it's no time to eat. Nearby anthill Antopolis has been awkwardly sending ants to their food supply location, and many ants were starving. But, as mother of the great complex, she got the first bite. Then the cricket's body was munched by many ants, starting with the hungriest of all. They had been lucky to find a cricket of such size. *******************
"That cricket sure was heavy" told Ban the ant to his friends Lan and Zan "I'm happy we had a mouthfull. " "Yes" Agreed Zan "Just hope the idiots of that other anthill...errr what was its name?" "Antopolis" Told Ban to his Friend "Well, those guys get away from our food." He angrily said " If I were queen, I would start the war. Let it begin, we got nothin' to lose and much to win"
But that was what he thought.
"Granzan!" Called the Queen "A cup of water! I am thirsty. It is not a good thing, for I am your Queen!" "Yes your highness, happy to help you Highness." He said Humbly. "Would you like..." "Plain water fool" She said. Then she had him banished for asking a question. The Queen was proud. The water was brought to her presence by the finest of chefs.
Granzan took his family away in the night to avoid any questions. They wandered in the wild for many nights, eating any dead catterpilar or bug, with scarcely enough food to live. They passed the Great Antropolis and the Butterfly Plains.They took residence five miles to the East. They were the founders of anthill Garvarson in which liberty was ensured, and you could name yourself something that didn't end in -an, so Granzan changed his name into "Gransces", which in the language he created for his anthill, meant "The Free one" or "He who escaped opression". Many ants, in either day or night fled away to the new anthill, were they learned Gransces's tongue. They all changed their names as it was, as tradition, fordibben for your name to end in -an. In some weeks, the ants in Garvarson were from ten ants to ten hundred, and then to ten thousand. But each winter, the butterflies from Butterfly plain came to the anthill for a place to survive, and the ants welcomed them with open hands, as long as they had their own food, for the ants in the anthill barely had enough for themselves. So, trade flourished as traders from this anthill, using butterflies as steeds, went into North, South and West, but never to the East, for the Wicked Queen there had her home. They became rich, and soon had a great supply of food, so they didn't starve, unlike the nearby anthill, which completely depended on the nearby food supply. So, they built great walls, ten inches high and two inches wide to cover the anthill, and the anthill wasn't a simple mound, but a city with hundreds of miniature buildings and skyscrapers towering through the metropolis, and small suburbian houses. These buildings were made of white and grey bricks, while the wall was made of white bricks. Altough it had these great defenses, the Anthill lacked soldiers . But that was not a problem, for there were many mercenaries nearby. And on the top of the great anthill, a great tower stood. It was completely made of bronze and iron, forged in the hands of Calderon the Great. It was twenty inches high, and could be seen for many yards. In the tower, the King, the Queen and their kids lived peacefully. The tower inside was far more beautiful than in the outside. IT was strong, very strong, and could resist hard storms and rocks, so, when storms came, the ants from all over the city came to seek shelter, and none was turned back, and they happily welcomed them, even if the only place available for them to be was in the king's room. But its engineers had designed it carefully, and there was room for 50,000 ants.
Banis had to work hard every day for his friends Zarratonix and Laelenic. "Lanny" had been punched (Chapter 1.2) in the jaw by a guard who was wearing an iron gauntlet, and his skull was pretty damaged. This was the third week he stayed at the hospital. Zarratonix had been suddenly interested in art and writing. He spent the day at the library, some days he didn't eat at all. Banis was growing tired of doing the dirty work all day long. So he told Zarratonix that he had to help them get more food on the table. "Lanny's hospital bills are growing higher and higher. I can't afford them anymore." He told him at dinner. "The only food we have left is the one we have in the cellar." "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!" was all he said before going out of the house and away. Ban stared at the running figure and decided to follow him. He was faster than Zarratonix, the hard work made him stronger. He saw him entering a strange place. Banis peeped through a window and saw Zarratonix drawing something. Then, after painting for what seemed endless hours, he went away. Banis entered the small shop and saw endless works of art, all with the signature "ZARR" on them. There were about ten paintings, some of them were about the battle with the mantises, for Zarr had read the poem of "Hazania" earlier. The mantises were ramming a door, while more mantises were scaling the walls with ladders, and in the city was a large number of people and soldiers, and they were heroically fighting for their homeland. His mouth was open,staring in awe at the great masterpieces before him. He figured that they'd cost hundreds of grains of the best quality wheat. Then he returned home. Zarr was allready asleep, a book was in his hand. Banis read the cover which said "RASFEN : THE LAST RESISTANCE" Then Banis went to sleep. The next morning he went to see Lanny at the hospital. He was in coma, his face was in a happy expression, the one that he always had when he was conscious. The doctor came by. "We've tried herbs, bandages. The wound was pretty hard. I don't know if he's gonna make it." "He will. He has to..." With those last words Banis went again to