Sorry about judging late (I didn't visit for some time now)
So this is what I thought of the stories (the places are at the end)
The story is interesting as well as the idea but what really ruined it was this part
Some people might say that being immortal seems cool; but it's not. I hate being immortal. I feel like a fictional character from a fairy tale or something.
(this part feels childish, and the story doesn't seem like it is ment to be childish)
other then that, it could use some addition information as well as a plot; it seems like it is a fragment of a story.
First problem that bothers me (don't know if it bothers anyone else) is that the whole thing is made into one giant paragraph. Another thing that bothers me straight away is that you don't start a new line when a new person is talking. This is easy to fix, but it leaves me uncomftrouble from the star without even reading the story. When reading it through, I found part like this annoying
Mike walks down stairs and pours a cup of coffee. Mike takes a sip of coffee and takes a deep breath of air. Mike looks at the coffee pot and back at his coffee and back at the pot and back at his coffee.
(notice how every sentence begins with Mike) This problem continues in parts throughout the story. Chliche ending waking up from a crazy dream. So-so when it come to stories
tomertheking (aka Tomer 'da king)
The story is good, I don't have that much to say about it. The only problem with it is the science; I won't list the scientific errors here, but you get the point. not counting the science, it is a good starter for a possible long story (with some changes of course)
Once again I see the same problem that JuicyFizz had (in case you didn't read the above I will say it again)
First problem that bothers me (don't know if it bothers anyone else) is that the whole thing is made into one giant paragraph. Another thing that bothers me straight away is that you don't start a new line when a new person is talking. This is easy to fix, but it leaves me uncomftrouble from the star without even reading the story.
Funny, I am quoting myself from the same post...anyway....good idea and well executed (except for above problem)
It isn't much of a story but a good idea that has been writen out.
Once again we have the cliche ending of waking up from a dream...fine...using chliches are not good but fine (it isn't like you can change it now)
That is about it for this story
nice thriller story with a strange brocken clock
I just don't understand the grandchildrens' thinking...why burn the clock...why not just leave?
The places are as follows:
This is hard...I just don't know who is better
DrPepperRain, CrimsonRose, aknerd (These three are the winners but I can't seem to choose the right order..I'll choose in a few hours, until then please feel free to share your thought on the order for the three above)
Sorry I was late. But I tried to make this better then the last time I judged...