ForumsArt, Music, and WritingStory Contest (theme: Escape)

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780 posts

So this is a place where you can write a story and get it judged
The theme for this time is Video Games
Somehow you must have video games in your story plot
Please don't make the story too short nor too long. You decide on that, but I recommend something between one good paragraph and one page.

  • 108 Replies
995 posts

???? What the front page said Video Games!
I'm confused.

1,946 posts

What the front page said Video Games!

It's good that you read the OP, but the topic changes, so you need to check later pages of the thread to find the current topic. The current topic is alone in a dark house.
3,912 posts

THE topic is Alone in the house for ppl new to it ok

780 posts

Ok sorry for this being late one day and all; I was busy yesterday...
First place
great job on the story (since it is late and I have already passed my normal bedtime I shall explain everything tomorrow)
And we have a few runerups
(it was a hard choice for second and third...these two could have been second and third)
Honerable Mention
(Sorry but your story is late, but you still get mentioned)
Tomorrow I will give the explanation
If any of this doesn't read, it is because I typed this in a word processor...

1,751 posts

What is the topic now?

3,337 posts

That's a nice welcome back, good to see I haven't lost my edge :L

I probably won't be entering this round but here's the next topic: Stopped Clocks
Make of that what you will..

35 posts

wow i surprisingly did better than i thought

35 posts

"Okay, three more days until the weekend!," said Mike Broshard to himself while putting on his tie."Mike who are you talking to?" asks Mike's wife, Anita. "Oh, I don't know." says Mike. Anita looks at the clock and asks, "Aren't you going to be early? It's only 5:32 A.M. and your work doesn't start till 8:00." Mike thinks for a little. Mike finally responds, "Well i have a weird feeling that something has or will happen today." says Mike. "Well honey, have a nice day at work." says Anita. "Well it's work! How am I supposed to have a nice day there?" asks Mike. Anita doesn't answer and goes back to sleep. Mike walks down stairs and pours a cup of coffee. Mike takes a sip of coffee and takes a deep breath of air. Mike looks at the coffee pot and back at his coffee and back at the pot and back at his coffee. "Something is weird today." says Mike to his pet dog, Coffay. Mike takes a couple more sips and notices something outside. Mike walks up to the window and notices the sun was bright in the sky and cars with their doors open littering the streets. Mike sets down his coffee and walks outside. Mike walks down his driveway and looks down both sides of the streets. "What the heck went on? What was in my coffee?" asks himself. Mike runs back to his house and upstairs to his room. "ANITA! ANITA! ANITA!" yells Mike. Anita, who was still a sleep, whats up in a panic, "What? What? Did something happen?" asks Anita. "Have you ever looked outside lately? No one is around, and there is cars everywhere!" says Mike. "Was your coffee cold again? You do this every time it is." says Anita. "No it wasn't it was perfe... perfectl... yes, it was cold. I'm not doing that this time though! I'm serious, there's something going on!" Mike gets louder every sentence. "Take a chill pill Mike, I was just trying to help!" Mike, who is ready for work in his work suit, walks down stairs with Anita. They both look outside. "AH HAH! I TOLD YOU THERE... were no cars littering the street." says Mike dissapointed."Make sure your coffee is hot next time." says Anita. "Wait, it still says 5:32 A.M.! Plus, the sun is high in the sky, it must be like noon or something." says Mike. "Then go get to work! You're late!" says Anita. Mike goes to his garage door, opens it, and climbs in his car. "Car, on!" says Mike to his car. The car starts up with a quiet tone. "Car, off." says Mike. Mike gets out of his car and gets in his Jaguar. "Car on." says Mike while turning the key. The car starts with a loud vrooom sounding noise and becomes idle. Mike pulls out of his garage and starts driving to work. On his way to work, Mike sees a few people here and there but not nearly as many as there would be on a Wednesday morning. Mike pulls up to his work and turns of his car. Mike climbs out and goes into the building. Mike notices those clocks say 5:32 also. Mike walks up to his stall and says, "Computer, on." with the help of a button, the computer starts up. "OK, lets see, we got 12 orders of the 900 pack paper. 10 orders of the 50 pack juice boxes, and one measly order of-" Mike is interrupted with his fellow employee, John. "Yo dude! You see anything weird with the clocks? It's like 5:32 but I'm not tired... Dude...." says John. "John, didn't you notice the sun was in the middle of the sky? Also I hav-" Mike is interrupted again. "Hold up dude. I need to see where the sun is!" says John rushing out of the office. "How did he make it to college?" Mike asks himself. Mike hears yelling outside the office and a loud bang. Mike pulls his 10mm from under his desk and walks toward the door. Mike looks outside carefully and sees three men on the ground. Mike notices one of them is John. Mike runs over to John and asks him what happened. "I was looking at the sun... And they came up behind me... One of them had a gun and the other had a hammer... I disarmed the guy with the gun and the other guy kept hitting me with the hammer... we all started yelling at each other... I don't know why but we did... I shot the guy with the hammer and me and the other dude got in a fist fight... I think I won." said John. "Hold on John! I'll call 911 okay?" Mike starts dialing 911 and John starts mumbling jibberish. "Come on! come on! Answer!" yells Mike at the phone. "Hello, the number 9-1-1 is unavailable at this time. Please try again later." says the phone. "What?!?! You got to be kidding me!" yells Mike. "It's okay, I see people in the distance. I think it might be the military!" says Mike. "Okay dude, you do what you gotta do." John starts coughing up blood. Mike starts running to the military truck and what seems to be military personnel. "Hey! Hey! My friends wounded! Can you help him?" asks Mike. Hey! Who is that?" asks Man 1 to Man 2. "I don't know! Shoot sir?" asks Man 2. "Fire" says man 1. Mike gets shot at and one hits him in the chest. Mike falls to the ground. Mike blacks out. Mike wakes up and finds himself in an infirmary. "Where am I?" asks Mike to who ever is around. "He's awake! I repeat, he is awake!" says doctor 1 to doctor 2. "Hello Mr. Broshard, my name is doctor Yousalev. I'm your doctor for the day." says Doctor Yousalev. .How do you know my name?" asks Mike. "I looked in your wallet and found your ID but no money." says the doctor. "No money? There was $900 in there!" says Mike. "Nope. Not a single bill." says the doctor. "Oh I get it, this is a dream." says Mike. The doctor slaps Mike and asks, "Still a dream?" "Yes! Still a dream!" says Mike. "Okay. Use Mr. Smalls!" A big drill starts coming and Mike. "AHHHHH!" Mike wakes up gasping for air but he doesn't get it. Mike is still lying on the ground on the hard cement.

