ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Hyper Hive

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Hi...uhm, I'm kinda new to AG, but I thought that I would create a thread to share some of my writing with you guys(sadly, if I shared my art here, I would eventually end up in a lawsuit with a weeping family and something about suicide). But really, the reason why I would post what I've written, is that my stories and poems would really benefit from some constructive criticism. And frankly, there's only so much criticism(constructive or otherwise) that you can get from your teacher without wanting to punch them in the face, yeah? So I thought it'd be better if I got some help from people that to put this...closer to my level.

So, to kick things off, I'll post a poem in the OP, so you peeps can get a feel for my writing style.

They stare across it, eyes glazed
As their homes are quickly razed
They see without seeing, shellshocked
They are embraced by hell's deadlock...

Shoot a gun, and they respond
Kill but one, or stray beyond
And war, soon it will come for you
As it has, and always will, do

Action, reaction, pay the price
Trapped in warfare's deadly vice
One wrong word, peace is shattered
As if they cared, as if it mattered

Air strikes; paint the windows black!
And all the sidewalks red with blood
Now, there is no going back
You have begun the flood

Now the sky turns crimson red
And grey ashes start to fall
It seems that we have been mislead
And that it will end us all

  • 75 Replies
266 posts

i want to become an enviralmental enginer if you want to help

26,390 posts

i want to become an enviralmental enginer if you want to help

I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help. At all. do you connect being a good writer on the internet to helping you become an environmental engineer? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just asking.
975 posts

Awesome work. ^_^ :P XD xD > >:O

26,390 posts

"You have no beliefs, you have no God
You shall be destroyed by your facade
You have no morality, you have no faith
Our Lord is the one who keeps us safe"

"You base your life around some old book
You could see if you'd just look
You pray, you pay, you suffer again
You will know that you're wrong in the end"

"You will burn in Hell forevermore
You know it's true, within your core
You denied the Lord, and you will pay
Maybe tomorrow, maybe today"

"You believe in some being above
I appreciate its basis in love
But it's false, just a fraud
Your belief in your God"

"You heathen, you hater, you-
Hey guys, it's God here
Can you just lend me an ear?
Look, normally I just wouldn't care
But I can hear your fighting all the way up there
It's giving me a divine headache, and it needs to stop
Can you just agree to disagree, I mean, come on, stop?
Atheist, dude, stop calling him dumb
I'll share with you a base rule of thumb
If you insult someone, then they will fight back
So can you just stop your yak?
And Christian, stop saying he'll go to hell
Because then he'll be offended, duh, well?
Christianity's based upon love and forgiveness
So can you just stop shoving their face into this?
So all of you really are just being fools
Thank you all, now I've got to go rule.

975 posts


26,390 posts

This was my original entry into the Poetry Contest, with the wave theme.

The waves of the ocean
Crash against rocky shores
Just like a nagging notion
They keep knocking at your door

There are different waves
They're electromagnetic
Similar, but not enclave
Some laze*, some are frenetic

Radio waves are very weak**
But very strong as well
Their wavelengths, long and meek
But they also guide your cell

Microwaves*** heat your food
But on the scale, they're low
Without them, we are screwed
But their energy? So-so

Infrared is cool
It lets you see things that are hot
It can be used as a tool
But it's still fun if you're not

Here is visible light
The stuff that you can see
It's dear to my heart
Because without it there's no sight
It's just a tiny part****
But it's vital to you and me
So I'm giving it extra space
On my poem here
Because it should get a place
Since we all hold it so dear

Ultraviolet ain't so cool
It gives your skin sun burns
Use sunscreen, don't be a fool!
Oh well, I guess you'll learn

And here are awesome x-rays
They see through all your skin
Uhmm...why aren't they called waves?
I guess it's cuz they win xP

Finally, there's gamma rays
Radioactive stuff
With that, you shouldn't play
Eh, they don't sound so tough

And now, my poem's through and done
Is that a relieved face? >=(
I know my rhythm tends to run
But I hope that I can place

I will post the new entry after the judging, since I really think I have a shot at placing!

3,337 posts

Did you make up that religion poem Hyper? Its wicked, I love it!

26,390 posts

Did you make up that religion poem Hyper? Its wicked, I love it!

That I did! I'm glad you like it, I'm actually surprised nobody's ranted about it yet. I thought for sure it would ruffle some feathers =/
Owait...I ttly don't think of that as a good thing >.-
I'd appreciate any criticism that pretty much anybody has to offer at this point, be it about the poems or the Secret War.
20 posts

The secret war is cool can't wait for more posts. >

26,390 posts

The secret war is cool can't wait for more posts. >

I kinda have bad news for ya'll though, you're gonna have to wait quite some time before the next chapter of the Secret War is done, just because I have writer's block at the moment.
However, I can still write poems. Here's one that I came up with. I got the idea from...actually, I dunno. This is just a haiku I came up with.

The drought dried the stream
But it's raining, it's pouring
The stream flows again
26,390 posts

Sorry for double post all, but I intend to prove Gantic wrong. He once said he has never met any teen who knows proper archaic inflection.
So that's what I'm going to use in this poem, just to prove I can. Yeah...I'm pretty egotistical, aren't I? Hehe.

I prove herein that thou art wrong
That teens cannot properly belong
In the land of archaic inflection, am I
And so I am therefore thusly obliged
To write this ditty, for a writer am I

So, strength comes from within your mind
But my strength is not properly mine
It is thine, I tell you, it is thine
And if thee looks farther, the truth you shall find

Archaic inflection, which I am obliged
To write about, as a poet and writer am I
I know I am wrong, and therefore you're right
I'm not even a teen, I can't write
In a language that even my grandparents don't like

26,390 posts

Not waves of the sea, that comfort me
In this difficult time
You cannot see, but you can believe
That they can forgive my crime

It's the waves of life, that cure my strife
As I struggle to move on
I am no lowlife, I've paid full price
And now my hate is gone

The waves wash clean what I've done and seen
So that I can start anew
I'm no machine, I was just evil and mean
But I wish that's what I didn't do

I've turned around, started from the ground
And turned over a new leaf
You can dig around, but you won't like what you've found
Why can't you just accept my grief?

Make big waves in the sea, but it's already engraved into me
I can't go back in time
I'm new, I'm free, from what has broken me
So please, please change your mind

The sea is an unforgiving home, and I'll be living all alone
I can't quite reach
When the pain is in the soul and bone, it's like a syndrome
Your life, it will leech

They can't forgive, I can't forget, despite my all-consuming regret
No matter how hard, no matter how long
I want what I can't get, I can't have your forgiveness yet
But I want you to know I was wrong

My entry into the poetry contest. Unfortunately it didn't place, but I didn't really expect it to beat 3rd or 2nd place. The other entries were better.

26,390 posts
I made it for the Tile Contest, however I could only resize it to 100x75, so I decided to just leave it as it was and make it my sig.
Whatcha think?
*gasp* I haz posted art....oh noes! We iz doomed!!!!

185 posts

What are you using to resize it?

26,390 posts

What are you using to resize it?

Just photobucket.
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