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9,504 posts

Armorgames. A gaming and community website that is renowned as "the 225th best place to live", among millions of sites in the entire universe of the World Wide Web. Here, people can enjoy frolicking with hundreds of thousands of citizens. Most chat, have conversations, and play games, whichever game they can find that is. Armorgames has over a thousand species of games that are able to be played. The nature and the mannerisms of each game are for the player to find out.

The year is June 6, 2012. Today is a special day for Armorgames, for the founders have something special planned for his inhabitants:

"Iroot! You look happy today!"

"Well of course Daniel! Today is that special day you know.

"What special day?"

"Today! Didn't you read up above? There's a special event going on today!"

"Okaaay....Well, what's it about?"

"The other developers and I believe it is time to release our research and begin the upgrade. As team head, I myself am especially proud of this accomplishment. Improvements galore!"

"How incredible is it?"

"Many, many changes! The citizens are now able to express EXACTLY how they feel with a certain conversation, instead of pointing out how. Our new system allows citizens to be rewarded AP for taming certain species. The sky will be a different color as well(to impress the stoners)! More buildings, more forums, and best of all--you're not going to believe it-- Logo itself will change!"

"The moon is going to change??"

"Yes! See, here's a rough copy of what it will look like:"

*sweep sweep* *scribble scribble*


"That's...err, amazing! You sure Logo itself will change just like that? And....Why did you just paint on my breastplate?"

"I uhhh, ran out of characters. Anyway, it will be a big achievement, with no bugs foreseen."

"Don't lie to me Iroot, you know I don't like it when you lie "

*ignoring the possible last emoticon ever typed*

"Okay okay, so we need to test it to make sure! We don't want the citizens to revolt again.... took me a week to get the ban juice off my boots."

"So this is the 'special day' eh? When will the actual installing of the new system take?"

"The last time we made a new system, we had plenty of testers and we launched as soon as there were no mistakes reported. This one will take a while, as there is 3x more stuff than now."

"Alright! *rubs hands* I can't wait! Let's start the B--"

*FOOOM* *cchhh...*


"Uhh? And who might you be, son?"

"H...h...HI DANIIIELL..."

"Good grief, get ahold of yourself! Iroot detain this boy before he drools all over my newly-painted-on breastplate!"

"I'm I'm....*slurp* I'm Freakenstein..."
"D*** you're huge... what do you *mmph* want? And how did you get in here most importantly? There were 3 mods on duty!"

"I want to be the first beta tester! I heard you guys overhearing so I jumped the castle walls and opened the door without a handle."

"this is going to be fixed, right Iroot?"

"Most definitely sir."

"Alright, ermm..."


"Yeah! That one. Okay, let me just look you over. Iron lord... lots of forum posts.... little of everything merit...What else have you done?"

"I've written reviews on 20 species of games, and I got one checkmark from a biologist! I also logged in 300 hours of AG into Xfire! I'm ready! I'm ready!"

"okay okay, you're ready. You seem active enough. Iroot, where's the key for the new project?"

"We...erm..haven't made it, Sir. That's the only thing we haven't done yet."

"KONGREGATE! Well, sorry Son, it looks like you're going to have to wait until they make that beta key for you. But I promise, as founder, I'll let you go first! "

"YAAAAY! Okay, I'll see you later!"



"Okay he's gone. Quickly Iroot, prepare the portal and the keys so everyone else who wants to test the new project can get in."


"I now declare Beta OPEN!"

  • 124 Replies
909 posts

Frank, you've mentioned 6/6/12, is this the official date of the long awaited 3.0 update for AG?
Are we supposed to sign up here if we want to be beta testers?
I'm not quite sure what you want to accomplish with this thread but I would like to be included with head-banging chats.

844 posts

Nice story,made me lol,and wow..?Armorgames 3.0 is 2 years from now?!I can't wait that LONG!

9,504 posts

Well you two, the point of this whole thing is that it's a STORY! Purely a parody of what's to come :P

3,337 posts

I like it! Feels good to have something else worth reading round here.

"H...h...HI DANIIIELL..."

Made me lol :P

Are you writing more, and will it all be in dialogue?
9,504 posts

Are you writing more, and will it all be in dialogue?

