First of all, this story is fictional and the ants' social behaviors are different than in a real anthill-so please don't post a comment if it's going to talk about "Ants don't behave that way".
The Call went on. Hundreds of Ants poured out of the Anthill. A dead cricket has been found not too far. It was massive, well, at least for Ant standards. Its huge legs were flat on the ground and its body was some inches long. Hundreds of ants slowly and carefully carried its huge body into the Anthill. The Queen Koldrymandias is always hungry, but it's no time to eat. Nearby anthill Antopolis has been awkwardly sending ants to their food supply location, and many ants were starving. But, as mother of the great complex, she got the first bite. Then the cricket's body was munched by many ants, starting with the hungriest of all. They had been lucky to find a cricket of such size. *******************
"That cricket sure was heavy" told Ban the ant to his friends Lan and Zan "I'm happy we had a mouthfull. " "Yes" Agreed Zan "Just hope the idiots of that other anthill...errr what was its name?" "Antopolis" Told Ban to his Friend "Well, those guys get away from our food." He angrily said " If I were queen, I would start the war. Let it begin, we got nothin' to lose and much to win"
But that was what he thought.
"Granzan!" Called the Queen "A cup of water! I am thirsty. It is not a good thing, for I am your Queen!" "Yes your highness, happy to help you Highness." He said Humbly. "Would you like..." "Plain water fool" She said. Then she had him banished for asking a question. The Queen was proud. The water was brought to her presence by the finest of chefs.
Granzan took his family away in the night to avoid any questions. They wandered in the wild for many nights, eating any dead catterpilar or bug, with scarcely enough food to live. They passed the Great Antropolis and the Butterfly Plains.They took residence five miles to the East. They were the founders of anthill Garvarson in which liberty was ensured, and you could name yourself something that didn't end in -an, so Granzan changed his name into "Gransces", which in the language he created for his anthill, meant "The Free one" or "He who escaped opression". Many ants, in either day or night fled away to the new anthill, were they learned Gransces's tongue. They all changed their names as it was, as tradition, fordibben for your name to end in -an. In some weeks, the ants in Garvarson were from ten ants to ten hundred, and then to ten thousand. But each winter, the butterflies from Butterfly plain came to the anthill for a place to survive, and the ants welcomed them with open hands, as long as they had their own food, for the ants in the anthill barely had enough for themselves. So, trade flourished as traders from this anthill, using butterflies as steeds, went into North, South and West, but never to the East, for the Wicked Queen there had her home. They became rich, and soon had a great supply of food, so they didn't starve, unlike the nearby anthill, which completely depended on the nearby food supply. So, they built great walls, ten inches high and two inches wide to cover the anthill, and the anthill wasn't a simple mound, but a city with hundreds of miniature buildings and skyscrapers towering through the metropolis, and small suburbian houses. These buildings were made of white and grey bricks, while the wall was made of white bricks. Altough it had these great defenses, the Anthill lacked soldiers . But that was not a problem, for there were many mercenaries nearby. And on the top of the great anthill, a great tower stood. It was completely made of bronze and iron, forged in the hands of Calderon the Great. It was twenty inches high, and could be seen for many yards. In the tower, the King, the Queen and their kids lived peacefully. The tower inside was far more beautiful than in the outside. IT was strong, very strong, and could resist hard storms and rocks, so, when storms came, the ants from all over the city came to seek shelter, and none was turned back, and they happily welcomed them, even if the only place available for them to be was in the king's room. But its engineers had designed it carefully, and there was room for 50,000 ants.
"That is enough!" Said Johan the leader of a secret council, where no ears but those of the ants present could hear their debate. "I don't know about you but I think she allready went through the limit. "I'd say yes, but we have not the force to face her!" Said a sencond "Even if the Poltests agreed to help us...We can't defeat her." "She's weaker than what he looks like. Look at me" said the leader "Who do you fear more, me, or that crazy woman?" "That crazy woman" He said without thinking a second. "Then get outta here. You ain't gonna help us with your behavior and hopes." "No...No! I fear more you!" He said. "Listen, I'm a spy. I can see if she's got somethin' to do. Then, that day, we'll do it. She won't expect it, she thinks the peaple are afraid." "Well, you got that right." "Yeah....... Well, I'm gonna go to see when could I learn what she'll do."
