So this is a place where you can write a story and get it judged The theme for this time is Video Games Somehow you must have video games in your story plot Please don't make the story too short nor too long. You decide on that, but I recommend something between one good paragraph and one page.
Woo, half-page story. Also, woo writing contest. I hope this one survives.
Jack sat up in his bed, woken by the sound of thunder. He pulled off his covers and shuffled to the door, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. As the door swung open, the hinges squeaked, sound peircing through the settling night. He listened intently for the sound of his father's snores above him. After so many minutes, the boy continued on, satisfied that he had not broken anyone elses slumber. As he neard the kitchen, another roar ripped through the sky, and the darkness was broken by lightning. Jack gave a small yelp, for he had seen a silhouette through the window above the sink. Backing away slowly in the direction opposite the shadowy figure, the boy bumped into a broom resting on the wall. It began to fall, but Jack caught it, deciding to keep it as protection from whatever was outside his home. Jack steeled himself, and made his way toward the front door. Another bolt of lightning came down from the sky, and the shadow appeared through the glass just inches away from Jack's face. He jumped back, this time letting loose a cry, and as another bolt fell, he saw that thie shadow wore the face of a grinning clown. Backing away from the door, he tripped over his own feet and fell to the floor. The brass knob on the door turned, and Jack began scrambling away. The door swung open, revealing the clown's full figure, and the knife he held in his oversized glove. The boy flipped himself over and ran to his room, slamming the door and flying under his bedsheets. He sat there, swathed in blankets, and his body went stiff as he heard the door creak open. Heavy footsteps came closer and closer to the side of Jack's bed, and he screamed as his covers were ripped from his bed. Jack sat up, breathing heavily. He had a cold sweat, and his heartbeat was filling his ears. The boy got out of bed, walked to his dresser, and threw the clown doll sitting atop out into the hallway. After that, he retreived a glass of water and drifted back to sleep.
The lightning flashed and crackled above the old abandoned house as the trio of girls screamed in fright. "I wanna get out of here!" yelled Sam. "Oh quit being a baby." whispered Carly with a smack administered to Sam's arm. "ow!" yelled Sam as she rubbed the spot, temporarily forgetting that they were all alone in an old abandoned mansion because of a stupid dare. Sam grumbled as Carlie and Andrea, her two best friends began to go into the other room. "a stupid dare..." she complained again, earning another swift,light smack on her arm that had them all giggling. "eeiiirrcchh" the door creaked as it pushed open to reveal a living room. Inside the room there were so many pieces of white robed furniture spanned acrost the broad room, that the room seemed almost completely consumed by it. Drawing closed a set of blinds acrost a floor-to-ceiling window, Andrea pulled out the now necessary flashlight. Away from the crackling lightning, the mansion began to seem almost comfortable with all the furniture. Sam smacked a nearby piece of furniture and watched as ages of old dust puffed into the air, and slowly wafted down to filter upon the couches and chairs. "EEEEEEK!!!!" Andreas scream cut through the calm mansion. "WHAT WHAT!?!?!?" Sam and Carly started swinging there flashlights in her direction. They found Andrea atop a piece of furniture looking frantically at the floor. "A mouse!" Andrea cried out. Carly and Sam laughed at her. "It's not funny!" Andrea whined. Suddenly a brilliant flash of lightning lit up the entire room as the blinds fell open and thunder filled the room. All the girls turned to scream, and when Sam and Carlie turned back, Andrea was gone. "wh-whe-whe-where is she?" Sam stammered out backing away against a wall. "Andrea!?!" Carly yelled out towards the empty spot where Andrea'd been. Sam told Carly, "let's get outta here!!" "C'mon, she's probably just in the next room." Carlie told Sam as she grabbed her arm and pulled her along into the dining room. In the dining room a long ornate table was covered in a nice green spread, surrounded by ghost-like chairs covered in white sheets. Sam looked around nervously. "I don't see Andrea... maybe we should just go outside again with the group." "COME ON SAM!" Carly yelled as she raced acrost the room to the next set of doors. Throwing the doors open, Carly raced into the pitch black room.
"Carly?" No answer "Andrea..?" No answer. "CARLY AND ANDREA!!!" Sam screamed as she raced out of the dark room, fumbling to switch the flashlight on as she ran blindly back into the dining room. As she finally flicked the flashlight on and shone it at the dining room table, she saw it had begun to vibrate. Slowly at first then going faster. A chair nearby it began to glide acrost the chair, quickly towards her. Screaming and running, the flashlight slipped from her sweaty palms as she ran into the room of furniture. Gone was the comfortable feeling in the room. In was ushered a creepy, utterly dark feeling as suddenly the sheets ona piece of furniture began to move towards her. Abandoning all hope of finding Andrea and Carly, Sam desperately ran to the doors, but the moving sheets beat her there. Seeing no other option, Sam barreled into the ghostly robes as she heard the sound of the clacking chair behind her and heard a small, "oomf." Flailing about in the ghostly sheets, Sam heard laughter. She began to wonder what the giggling sheets were. Yanking them off of the figure. she found a laughing Andrea underneath. "Bwahahahaha!" Andrea laughed uncontrollably holding her stomach as she laughed at Sam. "you shoulda se- seen the look on yo-you- your face!" She said giggling. Behind Sam the chair's cover was thrown off and A laughing Carly emerged. "You two SUCK!" yelled Sam at first mad, then seeing the hilarity of it.