The next couple of chapters are going to be more narrative, like the first two paragraphs of the prologue. I'll separate lines when dialogue is used so people don't get their eyes burning. I have plenty of ideas and text to write on you know :P

Chapter 1 coming this evening!
3,035 posts

*Raises hand*

Can I be a beta tester? I'll do whatever it takes! *Shifty eyes* ALMOST anything, anyway.

1,258 posts

Yeah I want to be a beta tester as well but I'm afraid I'm not qualified so sadly I don't think that's an option for me, but I would really like to.

13,344 posts

This is a fictional story, and saying that you want to be a beta tester, when it's plainly obvious that everyone on this site wants to be one, doesn't really help your chances.

If anyone is to beta test besides the staff, it would be the current mods, but that wouldn't really be very efficient, because then all the mods would be there and not here.

Am I in the story?

1,258 posts

Ooh I want to be in the story sounds like fun. =)

3,035 posts

I know it's fiction. To put in terms less subtle, here's what I said: Can I be in the story?!

1,258 posts

Will they pick users? Doubt it.
Mods? Doubt it.
A mix of both? Doubt it.
A group of trained hamsters. Probably.

9,504 posts

~*Chapter I: Initiation*~

It seemed like the perfect day to play games in Armorgames; the backlight was burning brightly, illuminating every object that stood in the light's way; small bits of clouds floated along the sky, giving moments of cool and dark to those that needed a break from the glare; Logo revealed itself to its citizens, covered slightly in cirrus clouds.

It was very rare for the moon to show itself this early in the day. Blocking only some view of the backlight, citizens ooo'ed and awww'ed over the sight.

"Look mum! I can see the swords in the shield!"

"I know! Isn't it awesome?"

Yes, it seemed like the PERFECT day for hunting games. Well...three hours ago it would have.

"Bah. Teenagers. Up at the crack o' noon. Come on Ivan, you got lots to do today!" A very sweet but stern voice rung in Ivan's ears. If he didn't wake up from that, then he's obviously in a dream and needs more 'motivation'. Inside was something of an average teenager's room: no floor peeking out, plates of food hanging over the drawers and nightstands (coupled with flies), ripped posters, and putty hanging from the walls. You could tell that Ivan wanted to sleep in more; he put extra covering on the windows' curtains-- in a mediocre way it would seem. Stumbling over the room's clutter, the mother had a flustered look on her face.

"I swear I'll temp-ban you if you don't keep this room clean...."

"But I don't want any badges..." Ivan mumbled.

"Wtf are you talking about? That's it. WAKE UP!" The mother threw over the mattress into the wall, making Ivan use his balance to keep from falling over.


Looks like it didn't work...

"Do I have to slap you out of your dream?" the mother lifts Ivan up and shakes him. Drool and bouts of a jiggling voice were the result.

"No achievements either! We're an original city!"

The mother drew back her hand aaaand:


"WAAAAAI!" Ivan yelped, getting out of limbo. "What was that for, mum?"

"Ivan, you know that today is your big day", the mother nagged, "did you stay up all night hunting again?" Her foot was tapping.

"Bubble Tanks TD is too hard; why did the biologist have to alter the evolutionary line for...?"

"Well it doesn't mean you stay up half the night to try to beat it! Now come on you teenager, get ready!"

"but I'm not a....wait. Is today the 8th of August?" *confuzzled*

"Yes and it's your birthday, which means you have a party with your friends and relatives, and the more important thing, you get registered for Armorgames! You don't want to be invisible to everyone else do you?"

"No, not really..." Ivan gets up out of the small crater his mother made him, while holding onto one of the nightstands. A messy bed and pajamas consisting of boxers and a muscle shirt reflected just how much Ivan cared about 'tidying up'.

The 'rim-and-proper' mother relayed the opposite side of the cleanliness spectrum: Over her bright-purple silk dress was a white, silk apron with an assortment of small cooking utensils; she was obviously in the middle of cooking, but it looks like she also has to make breakfast for one particular boy. Her head yielded long, straight, auburn hair, wrapped around in a ponytail with a maroon scrunchee. Long was an understatement, as the hair reached down to her waist and from the looks of it, took quite a long time to grow. She even did her eyes with the use of mascara, to impress her husband or something. She couldn't resist going out hunting at a moment's notice, so she always wears her light-iron shoulder pads and a combat knife in her apron just in case.

