ForumsArt, Music, and WritingStory Contest (theme: Escape)

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780 posts

So this is a place where you can write a story and get it judged
The theme for this time is Video Games
Somehow you must have video games in your story plot
Please don't make the story too short nor too long. You decide on that, but I recommend something between one good paragraph and one page.

  • 108 Replies
3,337 posts

Yeah, but you have to give it to him for at least creating one.

Mhmm I still think there needs to be a deadline at least! But I'm pleasantly surprised by how popular it's become.

I haven't actually written anything for ages.

Write something. Nao.

I think we should stop commenting on the thread now
715 posts

lol i dont think i will be winning this one O_o

lol jezz you have a really cool imagination.

me and the other guys stories are so cliche

yours is really cool :O

233 posts

The House

"Wow I just hate those guys. I wish they would just leave me alone." Paul complained to himself. While Paul surveys the room he thinks to himself "Wow that's just great they locked me in here again, might as well get out of here as fast as I can." The foyer was darker than he remembered, but he still remembered the way. Paul went through the dining hall to the washroom. He looked for the hole in the wall that was there before, but the wall was as good as new. Puzzled he found his way back to the foyer. He then soaked in the surrounding details. Gloomy staircase, large glass dome roof above the main door, and sinister looking pictures hung on the walls. He also realized that their were ominous looking gargoyles on the front porch. Suddenly he heard low drums sounding...Bum Bum Bum...Bum Bum Bum... then they were gone, a chill spiraled down his spine. He peeked outside, the sun was setting slowly on the horizon.
"Great... this possibly couldn't get any worse." Paul whispered.
Then something beyond him happened, all the candle holder's lit up with a tiny glowing purple flame, but there were no candles in the holders. Paul decided to go investigate the flames further. He reached out at it but was met with an icy cold sensation. Spooked, Paul decided to explore the parlor. On the couch at first it looked like there was a person on the couch but realized his mind must be playing tricks on him. He rubbed his eyes but the image didn't go away. The Man-Thing was reading a book but never turned the pages. Paul reached for the book. The book was as if glass covered in fine dust but couldn't be wiped off. The Man-Thing dissipated and was gone but the book was still there. All of a sudden 3 words appeared in a milky flowing handwriting 'Leave This Place'. Bum Bum Bum. The drumming came back more rapidly. Bum Bum Bum Bum, Paul's heart raced as he rushed to the front door but two giant axes were slashed against it locking it shut. Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum, the drumming intensified while Paul scrambled into the kitchen. Slamming into everything Paul felt a cold sweat dripping down his neck. Paul spotted a tiny valve bringing cool air into the house. he bent low sucking up the cool, fresh night air. Now he could think, Bum Bum Bum Bum Boooom. The drumming stopped. Paul having no other thoughts except on the drums made his way back to the foyer. He looked at the door the axes were gone. Mystified he investigated it further. The slash marks were there. Bum...Bum...Bum now it was a slow beat. It sounded as if it was directly behind him. He slowly turned around and he was surrounded by a ghostly looking tribe of Zulu warriors. There were two Zulu men squatted in a corner playing a beat on their drums. 'Too bad I don't know Zulu' Paul thought. Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum the drumming picked up pace and three of the warriors stepped forward. They lunged their spears forward at Paul. Paul was scared stiff and couldn't move. The spears pierced through Paul's tiny heart like butter. Paul last thought was 'Why me?' From that day forward little kids would always dare each other to go inside the house and talk about Paul and how he was left in the house and never came back to see the warming light of day.

There's my entry hopefully it wasn't too late. This is the first story I've written in a long time.

35 posts

Hi guys, this is my post...