35 posts

sorry guys for the triple post but i forgot the author, editor and the reliability

Written by JuicyFizz
Edited by JuicyFizz
Any name or place relating to people or places is entirely coincidental

1,751 posts

Author: Tomer 'da king
Edited: _______________
Ispiration in a few plot parts: Issac asimov and Artur C. Clark

What is Work?

At August the 24th, all around the world, the sun rose at 9pm. People that had not seen the sun for 2 hours suddently found it staring at them. Grienwich and all the other clock-making companies were going to be sued. They asked all the scientific community to find out the solution to the baffilling mystery, with Dr. Stevenson at the top. Stevenson is the main practical theorist that works on the fourth dimention- time. He needed to find out what had happened. Who had moved 10 hours worth of time? In any case, he needed to check out with the astronomers if anything else had happened. It had happened. After some serious fiddling around, he found the astronomer that actually knew everything, not just singed paperwork wiothout reading it- astronomer Willikins.
"You know," said Stevenson, "the most inportand thing to me is the placement of the earth"
"Oh and why do you ask about that as the most inportand?"
"because if the earth had suddenly moved 10 hours worth of space, it would be a diffrent matter. In other words, are the clocks right?"
"The placement of the planet does have a ten hour diffrence compared to the clocks, and in the right direction."
"Any ideas about what happened?"
"What about other planets?"
"It's funny you're asking, because they're turning around in the opposite direction, around the sun and around themselves. As is the moon and all the other space bodies."
"Hm... . Let me see the oficcial document, except if you have something to add?"
"Um, Lets say a star dissapears every few centuries"
"And there was a giant Preparing to go Nova."
"Well, it dissapeared."
"So in other words, it went nova?
"Yes, and nothing happened to the other stars, including earth.
"So lets sum it up: Ten hours were taken from us, all the space bodies have started spinning wrongly, and a nova has happened. Well you know that before you start criticizing everything that's around you, look at yourself."
"And all the bodies are moving wrong beause we are moving wrong."
"But that would mean gyroscopes would fail."
"But that it would mean they were fliped too, along with everything on the earth"
"But my wedding ring is still in my left hand, even if I turn."
"If I would have been from another planet, it would have been on the right hand. Right switched with left, as did the brain and the eyes and all the other senses. A flip of this sort in 3d would need to move the planet in 4d. In other words, in time. But moving something in any given dimention reqires work. The energy was given to us by the nova. We're lucky we didn't move in other dimentions also, that time isn't inverted, and that we don't have to deal with four-dimentional energy, at least in big amounts. Check your scientists if we got enough energy from the nova, while I go and use some mathematics to count up the needed amount of energy for that."