**************(A day later, in the same council)**************
"Well?" Said the leader impatiently as the member came in. "Friday, 8:00 in the Morning. That's our only chance. We gotta try it, man." The leader thought for a minute. "You're right. Give the pitchforks and torches to the peaple. We ain't breaking the tradition of a riot!"
**************(Friday in the morning)**************
The streets were full of angry peaple, marching to the Queen's palace. The guards were all asleep. When they heard the ruckus going outside the barracks they took their armor, rushed to the Queen's palace and showed themselves. "Queen" Said the Commander Ran "Oh, Mighty Queen! We are deeply sorry about us being late." "There is only one way to repay your disobedience and lazyness. Go to the streets and stop that riot, no matter what. I don't care if you kill. "Yes, Ma'am. We're on it!" The guards took their swords and spears and shields, put on their heavy armor, and went outside. The Imperial Guard was allready there. "Always late Ran." Kan the leader of the Imperial Guard said. "Ha, come here old friend!" They shook hands and started laughing. "Excuse me, sir, but shouldn't we be stopping the riot?" Asked a guard. "YOU can go stop it, Imma stay here for a while." Said Ran. He continued laughing with Kan. A loud roar was heard. The pleaple were allready in the main street. The guards prepared for battle and ran to the street. Ran jumped to a small table which was in the middle of the street. "Peaple!!!" He screamed in his commanding voice "We don't need to take this the hard way! Return to your homes, and you shall not be hurt!" "Take that clown away!" Screamed someone. Someone tugged Ran's leg with such a force that he fell from the table and his body fell on the floor. He took out his sword and shield, but he had not the energy to stand up. Then from the roof, someone threw a heavy brick into his head. He fell to the floor, blood coming out of his head. The guards were astonished. Then, they took out their swords and ran to the battle. The guards were being easily crushed by the mob, and after the fight, few remained alive, and of those few none was still standing and fighting. Most were unconscious, and the others were beaten. The mob spread like wildfire and soon came face-to-face with the imperial guard. They had formed a deadly wall of spikes and spears. From the roof more projectiles fell, books, candles, someone even threw a bunch of hay, but their armor was much stronger than that of the other guards, and they put up a long fight. Then, the peaple started leaving, because they thought the strike would be peacefull. Some even clothed themselves in white. Mothers took their children away, and about half of the mob were women and children, and some of the remaining men were fathers of a family, and they went to their families, imagining what would it be like for their kids and wife if he died. After some hours the mob completely disbanded, and the Imperial Guards took the bodies of the guards to the Queen, for her to see what the price had been for her silly orders.
Ha, ha. Everybody hates the Queen. Before I started writing the story, I actually thought of making her a nice Queen. But then the idea of an evil queen came to my mind. it is! Many of you will be happy when you read this next chapter! Especially you Cinna.
"What?!?!?!" Asked Johan to the other members of the council. "What?!?! You've failed?!?!?! You had the help from the people!!!! I ain't gonna trust another mission to you!" "Sorry, Leader, the mission was impossible. The people disbanded the strike before we defeated the Imperial Guard. "Those seem to be causin' all the problems. We must kill the Imperial Guard." "How are you gonna accomplish that?!?!?" Said another member of the council "The people are afraid of the Imperial Guard since the Zan event. They have no mercy! We'll be killed! Slain!" "Don't worry, I have an idea..."
Kan suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. The Imperial Guard was all asleep, but he had heard a sound. The barracks seemed lonely, despite the great number of soldiers. He walked outside of the bedroom, and then an arrow hit him in the head, killing him instantly. The ants in the barracks heard the body fall to the ground. Some woke up, but it was too late. The barracks were plagued with assassins. They killed everyone of the guards.