"So what are you doing tonight?" asks Kevin. "Well my friends and I are going to that haunted mansion on the hill, they're daring me to go inside." says Bob. I don't think that's a very good idea Bob, did you hear all the stories about that place?" asks Kevin. "Pssshhhhhh, those stories are bologna. Besides the place isn't really haunted, it just looks really old." says Bob. "Well I'm certainly not going!" says Kevin. "C'mon, be a man! Grow up Kevin. Don't be such a buzz kill." says bob."Well I have practice and homework to do. You're not in honors so you got the easy way out." says Kevin. "Well Kevin, If I die, you're the first person I'm going to haunt." says Bob. "Have fun with that" *RING* "Well I got to go to class, c'ya later... maybe..." says Kevin "You will see me later. You'll see me tomorrow!" says Bob. "I won't count on it!" says Kevin. Night approaches quickly for Bob, getting more nervous every hour before he has to go in. Bob falls asleep, he soon wakes up and realizes he will be late. Bob rides over there on his bike and sees them at the doorstep on top of the hill. Bob opens squeaky the gate to the way up and goes through, while leaving his bike outside the gate. The gate slams shut behind him with a squeak and then a bang. He looks behind him terrified, he turns to go up the hill again and realizes his friends are gone. "Oh they probably already went inside, because i took so long." says Bob quietly to himself. He gets up the doorstep and notices the doorknob hasn't been touched in a very long time. "This is strange, I just saw my friends... and... what?" Puzzled, Bob opens the also squeaky door and steps in. Not trying to make too much noise he quietly tiptoes on the creaky floorboards inside. Bob notices foot prints in the dust, leading the the kitchen. Bob, scared and creeped out says loudly "John? William? Anyone?" Following the footsteps he looks up to see it leading up a wall on the ceiling. Halfway up the wall, the footsteps turn into blood. Bob sees a skeleton sitting by a wall with blood writing on it saying "MUST GET OUT MUST GET OUT MUST GET OUT THERE IS NO WAY OUT THE WAY IS SHUT AND THAT IS HOW THEY KEEP IT" Bob, realizing that he is trapped here leaves the kitchen and heads upstairs. Bob sees a girl singing softly in a dress floating through a door into a room. Bob opens the door and sees his friends. "John! William! Where are the other two?" asks Bob. "WHO?!?!" says John in a deep tone and resounding throughout the house. "Y'know, Terrance and Sarah?" asks Bob. "YOU SHOULD LEAVE!! GET OUT!! NOW!!!" says John getting louder. "What about Sarah or Terrance?" asks Bob another time. "I SAID GET OUT!!! NOW BEFORE I TRAP YOU IN THIS ROOM FOREVER!! YOU'LL NEVER GO HOME AGAIN!!!!" says John in a very loud deep voice that echoes. Bob Leaves the room quickly and the door slams behind him. Bob tries to open the door but its locked. Bob walks down the hallway and tries another door, locked. A sign on the door reads, "My room" with a little arrow pointing to the top right of the door frame. Bob reaches up there and feels a key. Bob uses the key to the door but it doesn't work. Strange, Bob thought. "Better keep this in case I need it." says Bob to himself. Bob looks around for another key and doesn't find one. Bob goes to another room and another sign on the door reads, "Master Bedroom." "OK," Bob thought, "maybe I can open this door." Bob finds that the door is locked also. Bob heads toward the bathroom, the door wide open. Bob looks in one of the drawers and finds a key. Bob heads back to the "Master Bedroom" and see if the key worked for that. "Nope, of course not." Bob thought to himself. Bob walks over to the room with the "My Room" sign and tries the key on that. Success! "Finally, some luck at last!" Bob says to no one. He hears a voice behind him, "Not luck not here, he is coming beware..." Bob turns around swiftly but nothing is there. Bob suddenly feels the ground shake and hears loud footsteps outside. Bob hurrys over to a chest and tries the key on it. "Yes!" Bob says to himself. Inside the chest, Bob finds a candy heart. Puzzled, Bob almost eats it. He hears the voice again, it's a girls voice, "DON'T EAT IT!! THAT'S FOR HIM!! HIM ONLY!! TURN YOU INTO A JELLY BEAN!!!" Bob founding humor in that laughs a little and puts it into his pocket. Bob hears the gate opening. Not a squeak this time, but more of a screech. The footsteps are getting louder. Bob runs or to the "Master Bedroom" and tries to open the door again. It opens with a screech. "Am I seeing things?" Bob asks himself. Bob notices a bunch of floating figures everywhere. All of them moving and sounding like a ghost. "What the?" Bob asks himself. Bob sees a Golden box that says "OPEN WHEN NEEDED!! TIME WILL BE RIGHT!!" Bob, who thinks the time is always right, opens and finds a long spear, armor, and a shield. Bob puts the armor and shield on and grabs the spear. Bob goes back downstairs and the walls around him fall. The house falls apart and a giant monster rises from the bottom of the hill. Bob stands up and says, "Well, this is what this must be for." Referring to the armor, spear, and shield. Bob Runs up to the monster and tries to stab it. The monster charges right at him. Managing to stab the monster through the stomach and back out the back, The monsters grabs Bob and brakes Bob's back over his knee then throws him a great distance. Bob throws the heart shaped candy at the monster which lands short. The monster pulls the spear out of him and walks up to Bob. "DO NOT ENTER MY HOUSE!! I WARNED YOU!! YOU DIDN'T LISTEN!!" says the monster in a very deep tone and booming voice. The monster stabs the spear through Bob's body and into the ground. "You... you... you'r... you're... a mons.... monster......." Bob says his last words and fades away. "GOODBYE LITTLE MAN!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

written by JuicyFizz
edited by JuicyFizz
Any characters with the same name or event is entirely coincidental! Have a nice day! =)

3,337 posts

lol i dont think i will be winning this one O_o
You never know...

lol jezz you have a really cool imagination.

