ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Hyper Hive

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Hi...uhm, I'm kinda new to AG, but I thought that I would create a thread to share some of my writing with you guys(sadly, if I shared my art here, I would eventually end up in a lawsuit with a weeping family and something about suicide). But really, the reason why I would post what I've written, is that my stories and poems would really benefit from some constructive criticism. And frankly, there's only so much criticism(constructive or otherwise) that you can get from your teacher without wanting to punch them in the face, yeah? So I thought it'd be better if I got some help from people that to put this...closer to my level.

So, to kick things off, I'll post a poem in the OP, so you peeps can get a feel for my writing style.

They stare across it, eyes glazed
As their homes are quickly razed
They see without seeing, shellshocked
They are embraced by hell's deadlock...

Shoot a gun, and they respond
Kill but one, or stray beyond
And war, soon it will come for you
As it has, and always will, do

Action, reaction, pay the price
Trapped in warfare's deadly vice
One wrong word, peace is shattered
As if they cared, as if it mattered

Air strikes; paint the windows black!
And all the sidewalks red with blood
Now, there is no going back
You have begun the flood

Now the sky turns crimson red
And grey ashes start to fall
It seems that we have been mislead
And that it will end us all

  • 75 Replies
975 posts

but itz doesent spellz ur usernamez if u putz thee tilez together in any orderz thatz weirdz lolz i likez the letter z.

26,390 posts

but itz doesent spellz ur usernamez if u putz thee tilez together in any orderz thatz weirdz lolz i likez the letter z.

Man the point of the tiles is not to spell my name, it's like sudoku or a puzzle or something. Not in just any order. And besides, who said it actually had to spell my name eh?
And your "z"s are getting annoying. Lol.
11,891 posts

I'd liqe to qnow how it iz liqe a zudoqu or puzzzzle or zomething. Alzo, there iz no tile qontezt. It iz bij for a zij too. Alzo, 50x50 iz intenzhionally zmall, you eqovontizt. :P It is qolorvul.

26,390 posts

I'd liqe to qnow how it iz liqe a zudoqu or puzzzzle or zomething. Alzo, there iz no tile qontezt. It iz bij for a zij too. Alzo, 50x50 iz intenzhionally zmall, you eqovontizt. :P It is qolorvul.

I iz blinded by ze qz and qz.
OMG. I am doing it too now! *gasp* I'm infected!!!!
Anyway, it's like sudoku because there is only one of the same phrase per line.
Gantic: But...that's not how you play sudoku.
...Yeah, I kinda suck at sudoku, lol.
And yeah, I realized it was tiny. =(
What did you call me? An egotist?
975 posts

butz the z'z arez the bombz :O they makez sentencez more funz for everyonez and arez happy letterz they iz ta bombz I dont knowz howz u canz not likez themz...

26,390 posts

Hmmm...this isn't my normal style of writing, but I felt like it. I dunno, with all the internal and run on rhymes it almost feels like rap. Lazy.

I was there, then disappeared into thin air
In the blink of an eye
You don't know why, never even had a chance to say "bye"
And now I'm gone, all because I had to just go and die

It was my time, nothing else, not a second more alive
In an instant, in a second, now I'm constantly reminded
Of the time I could've spent and all the things I could've done
But instead of truly doing them I decided just to run

And I won't lie, I can't deny, I opened my eyes but it was far too late
I'm out of time, off the clock, now my pain won't abate
Cuz you know that it wasn't my fate, I threw it away for something not so great

I wish I could go back and take it all away, the pain and everything else that I wish I could say now
But now it's too late and now it's all gone, I took too long and now everything's all wrong

I can't recant, I can't relent, cuz by now all of my life has already been spent
I can't say a word or deed, can't take anythin' back, cuz what I did was just to evil to forgive and all that.

Haha, that was such a lazy poem. It could've been ten times better xP but I had to make it rap lol.

26,390 posts

BOOM shakalakalaka.
Now that I'm feeling a lot less lazy, here's the new and improved version of the above &quotoem", from the First Line Poetry thread!

Simple little memories
The only thing that tethers me
To my old life and my old world
Mind tightly gripped, and fingers curled

Around this dusty memory
That I can just barely recall
Of things long past I wish to see
My dreams, I treasure above all

And things I wish I would've done
The time for which has come and gone
Rather than live, I chose to run
False things that I now dote upon

Eternity's a long, long time
To just sit there on your ***
I did it, I feel it's like a crime
And now I have only my past

I've opened my eyes, but it's too late
To see what is already lost
My chance has passed, shut the gates
Fear and sloth hold their hefty costs

And now I dream, and dream again
Of what I could have, just once, been
Now I have only false memories
To last me for eternity

Feedback is not only appreciated, it's requested. In particular, I'd like to know what the above poem makes you feel or think of. Different people have different takes on different themes, and as a poet I'd like to hear them all!

26,390 posts

Today you suffer internally
Fear of suffering eternally
Someday you might understand
The truth behind this holy man

Intolerance, injustice, and sin
I think you know it's a sham, within
How do you know if it's a lie or true?
You don't, it's because you want to believe, you do

Contradictions, dark afflictions, when will it end?
There are so many cruelties with which we must contend
Why add one more, fear of more pain?
They say it's for God, but it's for their own gain

Just a short little debatey poem. I was feeling much less neutral than I was when I wrote that other God poem...I might expand on this one. Sorry for the triple post.