75 posts

Okay here's my story.
One day, Brian woke up with his body aching. He started to make his way downstairs when he smelt coffee going. "Good morning honey." said Brian. There was no response. "Honey?" said Brian, "Are you there?" Brian see's Christine sitting in a chair reading the news paper. "Oh, there you are! I was beginning to get worried." Still, no response. "Okay, I get it, the silent treatment." say's Brian. Brian get's a cup of coffee and take's a sip and look's outside. Brian looks at the time and runs upstairs to get his clothes on. " I'm going to be late!" says Brian to himself. He starts getting in the car and stops suddenly. He look's towards the street in a very slow movement like something strange is happening. "What is going on?" say's Brian again to himself. All the cars were stopped with the drivers still in their cars not moving an inch. "Okay...that's just weird." Say's Brian in a confused way. "Maybe my coffee is decaf." say's Brian and dumps it out on the street. He get's in the car and turn's it on. He pulls out of his garage and see's his neighbor, Christopher, "Hey Chris!" says Brian. Chris still without moving, doesn't say a thing. " Thanks for replying, hmmph, idiot." As he's driving down the street he notices the school bus and his daughter, Kendall, "Hey Kendall have a nice day at school, don't get into any trouble you hear?" Kendall didn't respond either. "How come everyone's ignoring me today!?" asks Brian to the car. " I don't know Brian, maybe you should ask me what is going on." replies the car. "Okay, fine, what is going on?" Asks Brian. "Well, some how the all time has been stopped and everyone except me and you are stuck in time. Like a movie on pause." Says the car. "Wow that explains why Christine, Chris and Kendall wouldn't talk to me! Thanks car!" Say's Brian with relief but at the same time feeling lost. "No problem Brian, you can address me as Lexford, I'm only here to help you." says Lexford."Well Lexford, do you know how to stop this?" "As a matter of fact I do Brian. You must go to the grand clock and spin the large hand in a 360, then, only then, time will be restored. We have until 5:36 p.m. until all is lost in time." says the car. "Wow, that's scary! Take me were I need to go Lexford!" Say's Brian. "With pleasure!" Say's the car. They kept passing hundreds of people lost in time. Lexford stopped at the Grand Clock and demanded Brian to go and save the earth from time. Brian got out of the car and started climbing up and up and up. Until he reached it. He started to turn the giant hand on the Grand Clock. Brian was almost there but he used all his energy getting up to the grand clock. He couldn't do it. But, he gave it all his might to shove and push to get it to go in a 360. He had restored the time to the people of Earth. On his climb down he slipped and fell. All the way down to his death. During his fall he heard the buzzing of an alarm clock. He puzzled this for a minute and said to himself, "I hope that's Lexford!" He saw the concrete coming and the next thing he knew he was smashing against the concrete with such force that he made a giant crater. He woke up screaming and gasping for breathe and saw heard the clocks ticking. He ran downstairs and saw all the cars running, the drivers drinking coffee in their cars. He ran to Lexford and said "Was that a dream? Oh yeah, I forgot you're a car!" "The best car around!" replied Lexford,"And that was no dream!" Brian thanked Lexford and went upstairs to see Christine sitting up in bed, "What happened to you?" asked Christine. "Oh just a nightmare." Said Brian relieved.
Thanks for reading my story folks.

3,337 posts

escartian, I thought you were giving proper feedback today?

233 posts

I'll sit this one out my thoughts just really aren't flowing.

1,751 posts

What are we waiting for?

75 posts

Hey, you just gotta be patient. He'll do it in time, he will, trust me.

Showing 61-75 of 108