Haha cheers

TuxedoPenguin's story spooked me a bit. So did JuicyFizz' actually... They're both really good! But just remember the theme is 'alone in a dark house', not 'trapped in a scary mansion' :L
3,937 posts

Hope I don't get last place.

Frank was now twenty years old, he had a girlfriend and was about to buy a house with all the money he earned from work in the office. He went to see the house: It had many windows and doors, looong dark corridors and big rooms. Now, the house wasn't big itself, it was a small house, a dwarf compared to the buildings beside it. The house was painted in a blue color, the one Frank hated, so he painted the whole house yellow, and he then bought furniture for the house, the couch was left in a corner, the chairs beside the table, the huge widescreen TV was left in a strong desk, and the beds in the two bedrooms. The corridors were filled with lamps, and then the walls were painted white. The lamps shone in the corridor, giving it light. The house was two stories high: In the uppermost floor were the bedrooms and the corridor. The corridor was entered and exited through some old wooden stairs, which were replaced with new ones made of rock and steel, and in the first floor was the kitchen, the hall and the library.
One day a storm was hitting the city in which Frank lived. Luckily, he had prepared the house just in time. He found himself alone in the hosue. Thunder boomed outside, shattering the silence, and lightning was seen from miles around. The rain came down hard, the city was flooding. The street beside the house was flooded, it looked like a river: a nearby construction, full of sand and dirt, made the water look brown, something that Frank admired from the window. Thunder, as loud as ever, shook the silence again, everything rumbled: the chairs fell down, the coffee machine fell to the floor and broke to pieces, the furniture made a strange sound.
Frank looked outside: the city was completely flooded. "Notta nice storm. I knew the newspaper dudes weren't right." He said to himself. He then went for a glass of water, he noticed leaks all around. He put buckets on the floor, but the carpet had allready been stained with water, a dark, wet spot. He then ate breakfast, some bacon and ham, and he drank the water. Then he went to see the TV.
"...More news from the storm. It ain't gettin' softer, that's what I said "Said the reporter wih a heavy 'cowboy' accent. "Brodcastin' from New Chicago, John Michael and Dan Lopez." Frank changed the channel again and again, stopping to see Spongebob for a while, then he changed again and again untill he found a program about wild animals.
" you see, but this lion lives in the African Savanna, where he eats any animal that comes into reach, From Zebras to Gacelles..." Frank again changed the channel, seeing more and more boring programs like "All about water" and "Discovering Dirt" Frank turned off the TV. Nothing interesting was in the TV. He went to the small Laptop he bought a while ago, and started visiting sites such as FutureTube and Facebook II.
After a while, he went to his bedroom, tired. He tried to sleep but then again thunder smashed the silence, as if it was trying to bother Frank. He opened the window and shouted insults out at the storm, which, as if hearing Frank, sent more and more lightning at the city.
Frank finally slept, but at three in the morning, and he woke up at eight. He was tired, and finally stood up. Thunder was still around, but far away. A huge smile was in Frank's face. He had defeated the storm.

75 posts

Okay, this is a scary story i wrote before. There were three boys named Alex, Matt and Chris. They were having a sleep over at Alex's house. They stayed up all night talking and having a blast. At 3 in the morning they heard a rapping on the front door. Alex and Chris decided for Matt to go and check the house. When Matt go back he said, "Hey guys I didn't see anything out of the normal, its probably just the wind." Then after 2 minutes they heard it again. This time, they decided to send Alex. After half an hour they noticed Alex didn't come back. They went to go and look for Alex and they found a bloody hook on the handle of the front door. They ran back to their room. They heard maniacal laughter

75 posts

coming through out the house. Then Chris wandered of wondering what was happening... TO BE CONTINUED.

75 posts

sorry for the triple post i accidentally hit enter a couple of times.