the small shop he had visited the last night, and found that one painting was being auctioned. "I'll pay 10,000 wheat grains for that!" Cried a customer. "I'll give 10,500!!!" Another one screamed. Zarr was trying to get the people calmed down. "Those are ridiculous offers!" Cried a woman from behind "I'll give 20,000 for that work of art!" No one else raised the offer and the painting was sold. The woman went away happy. Banis then went to work again. After some hours of work he returned home, and he saw that there were many carts around the house, loaded with wheat. Zarr was selling the wheat at reasonable prices. Farmers and Merchants were around him, because wheat from Garvarson was priced across the world for its high quality. After some hours of selling it, and when he had no more to sell, Zarr counted the many gold pieces. He indeed had many, and he went to the market, were he got food to last much time and much more books about history. Zarr then left all the food in the cellar, and went to work on a statue the king himself had asked for, one about the king of Hazania. Zarr carefully worked on every single detail: the eyes, the hands, the feet, the head... Just then a gang of two thugs came in. "Give us your latest work of art!" They said. "Never!" Zarr said, before punching one in the face. The other one kicked Zarr's head, and then Zarr turned around to face him and jumped towards him. With great agility he punched the thug in the cheek, but then the other took out a sword and charged at Zarr. He jumped away of the thug, and his sword pierced a can of paint. As the other thug got up, he slipped and fell to the ground again. Then Zarr jumped away from more sword attacks. The other criminal stood up and kicked Zarr hard in the stomach, and Zarr fell backwards into a small pyramid made of cans of paint. As he stood up the thug punched his face. Zarr kicked his knee hard enough for the other villain to fall, and then he jumped over the other one. Then three more thugs entered the store. Zarr's face turned into a troubled grin as the thieves all charged at him.
Hidden, in a world unknown to ants, where no ant has stepped before, deep within the earth, a new team was emerging. The spider King Idformilax was recruiting an army. The army was 200,000 spiders strong, and they all wore armor, painted black and purple. The armor was made of iron and steel, tall purple feathers rose from their strong helmets, and each helmet was painted with a different symbol. "Lord Idformilax" said a scout as he bowed to the king. "I have seen wonderful cities, and great walls. Their armies are ill-armored, and we can take their cities." "Which is the best of these...cities?" Said Idformilax with a cruel smile. "Come with me, no ears must hear this." After talking for much time, the king and the scout came from a room nearby. The king was smiling, he was happy to hear what he heard. "King Idformilax!" Said another scout as he bowed "There are...." "Shut up!"was all the king said before throwing him out. The scout walked about, knowing not the reason why the king had thrown him out. Then, he looked through the window. The king was seeing some papers, the scout was drinking wine. He vanished away from the palace, to his small house. The whole town was painted Black-Purple, but ehy was it like that, the scout didn't know. He went to his bed, small and made of hay. He laid his scout gear aside, the special shoes, the black capes, the black hood, his small swords and throwing and stabbing knives. The weapons shone as the fire nearby lighted the city, the designer of the city, a spider that died long ago, built a strange device that acted as the sun, it orbited the city. In the middle of the device was a huge fire that shone with mirrors made with bronze, and it looked like the sun. The soldiers started chanting the Evodn'Argl Nathional Anthem...Made by Evodn Argle. THe voice of the soldiers boomed across the whole city, chanting in long lost languages, drums directing the song, trumpets were also around. They blew once in a while, and when their sound was needed out came a huge sound. The citizens did all they could to cover their ears, they jumped inside the bed, tied two pillows on their ears, used some of their arms to cover, and much more, because the song wasn't nice to hear. It was an ugly song, and remains ugly today. And when the spiders march to war, they sing it proudly, before all the citizens, which again struggle to cover their ears. "In ho and fro we chant SPIDERS!!!" The citizens tied the ropes more and more "SPIDERS!!! SPIDERS!!!" The citizens ran in panic "SPIDER SPIDER SPIDER!!!" The citizens fell from roofs and beds. Many kids that were sleeping had horrible nightmares. "Agh ho! Argh danz and boom and bang!" The citizens that were running around started humming to themselves. Travelers walking near the secret entrance heard the horrible sounds. They ran away in panic, leaving their carts there. "Ubh duuuhhh zang dang brang!" "AUGH!!!" Yelled someone "Stop this madness! Help, HELP!!!" Screams were heard all around the town, people smashed Evodn's tomb and stepped on it. Someone took a glass and threw it at the soldiers. "Ick ahg land gjad urgonoskila matrisk landononam kart xan!" Bricks and even clothes were hewn at the soldiers. After the song finished, and it lasted a horrible ten minutes, the soldiers started climbing the path to the secret exit. A scout informed no one was around, and the army came out silently, making no sound. Then they started marching. They were fast, and they walked through some woods. Then they spotted a lone traveler. The traveler was whistling and singing, and when he saw all the purple and black, he mounted his cricket and left his cart there. He escaped because the cricket was fast, and the spiders almost took him. He went to the nearest town: Rasfen and Carazras.