escape... escape... escape.... ugh i cant really think of much on this topic that doesnt sound so.. cliche? cant really think of any terribly original story lines.
I'm going to be using the premise of WolfTeam for this one.
you know, the usual! mutant werewolves being tested on and being combined with soldiers and thrown into battle? yeah, all that good stuff
(unedited, because i have to go soon, sorry. so itll be very rushed towards end.)
The man's eyes enlarged in fear as the scientists approached him. Bruised, malnourished, beaten, and taken down to an animalistic state of mind, he had little hope of anything coming out of this visit besides pain. He knew what to await, the usual tests, the ear piercing noises, the unbearable pain. He sobbed silently in his durasteel cage as he was lifted and moved onto a wheeled cart. "Please, no." He begged the guard pushing his cart, pleading with him through reddened, bleary eyes. The guard looked away and continued the silent push down the hall. He was not permitted to talk to test subjects.
Upon reaching the end of the hall, the scientists, guards, and and test subject reached a large set of double doors that they all knew led to the laboratory. For the guard it was another place to go to on his job, the scientists saw it as a place to learn more about the virus, and the prisoner saw it as a place of pure torture.
The doors were pushed open and the man was wheeled in. The guard was told to stay outside until he'd be needed again. The scientists pushed the man to the middle of the laboratory, where there was a steep ramp leading to a slick edged steel pit 12 feet deep and 12 feet wide. Pushing the cart into the pit , closing the gate behind, and grabbing electrosticks, the scientists prepared for the tests. The cage crashed into the bottom of the pit. The man knew what would happen. They would transform him. They would wait for his rage to settle. They would force him into tests. There was no hope of escape, there never was. The steel walls couldn't be climbed and the gate couldnt be breached.
Soon enough the torture began. The scientists began jabbing the long electricity delivering rods into the man's flesh. He screamed, he cried out in pain. His tortured cries rang out as he neared unconsciousness. He sobbed and yelled to the uncarning men as he began to reach a subconscious primal rage. That was when the virus took hold.
The man let out a bestial roar as he transformed. He felt every sensation. The scientists hushed words, his skin moving and twisting, the bones cracking and moving. His muscles tortured him as they pulled away from there proper places, to enlarge to fit his new frame. He screamed in horror as his entire face began to elongate, nose and mouth moving outwards. His teeth fell out and were replaced by razor sharp daggers of bone in his mouth, and his hands grew enormous claws. As he reached a crescendo of pain, a blue mist enveloped the entire scene. Left standing before the scientists was a hulking, brutish form, that could only be described by one word.
The scientists expected the normal reaction, initial rage, that later subsided into a calmer mood, in which they could test its physical condition, until it fell unconscious, when they would go into the pit, put the wolf into its cage, wheel it back inside, and let it transform to man again and rest for tomorrows testing.
The scientists all watched in shock, as the werewolf immediatley fell down after the blue mist disappeared. "already unconscious?" one whispered to another. "well gentleman.. no testing today, wheel 'im up!" Two very disappointed scientists, entered the pit and began to approach the unmoving wolf, to put him back into the cage. The gates closed behind them, safety precautions. All the scientists knew the wolf wasn't smart enough to try anything, especially while it was unconscious.
The first scientist went to his legs and began to drag the wolf. The second scientist jumped in fright. "It's not unconscious!" "its eye twitched!" he yelled jumping back for the ramp and gates. "relax, it's just doing that because of the electric shocks we gave it." the first scientist told him. "ok..." said the second, younger, one as he took the wolf's hands to help drag it into the cage.
Instantly the pit flew into action. Blood fountained out of the pit as the second scientist was obliterated into nothingness. The second one backed away as the wolf flung its now-moving hand out, cleaning gore from its claws. The wolf stared the man in the eye. "such intelligence in it..." was the man's last thought as the wolf pounced. The werewolf knew it couldnt make the jump up acrost the pit, it had tried before. But with a boost...
The wolf jumped into the air and rushed towards the man. Giving a small leap as it neared him, the wolf launched onto his shoulders and clambered for the edge of the pit. The wolf's claws barely grabbed onto the slick edge as they hooked around the upper flooring. A scientist came forward thinking to push him back down by stepping onto the wolf's fingers. The wolf felt the pain and grunted. It swung its body from one side to the other, then thrust its legs upwards, into the mans neck, driving him towards the ceiling. The wolfs legs came over the railing and it landed with a loud thud. The other fifteen scientists were in shock, the only one who had moved was the one now falling into the pit. They all looked down as a sickening gurgle and sucking sound was heard. They all watched as the first scientist's head slid off its neck, and fell to the ground. The blood on the wolf's back foot claws were testimony enough of what had just caused that during the fatal leap. All was silent.
The wolf stared at them, and none of them could move. Paralyzed in fear, not one dared to take a breath. seconds felt like hourse, and at last a female scientist could hold herself no longer. She let out a loud, shrill scream and raced for the doors. The wolf smiles, knowing that his revenge was finally coming to fruition. It rushed after the woman, a blueish blur, flying acrost the room. It tackled her and rammed its claws through her abdomen.
All the other scientists screamed and ran. Some went for electrosticks, some ran for the alarm, and others ran for exits. The wolf beat them all to around as a blur, the wolf did what it was born to do. Kill. A body flew here, blood splattered there, and carnage and chaos ruled the room. The wolf enjoyed it all, every last second. it remembered the torment these people had brought him, it remembered the pain they gave.
After a minute, only one was left, the only to offer any resistance. Fending off the werewolf with an electrostick, he backed towards the main doors to go get the guard. The wolf went right, and so did the humming stick, the wolf went left, and the stick was there. The wolf smiled as its grin made the silent promise that the man wouldn't leave the room alive. The wolf came in a dodging and spinning blur.
To the man's credit, he blocked one hand and singed the wolf's fur.
Grown used to the screams and sounds that emanated from inside the lab daily, the guard patiently waited outside. He jumped up in shock as a horribly mutilated body flew through the double doors and skidded down the hallway. He gaped at the body and the doors, one of which was now on its hinges, and tried to unclip his gun from his belt. Before he could even reach the strap, a dark figure smashed him up against the wall. The man yelled in fright as he was thrown into a cart of medical supplies. He watched as the bestial blurry shape scrambled up a nearby wall and broke the glass of a window. As it did, an alarm sounded, but it was obviously too late. The wolf was already gone, scrambling outside. Running to freedom, and a new beginning.
yeah so g2g to bed now, 'night mates.