3,337 posts

Sorry for the triple post.

It's acceptable in your own thread. Your own lonely, lonely thread.. xD

I like the poem. And the previous two before that. A few comments though..

Today you suffer internally
Fear of suffering eternally

Internally and eternally sound too alike to rhyme properly.

How do you know if it's a lie or true?
You don't, it's because you want to believe, you do

This is a bit confusing. There's either too many commas or the second line is too long. Plus the first line doesn't make sense, it would be better if it read 'if it's a lie or the truth', or 'if it's a lie or if it's true'.

Contradictions, dark afflictions


Why add one more, fear of more pain?
They say it's for God, but it's for their own gain

First line seems too rushed and it would make more sense if it had a few more words to it but I love the last line.

Sorry my CC was more negative than positive D:
26,390 posts

It's acceptable in your own thread. Your own lonely, lonely thread.. xD

*cue goth music*

Internally and eternally sound too alike to rhyme properly.

I suppose you're right. It sort of depends on how you pronounce them, though.

This is a bit confusing. There's either too many commas or the second line is too long. Plus the first line doesn't make sense, it would be better if it read 'if it's a lie or the truth', or 'if it's a lie or if it's true'.

Hmm...I haz an idea.

First line seems too rushed and it would make more sense if it had a few more words to it but I love the last line.

I will see what I can do.

Sorry my CC was more negative than positive D:

Nah, negativity in CC just means it has more room to improve, which is good!
I was actually expecting the rhythm to be off a bit as I'm listening to a song at the moment and when I was writing it. Ironically, it's Awake and Alive by Skillet, which is a Christian band and it's a pretty obvious Christian song but it is just SO CATCHY! Can't... stop...listening...

Today you suffer internally
Fear of suffering eternally
Someday you might understand
The truth behind this holy man

Not much I can do about "internal eternal" without butchering the whole two lines...=(

Intolerance, injustice, and sin
I think you know it's a sham, within
How do you know it's a lie or true?
You don't, you want do believe you do

Cut down the fourth line, tried to clarify the third.

Contradictions, dark afflictions, when will it end?
There are so many cruelties with which we must contend
Why add the threat of damnation, and pain?
They say it's for God, but it's for their own gain


Thanks for the CC.
26,390 posts

*To, 4th line, 2nd stanza, not do.

3,337 posts

I wish I could have a thread.. I have nothing to put in one. Unless I c/p the old stuff.. Dx

Yah, the poem looks much better! I love the whole last verse.

How do you know it's a lie or true?
You don't, you want do believe you do

Definately better. Except maybe you could say 'false' instead of 'a lie'.

*thumbs up*
26,390 posts

Those eyes that bore into my soul
Were darkened without sight
Those eyes that bore in me a hole
Would haunt me for my life

Those eyes that cut into my whole
Were dark and black as coal
Those eyes that burned into my own
They took their hefty toll

Those deadened eyes that stared at me
They stole away the light
Those eyes cursed me for eternity
And left me in the night

Those eyes follow me while sleeping
And now when I'm awake
It would seem that they are creeping
To me, and so I wait

Those eyes that I once swore upon
"I swear upon her eyes."
Remind me of my broken bond
And my eternal lie

I lie awake, afraid and cold
As the eyes slowly approach
Insanity has taken hold
And I show no reproach

They come for me now, do those eyes
That boil over with hate
They come for me, to take my eyes
And thus reciprocate.

Credit goes to MoonFairy for the first line.
And may I say, I think that is one of my best poems yet.

26,390 posts

Those eyes that bore into my soul
Were darkened without sight
Those eyes that bore in me a hole
Would haunt me for my life

Those eyes that cut into my whole
Hungered for my sight
Those eyes that burned into my own
And cursed me with their blight

Those deadened eyes that stared at me
They stole away the light
Those eyes cursed me for eternity
And left me in the night

Those eyes follow me while sleeping
And now when I'm awake
It would seem that they are creeping
To me, and so I wait

Those eyes that I once swore upon
"I swear upon her eyes."
Remind me of my broken bond
And my eternal lie

I lie awake, afraid and cold
As the eyes slowly approach
Insanity has taken hold
And I show no reproach

They come for me now, do those eyes
That boil over with hate
They come for me, to take my eyes
And thus reciprocate.

Improved the second stanza, so it goes with the rest of the poem.

26,390 posts

Those eyes that bore into my soul
Were darkened without sight
Those eyes that bore in me a hole
Would haunt me for my life

Those eyes that cut deep, to the bone
They hunger for my sight
Those eyes that burned into my own
And cursed me with their blight

Those deadened eyes that stared at me
They stole away the light
Those eyes cursed me for eternity
And left me in the night

Those eyes follow me while sleeping
And now when I'm awake
It would seem that they are creeping
To me, and so I wait

Those eyes that I once swore upon
"I swear upon her eyes."
Remind me of my broken bond
And my eternal lie

I lie awake, afraid and cold
As the eyes slowly approach
Insanity has taken hold
And I show no reproach

They come for me now, do those eyes
That boil over with hate
They come for me, to take my eyes
And thus reciprocate.

God I feel like an idiot but this poem shows so much potential and I keep finding ways it could be better...

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