ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Land of Antonia

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3,937 posts

First of all, this story is fictional and the ants' social behaviors are different than in a real anthill-so please don't post a comment if it's going to talk about "Ants don't behave that way".


The Call went on. Hundreds of Ants poured out of the Anthill. A dead cricket has been found not too far. It was massive, well, at least for Ant standards. Its huge legs were flat on the ground and its body was some inches long. Hundreds of ants slowly and carefully carried its huge body into the Anthill.
The Queen Koldrymandias is always hungry, but it's no time to eat. Nearby anthill Antopolis has been awkwardly sending ants to their food supply location, and many ants were starving. But, as mother of the great complex, she got the first bite. Then the cricket's body was munched by many ants, starting with the hungriest of all. They had been lucky to find a cricket of such size.


"That cricket sure was heavy" told Ban the ant to his friends Lan and Zan "I'm happy we had a mouthfull. "
"Yes" Agreed Zan "Just hope the idiots of that other anthill...errr what was its name?"
"Antopolis" Told Ban to his Friend
"Well, those guys get away from our food." He angrily said " If I were queen, I would start the war. Let it begin, we got nothin' to lose and much to win"

But that was what he thought.


"Granzan!" Called the Queen "A cup of water! I am thirsty. It is not a good thing, for I am your Queen!"
"Yes your highness, happy to help you Highness." He said Humbly. "Would you like..."
"Plain water fool" She said. Then she had him banished for asking a question. The Queen was proud.
The water was brought to her presence by the finest of chefs.


Granzan took his family away in the night to avoid any questions. They wandered in the wild for many nights, eating any dead catterpilar or bug, with scarcely enough food to live. They passed the Great Antropolis and the Butterfly Plains.They took residence five miles to the East. They were the founders of anthill Garvarson in which liberty was ensured, and you could name yourself something that didn't end in -an, so Granzan changed his name into "Gransces", which in the language he created for his anthill, meant "The Free one" or "He who escaped opression".
Many ants, in either day or night fled away to the new anthill, were they learned Gransces's tongue. They all changed their names as it was, as tradition, fordibben for your name to end in -an. In some weeks, the ants in Garvarson were from ten ants to ten hundred, and then to ten thousand.
But each winter, the butterflies from Butterfly plain came to the anthill for a place to survive, and the ants welcomed them with open
hands, as long as they had their own food, for the ants in the anthill barely had enough for themselves. So, trade flourished as traders from this anthill, using butterflies as steeds, went into North, South and West, but never to the East, for the Wicked Queen there had her home.
They became rich, and soon had a great supply of food, so they didn't starve, unlike the nearby anthill, which completely depended on the nearby food supply. So, they built great walls, ten inches high and two inches wide to cover the anthill, and the anthill wasn't a simple mound, but a city with hundreds of miniature buildings and skyscrapers towering through the metropolis, and small suburbian houses. These buildings were made of white and grey bricks, while the wall was made of white bricks. Altough it had these great defenses, the Anthill lacked soldiers . But that was not a problem, for there were many mercenaries nearby.
And on the top of the great anthill, a great tower stood. It was completely made of bronze and iron, forged in the hands of Calderon the Great. It was twenty inches high, and could be seen for many yards. In the tower, the King, the Queen and their kids lived peacefully. The tower inside was far more beautiful than in the outside. IT was strong, very strong, and could resist hard storms and rocks, so, when storms came, the ants from all over the city came to seek shelter, and none was turned back, and they happily welcomed them, even if the only place available for them to be was in the king's room. But its engineers had designed it carefully, and there was room for 50,000 ants.


Feedback would be appreciated!

  • 76 Replies
3,937 posts

Nah, just kidding. There's NO way I'm going to tell you what'll happen. I want it to be a big, surprise.

753 posts

Keep it up :P

4,689 posts

Another good one.

3,937 posts

Chapter 1.9 will come soon, where the battle for Rasfen will end.

844 posts

Awesome sorry,yea ants!! Yea

938 posts

I can't wait to hear more from Harrozus. He sounds like a dangerous character. And I hope that the city under siege now finishes off all of the Mantises. This is a great story, keep it up.