233 posts

[quote]TuxedoPenguin's story spooked me a bit. So did JuicyFizz' actually... They're both really good! But just remember the theme is 'alone in a dark house', not 'trapped in a scary mansion' :L[quote]

hey thanks it took me a little while maybe a couple hours idk.

so when are they being judged?

75 posts

Okay, this is a scary story i wrote before. There were three boys named Alex, Matt and Chris. They were having a sleep over at Alex's house. They stayed up all night talking and having a blast. At 3 in the morning they heard a rapping on the front door. Alex and Chris decided for Matt to go and check the house. When Matt go back he said, "Hey guys I didn't see anything out of the normal, its probably just the wind." Then after 2 minutes they heard it again. This time, they decided to send Alex. After half an hour they noticed Alex didn't come back. They went to go and look for Alex and they found a bloody hook on the handle of the front door. They ran back to their room. They heard maniacal laughter coming through out the house. Then Chris wandered of wondering what was happening.Alone, Matt wondered if hes going to make it out of the house alive. He hears voices coming from the kitchen. He takes Alex's flashlight and turns it on. He slowly but stealthily creeps over to the kitchen. "That's strange"says Matt, "Why is there light coming from the kitchen?" Then he remembered about Chris and Alex, "Maybe their making sandwiches". Says Matt relieved. He turns off the flashlight and turns the corner. Then he stopped suddenly in his footsteps noticing a large figure standing over an oven. "What is that?" asked Matt to himself. The figure doesn't notice Matt so he try's to get in closer. The first step Matt took, he stepped on a loose floorboard that screeched a loud cold terrifying screech. The figure stopped what he was doing. Matt hears the front door open and a women say, "I'm home!" Matt rushes to the front door and notices the front door was locked and that no one entered the house. Then he runs back up to Alex's room were they were spending the night. He hears footsteps, not ordinary footsteps but soft light ones, like a small feathered man was walking in the hallway. He peaks the door open and notices a girl. Then he realizes it must be Alex's little sister. He opens the door a little more and then he hears the words, STOP, WHY ARE YOU HERE! YOU ARE TRESPASSING ON MY PROPERTY! Mat replies in a silent quavery voice, "I was spending the night at Alex's house here and somethings happened and I cant find him." The sound replies in a loud booming laughter. Matt walks into the hallway following the girl as she peeks back and giggles to herself. She darts into her room saying "Lets play! Lets Pay!" Matt says well I don't play much and I don't know what were playing so I don't want to..." Her voice gets extremely deep with a booming voice she says, "YOU WILL PLAY AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!...okay?" "Fine Fine, I'll play your stupid game!" says Matt as he enters the room. The door slams shut behind him, The window locks in place, Matt walks in the closet looking for the girl which locks him in. He curses and yells at the house but he never get's out. The house...waiting for it's next victim, is now known as the HAUNTED HOUSE!
Thanks for reading my story. On my first one i didn't finish because i accidentally hit submit a couple times. So i just wrote to be continued because my bro wanted to play.
If your name occurs in this story, it is completely coincidental.

780 posts

Okay tomorrow I will judge (dang I leave this place for a few days and now bang many stories...this makes me happy =|)
I am going to need help judging probably so if you wish to judge just post your opinion of things on my profile (I will include all judgments in the end and we will see what the general opinion is. That way my opinion will not be the main opinion it will be one of the opinions)

995 posts

He walked in the night, silent, stepping silently. He looked around, and he took his sniper out. This was just another mission, he told himself. But it wasn't. No. It had been 5 years since his family was brutally murdered. He couldn't snipe. No. This was personal. He took out his knife, and he had a twisted smile on his face. Little did the guards know the fate that awaited them that night. He hid in a small alley. He took his knife and... No one could hear the muffled screams as the blood spurted through his fingers. It was a good feeling, as the guard fell. He knew that this was the beginning of the end. He walked, a shadow, killing everyone he saw. He felt more relaxed and more relaxed as blood covered him. When he reached the doorway, he knew that his father's murderer was prepared. He put a knife through the door, and he could hear a scream. He hit his mark. He barged in, running to the man. He stabbed him 50 times. It was brutal, but in a twisted and dark way, pleasing. He then took the knife, and sliced his throat, dying beneath his father's murderer. They layed there, indisposed for many days...

995 posts

Sorry for the non-video game story, but this was based on Clear Vision. (Anyone who's played that should see the plot.) Sorry for the irrelevant post...

3,937 posts

Err....The topic is "Alone in a house"

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