The people again went to the plaza where Johan and the Others were waiting. Johan was in the center, and in the center was a small mastaba, where some forgotten hero had died in battle, and a statue of the hero was in the center, and Johan stood beside it. He started screaming to the people. "People of the Anthill, come!!! Are you tired of the Queen giving each and every order?!?!?" He cried out "Yes!" they answered. "We are!" "Then, take your torches and pitchforks. We're going against the Queen for the last strike! When this anthill is free from that evil soul we will be in peace, and we ain't gonna worry about food, or drink! We will be victorious! Yes! YES!!!" "Yes! Yeah!" The angry ants answered. Then they started walking again to the palace. the remains of the last riot were still there. The bodies of the guards and the peasants were abundant, and they went through them, and they started climbing the stairs to the palace. The Queen heard the noise. She took out a great sword: Idlago, made also by the hands of Calderon the Great Smith, it was made of forged steel, and its hilt was made of gold, and there were many handguards made of iron, and it was large and long, and her advisors put on heavy armor, and they went to the stairs. The Queen saw the many ants, but she was not scared, for she was a large ant, and heavy armor and the sword Idlago she had. Her heavy sword killed ten ants in its first strike, and she had an evil laugh, and laughed each time she swung Idlago, and it stroke with great accuracy, and ants were cloven and slain, and many kept coming, and she killed hundreds that day, says the poem someone wrote when the battle finished:
..."Many were left dead in that place, in the hundreds the slain, Ah, what a disgrace! But out efforts were not in vain!..."
But finally, someone pierced her heavy bulk with a pitchfork, and then she fell from the stairs into the street, dead. But after the battle, her body was never found again. Johan was amazed at the hundreds of ants that lay dead, all killed by that evil queen. When she wasn't torturing or scolding, she was killing. But he was happy, because he knew they had to crown him king.
"King!" Said a spy as he entered his king's presence "The best of news. The Evil Anthill is in a civil war. It's our chance to strike! We can take those lands! Let us do so!" "Quiet!" Was all the king answered. He then looked at the Military Report his advisors had given him. He saw that 50,000 ants were recruited the last month, and that most weren't well equipped. The king looked back at his spy. "We are in no position to attack, neither. We shall wait a week, you, spy, go to the Evil Anthill once more. Tell me everything that's going on!" "Yes."
They called the new anthill Aromel-ond-Lagad which means "The storm has passed" In the language they made. The anthill inmediately started trading with Antopolis, because the people were poor, and they both flourished. The adobe Houses were being replaced by stone buildings, and thatched roofs were put on the houses, and under it was a wooden roof, and the palace was now made of Stone, and the construction of Du-meili-Armigos, "The flower of Spring", the tower of the city, which was made of Stone Covered in Golden leaf, and some diamonds. The tower was well designed and when spring started the tower looked beautiful, because the sun's rays were redireced by mirrors to the diamonds, and the peaple looked at it with awe, and the tower was ten inches tall. But new problems were arriving. The tower had cost hundreds of grains of food, and the Anthill was again in starvation untill Johan came with the idea of channeling water into the anthill, and creating farms inside it, and then the Anthill once more went out of the ruin, but when the farms failed to produce enough food for everyone, more and more had to be built, and the farmers were wealthy, because the government paid them well. Even getting water was a huge problem, water was sparse in the area and they imported it from Antopolis, which had plenty. Antopolis also gave water to other anthills in the area, for Antopolis had a great lake nearby, and a great wall was built around it, and each day the equivalent of one gallon was taken from the lake into Antopolis's water towers, where water was kept. Calderon the great Smith and Engineer had designed them, and a strange device that looked like a fan to keep it cool. None knew how it worked, and they thought he was an alien. But the design was pretty simple. Then it started getting worse when Garvarson started asking for water because Rasfen had been struck by a drought, and water was taken to them by the vast road that connected Rasfen and Garvarson. So a drought struck Aromel-ond-Lagad for some time before a storm came, delivering vast quantities of water, which, sadly for the Aromelians flooded the city. Then they signed a treaty for an alliance with Rasfen, and Garvarson disagreed, and then comerce was shut with Aromel-ond-Lagad, but the Aromelians didn't care anymore. Jant leader of Rasfen started having councils with Gransces, which was now quite old in ant standards. He decided after a council to crown the next heir, Granx, his son, but he was found dead in the morning. The king was very sad and sorrow filled the city. Rumors started going about that someone from Aromel had assassinated the king's son, but the King wasn't foolish enough to spark a war with Aromel. Instead he decided to splat those rumors putting soldiers in taverns and in the Merchants' Quarters. So the King crowned his second son Grans the next day, taking off his crown and giving it to his son. He told the remaining force of the Imperal Guard, which had joined their previous enemies' side, to double the guards. Grans ruled wisely and with justice. Aromel-ond-Lagad was growing at a great rate, peasants from outside the city were coming in when they heard of the Queen being dead. parties were thrown every night and huge feasts were made. Besides the water condition and the low hostilites with Garvarson the new anthill was doing well on every conceivable way.