3,937 posts

There's your winged character :P

938 posts

Yeah I could tell. Does he get some sort of scar? Cause I think if you described his appearance according to the main characters then you could really have fun describing his eerie, dark look.

3,937 posts

Maybe. I don't like to tell what will happen in my stories.

3,937 posts

Aughhhh!!! Whaat have I done!!!!

From Monday to Wednesday, I think.

3,937 posts

I'll reply to the story :P


The streets were filled with dread as the mantises conquered them instantly. None in the houses dared to make a sound. The soldiers were being slaughtered and killed. Many of them ran to the tower to make a fight for their very survival. Arrows whistled in the air, death from above reached many unaware ants and mantises. The fight went on. For six hours the ants fought in the streets, untill the city was taken, and only the tower remained. And the ants inside were scared, but they gave them weapons, and they too fought. The mantises came to the tower, and started ramming the door.


"Ride with me." The king Jant said to his best captains "We will have a worthy death. We have crickets."


As the door broke to pieces, many ants with crickets as steeds charged out of the tower's doors, and many mantises were killed, and they screamed as they killed mantises, and they striked fear into the mantises, and those who fled were pursued and killed, and they fought untill only the king remained. He fought as hard as he could, but eventually, he was exhausted, and he entered the tower again.
Tower had been prepared for battle : tables were allready on the floor to be used as cover, and heavy silverware as projectiles, and the plates as frisbees of death, and mantises indeed were killed by the heavy things that fell in their heads. A small, heavy chest filled with rocks was thrown from the balcony into the incoming mantises, and some were easily crushed, and many more heavy objects were brought: tables, rocks and even gold.
The mantises had allready taken the first floor, and were fighting in the stairs to conquer the second. A great fight took place in the stairs, and many corpses were left, but eventually the mantises entered the next floor: the kitchen. And as they entered, the cups were wine was once drinked were thrown at them, and many died. The deadly frisbees flew once more, and some were killed. After they took the kitchen, they went to the third floor, the hall.
Jant and his bodyguards held the stairs enough time for the soldiers to prepare, and then they ran to the third floor's stairs. As the mantisesrushed in, they were surprised by a row of spears, and they were killed. But the mantises were still in the hundreds of soldiers, and after a hard struggle for 50 minutes, the soldiers were killed, and then the mantises entered the hall.
Then a mighty horn rang from the north.
"Can it be?" the king asked himself. He ran to the top floor, into the balcony, were his children were throwing rocks at the mantises. the king saw to the north, and indeed, a great army was there. The king watched as the great army came closer and closer. Then, the great army took flight suddenly, and only then the king noticed their banners, and they were the ants of Garvarson! They were mounted in butterflies, and Harrozus was in the front rank, and the ants threw stones from the sky, and the mantises were confused. The butterflies flew low, low enough for the ants in them to reach out their swords and kill some, slicing their throats. The mantises panicked at the coming onslaught, and many tried to flee, and the others were killed, and then the butterflies flew throught the city, cleaning any mantises remaining, untill none were left. Few survived the battle, and fewer still reached their homeland.


A great feast was held to honor those who died, and the heroes. But Harrozus didn't came to the feast, for he was sad. He had lost his two best friends while he was away.
A long song was sang through the night to remember those who gave their lives, to help the noble cause.


But the mantises regrouped, but they weren't enough to make a great menace, and all were killed while they besieged another town. And Hazania was taken by the Rasfenians, and the peaple who survived from its invasion were again in their homes.

And so ended the threat from the Mantises in the West, and Rasfen grew to become a great city, and they traded with Garvarson, and both made profit.

So ends chapter 1, chapter 2 will come soon.

4,689 posts

Nice the ants coming on butterflies reminds me of the army of teh dead cleansing gondor.

938 posts

Yeah, I agree with CommanderDude. Nice descriptions.

Now that Garvarson and Rasfen are close allies with many ways of communication and trade, it seems like they're unstoppable. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

3,937 posts

It seems like they are unstoppable. Heh, heh, chapter 2 will talk almost completely of the Queen's Anthill.

938 posts

Knockout, I didn't go on AG for about 5 or 6 months, thats why.

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