As the three girls stumbled out of the house, giggling they realized the lightning and rain had stopped, and the now soaked group they were with was still waiting outside for them. Maybe, with all the scares, there had been something worth out of it! not getting wet!
It is a fine day. The house is mine for the night. The crickets are chirping and the birds are asleep. Everything would have been completely normal if the electricity went out... I reach for the flashlight and turn it on. It can get very dark in a large house such as this one...
Here is a starter for you. I willn't (slang word it is grammatically incorrect I know) continue because here is where the writers block begins for me... But someone can "steal it" and finish it (it won't go against you) If no one else creates a story in the next four days I shall have to choose between two good stories. The bare minimum needed before places are determined is five alright?
I don't think anyone here recognises me anymore, I don't even know most of you. I love to write... But I don't expect this one was very good, being written in 20 minutes and all. I'm a tortured writer and it usually takes me hours to write half a page, but I wanted to get this one finished :L
Alone In A Dark House
''How did you become one of us Jeremy?''
Since being taken from my house, this was the first time I'd had chance to think about what happened.
''Well...'' I started, and the boys gathered around me to listen to my story.
''It started a week ago yesterday. I woke up alone in the middle of the night with a pounding headache and realised I'd fallen asleep with my headphones on again. I got up and slipped downstairs to get a glass of water but my brother was asleep on the sofa, so I forgot about the drink and went back upstairs.''
''What's wrong with your brother?'' one of the boys asked.
''He hates me,'' I replied with a sad smile.
I took the silence as a signal to continue.
''My window was open when I got back upstairs and my sheets of lyrics had blown all over the floor. It was creepy but cool at the same time because my window had been locked when I woke up. I shut it and sat silently on my bed for a while, waiting for my intruder to show themselves, but no one appeared.''
One of the younger boys jumped up and exclaimed, ''I know who it was! I know! Was it him Jere?''
''Shut up James,'' I grumbled. Of course it was him
''Okay, so I'll skip the next few days and go straight to the part where he turns up,'' I shot a scowl at James for cutting short the story.
''Around this time two nights ago I woke up to a chilling breeze blowing through my curtains. My window had been opened again, so I went over to shut it. As I turned back I almost jumped out of my skin because there, standing before me, was His Grace. I st-
''Ooh!'' James squealed, ''Describe him before you carry on Jere! It makes the story sooo much cooler!'' James utterly adored His Grace. The others told me he was always preaching to them, telling them how wonderful our master was, how magnificent, how he will grow up to be just like him.
''Alright,'' I sighed, ''He stood 6ft tall, his black robes hung off him and pooled on the floor. They rippled as he moved, the dark blue embroidered flames coming alive and dancing off the material. His skin shone an icy pale blue, smooth and flawless, in stark contrast to his clothes. He moved with such majesty, as if he were floating on air rather than walking toward me. He held the pretence of a Prince. A dark, dangerous Prince. The sight of him scared, awed and repulsed me all at once. It sickened me to watch such an unnatural creature gliding toward me, white eyes trained on me, hands reaching for me. He clasped my shoulders, making goosebumps pop up all over my body, and whispered, 'You're coming with me.' 'Why?' I whispered back, too afraid to raise my voice. 'Because I am alone and you are alone,' he whispered back. 'And then I knew that this creature was not evil. 'Forget life, become what I am. I promise you will never feel alone again.' ''
And then he took me here and this is where I met you guys.''
The boys began to smile at me.
''Weird, right?'' I chuckled.
Except it wasn't weird. It was perfectly normal. Because this was how His Grace found everyone. Alone in the world, alone with no friends, alone with no one to care for, alone with no company but thoughts, alone in the daytime, alone in the night, His Grace sees them all.
I don't really like this contest very much because there's no clear rules and the deadlines and judging is ttly unorganised. But still, I've been waiting for a another SSC for aaaages.
I don't really like this contest very much because there's no clear rules and the deadlines and judging is ttly unorganised.
Yeah, but you have to give it to him for at least creating one.
But still, I've been waiting for a another SSC for aaaages.
Yeah. Now that I think about it, I haven't actually written anything for ages. Execpt for the occasional Hiaku for teh contest. Hmm. I might have to start again.