"Now come on Ivan, go get dressed then come down for breakfa--*cough* LUNCH *cough*" she huffed jokingly. "Afterwards, you can go grab Kyle and see if he would like to register along with you; his birthday was a week ago and his parents never pushed him enough to do it, I guess".

She disappeared out of the room and sounds of fading footsteps downstairs could be heard.

"hmm...bed, or lunch?" Ivan contemplated. "Nah, she'll just yell at me again. Okay, let's open these curtains..."

When attempted, the once dark room was lit like a firework, due to the impressive work of the backlight. Not even the quickest direct glance couldn't escape a burn, and Ivan's eyes fumed in red.

"AAAAGH IT BURNS!" He quickly closed the curtains to prevent any more pain from reaching him. He obviously hasn't adjusted to prolonged exposure to backlight light in a while.

"Now then lesse here..." He pulled back the closet to peruse the selection of clothes to wear. He ignored the items that fell from the top. "Let's go....leather today!" Pulling together a pair of ebony pants and auburn shirt to match, he put on a leather cuirass, hard-leather shoulder pads, and finished with pulling up a pair of leather boots. And...he needed a belt; his pants were too saggy.

Downstairs, Ivan came directly to the kitchen. The mother didn't favor cabinets or drawers to keep the pots and pans in; she just hangs them on the wall. Easier to reach for? The father was sitting on a nearby bar stool across from the stove, reading up on the Armorgames News and the Armorblog. Imagine if one of the stove squares went berserk... Windows were planted on the opposite side, letting through sounds of invisible children's laughter and various pets carrying on around them, barking and whatnot. The delightful, smelly aura made Ivan's heart sing-- the mother was making chicken enchiladas for lunch. Well from the look of it, you wouldn't think so.

"Mum!" Ivan gasped after coming downstairs. "What's on you? What is this I don't even..." The mother was wiping off decaying mort flesh from her body, using rubber gloves so she wouldn't have to touch the blobs directly. She was washing her combat knife in the sink when she just now heard Ivan's comment.

"Oh, sorry sweetie! There was a Sonny in the backyard. I took care of that er... detail. But hey! Two more AP for me, right? hehehehe..."

Ivan had a O_O look on him.

"Well, here's your plate!" the mother handed Ivan a plate that held a steaming enchilada. If not for the circumstances that Ivan witnessed, the enchilada would have looked appetizing, but since he saw the green sauce poking through the breading and various cheeses inside, he wasn't so sure he would be able to keep it in his stomach.

"Wow...", Ivan's mom sighed, "I can't believe you're already old enough to register for Armorgames. OH! I can't WAIT till you make your first thread; oh, I'll be so proud..."

"Mom, I just want to register so I can make new friends and record how many species I catch.." Ivan moaned.

"Ivan, you know what the slogan is: Introducing yourself is the first path to becoming a mod!" She said, wagging her finger.

"But mom...Dad, can't you say anything instead of reading that paper??"

"Listen to your mom son, she's got more AP than me", the father replied, his eyes peeking juuust over the top of the newspaper. After his answer, he went back to his paper, reading the game development section.

"Oh, fine...I'll make a thread and introduce myself.." he gave in. "But aren't you coming with me?"

"No no NO Ivan, you gotta do this yourself", she answered. "You have to put in your own username, your own password, and your own identification. I can't do this for you; this is your initiation to becoming a man!"

"Alright, I'll go get Kyle and head out. I know the way..."

"Bye sweetie, good luck!" She waved Ivan as he headed out the door. Through the house, Ivan could hear the muffled sounds of his father:

"Hey Honey, did you know that ExitPath 3 is being released into the wild? I can't wait to go and play one! It's part of my objective to play every single species ever created! hahah---

"Yeah yeah, that's nice Dear, now eat your enchilada"

"Yes Honey.." *whimper*


Kyle's house was nothing like Ivan's. While Kyle's house was 120sq.ft, Ivan's was 400. His friend also needed some repair jobs done on the house. His siding and shingles were falling about and probably rotting a little. The front was decent though; apparently that's all the parents care for--the only part of the house that everyone can see. Ivan's house had an incredible garden foundation about the border. Along with an assortment of plants, trees, and bushes, scoregamites like to play amongst them. One has to wonder what exactly those plants are for: Looks, or Lures?

*bang bang bang*

"Whoozat..." came a mumbled voice from inside.

"It's me Kyle," called Ivan, "it's time to go get registered!"

"But it's 1:30...The Way of Moderation show is on..."

"Come on man, I can't do this alone! It will only take 3 hours..."

The exchanged retorts and counter retorts fired back and forth, until a creek in the door suggested that Ivan won the fight. A thirteen-year-old boy with a medium cut and an already-grown goatee replaced where the door was. He was wearing a simple lime-green garb with a cream-colored undershirt under it. On the front of the garb was a picture that said "Girlfriend Approved." with the suggested images to go along.

"hahaha.. man, Crimsonblade's team isn't doing so well in this round," chuckled Kyle, "You see, they are just now in the 2v2 round a--"

"We can watch that later Kyle!" attacked Ivan, "I wanna do this as soon as possible so I can do other things that are more important!"

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

It didn't take long for them to reach the Armorgames city. See, it's quite easy for invisible people such as Ivan and Kyle to get there; they are practically ghosts and can faze through people without them noticing. It would be such a pain in the butt to have to wait through traffic of people, wait for the traffic light to signal you in, and then you get to walk...not to mention the occasional mazzelh crossing... what Ivan and Kyle were looking for was the registration office: a building high as the moon and able to hold and take in millions of invisibles. Although they were invisible, they still took up weight, and no ordinary building could hold so many.

"Look!" Kyle pointed, "There it is!"

"Yeah Kyle I think I saw it too", replied Ivan sarcastically. The building was right in front of them when Kyle pointed it out. When Ivan replied, he turned a shade of red in the face. A tower so high that not even the backlight was high enough? Clouds swarmed over it? This was one hell of a place. It showed two balconies in which citizens or soon-to-be citizens could travel from one side of the building to the other. At the base of the building were many black doors luring the two in.

"Kongregate!", Kyle swore, "There's a lot of people! There's no way we will finish this soon!" There were so many desks and people, Kyle and Ivan could barely see any space at all. Even when they looked up towards the other stories of the registration building could they not find anything not pertaining to people. How people could manage this place, they will never know. And neither does the narrator.

"'Scuse me!" called a woman, "Do you need serviced?" The two quickly came her direction so they would get a spot and not have to wait longer. At the desk in which they were being serviced was a woman wearing an Armorgames logo hat, showing that she worked here.

"Uhh, yeah, that's us; we need to register", said Ivan. He pretended not to be embarrassed by the woman's cute, young appearance.

"Alright, well just have a seat, and I'll turn this computer over to you so you can get started! Let me know if you have any questions."

When taking a seat, Ivan looked over at the computer that was turned around. The image on the screen looked simple, but it could be tricky at the same time.

"Don't worry, people only do this once and then it's all done!" The woman said with a smile.

"Come on you pakistan, get it done so I can go next!" yelled Kyle. He was getting jumpy and twitchy. Anyone can guess that he's not used to standing up.

"Okaaay...let's try this out."

After clicking the button, Ivan felt kind of strange. He had this wispy, clear-white aura about him. It felt...tingly. But it disappeared, and passersby stopped to look at him; it seemed as though he was made real and now solid in the world of Armorgames. He must have felt really cool afterwards.

"Hey! Now I can see you more clearly!" cheered the woman.

"Uhh thanks ehehe", replied Ivan embarrassingly. "I uhh--"

"Woah! Dude, look at this!" Said Kyle with a raised voice. "I can faze though you now! Ahahaha!" He took two of his fingers and continuously poked through Ivan's eye sockets.

"Hey stop man! I think I can feel that!"

*giggle* "Alright gentlemen, now it's your turn to register!"

"Hey Kyle I'll meet you outside okay? I'm going to check this place out with my Armorgames self."

Stepping outside, it seemed like the backlight does not hurt his eyes anymore, rather it just glows and shines the entire place. Even though he at first said he wanted to do more important things, Ivan felt more and more that this is the most important thing he has done. And his path in life was made clear.

3,035 posts

LOL. So far, so GREAT. I think my favorite part was where Kongregate was used as a swear word.

5,420 posts

For some reason I always find stories about AG to be the most interesting on here, and this one does not change that for me. For now I will simply state that it is interesting.

1,747 posts

hehe, that logo was cute. Anyways the story is good.

Showing 1-15 of 124