Ok I know some ppl will say i copied off of Big Jacobs story. Big Jacob gave me the rights to the story and wants me to continue on it. I will take any feed back you have. Also I've got permission to use the few new names that are coming in.
So Slayer and Epic run like heck through the forest stopping at a small river. Slayer looked at his reflection. This is the first time Slayer saw himself. Noticing his one wing which was demonic, the green flames coming off of him and he did liked the feeling he got. Slayer still holding the sword he snatched from the soldier looks back at Epic.
"Give me my sword back epic", Slayer threatens in a deep demonic voice.
"I like this sword though Slayer and how will I defend myself" Epic replies.
"You'll take the sword I hand you now", Slayer offers.
"But what if I don't want it and Keep your sword!" Epic states.
"You have one choice. Give me my sword or die!",Slayer threatens again.
"No I don't think you will kill me cuz I helped you out and you need me", Epic taunted.
"One I didn't need your help and your a tag along.Ok... This is your last warning give me my sword or die" Slayer warned for the last time.
"No, I won't give you your sword... Slaaayyyeeer"' Epic said as she looked down and noticed Slayer had stabbed her right through the stomach.
"hahaha I warned you", Slayer snickered.
Slayer snatched his sword back from Epic as she fell to the ground. Slayer pulled the sword out of her body and through it too the ground. He walked away and didn't look back. The first thing going through Slayers mind is 'What's happening to me?'. Then that thought was blocked out by the one thought 'I'm only here to kill Myspace not drag around a little tag along". Slayer continued down the river to a clearing where he set up camp for the night. Resting for a while Slayer heard a howl heading his way. Then the one howl turned to five howls. Slayer picked up his sword. As he picked up hiw sword it started glowing. He felt like he had unlimited power as he picked up the sword. The great amount of energy running through his body was the most relieving thing he ever felt. Then one wolf jumped out towards him. It seemed to be chasing something. Slayer swung his sword with tremendous strength killing the wolf. As he got a closer look at what the wolf was chasing he noticed that it was Brian.
Good but can you please make it longer like not a coversation little action lots of action little converstaion.Also i told you i do not approve of slayer being such a jerk he was well look at this from the fifrst story previews of the next.
Thanks everybody and as after i get the permission from yal the story will continue with a sequel and various new madeup characters Other features will be: a brand new hero that will help slayer The risks a priest is taking to revive slayer more action packed stories than ever
The risks a priest is taking to revive slayer more action packed storiesthan ever get it i mean well just dontn make him such a jerk.
Sorry for the jerk thing for Slayer. That is only half of chapter 3 by the way. Slayer is half demon battling against his inner evils. It will expain it in chapter 4. Slayer does kill his inner evil before the episode ends. That was probably the end to his jerkiness. Remember he is temporarily demon. He will turn good like originally planned and he does end up going back to the underworld to save Epic. He also tries to right his wrongs. just wait and keep reading you'll see. Just remember something Slayer is not totally Slayer.
Brian ran and hid behind a big rock. The next wolf jumped out at Slayer. Slayer ducked it and hit it with his left arm blade leaving only a scratch. A second wolf comes running at Slayer. Slayer flips over it while swinging his sword at it. Slayer turns around to face the wolf he didn't kill. The wolf looks at him then runs away. Hmm that's weird slayer thought to himself while turning around. Slayer sees a black thing swinging at him. Slayer tries to dodge but gets hit against a tree by it. Slayer picks himself up and can now see why the wolf ran away. Slayer was face to face with a giant spider. The spider jumped towards him ready to attack. Slayer ran under it slashing with his sword. After a few hits to the spider Slayer knew his weapons were no use against it's exoskeleton. Slayer was stuck with no where to run with the giant spider taunting him. Slayer backs up slowly noticing that the spider has no week spot. Ok I've got an idea Slayer thinks to himself. Ok on 3, 1,...2,...3,...ok now Slayer thinks to himself again. Slayer runs around the spiader only to be bit by it. "One second man I'll help!" you a voice yells. A man runs out of the forest knowing he is too late. Slayer was swallowed by the spider. The guy who ran out of the forest was some sort of fighter mage and his name is Big Jacob. He slashed his sword at the spider. With each slash a fire ball shot out. Four slashes four fire balls hitting the spider. The spider in retaliation attacked Big jacob nocking him down. Jacob thought it was the end until he remembered one spell that could help him. Jacob murmered something and then appeared behind the spider. Then jacob murmered something else and the spider was struck by a lightning bolt. The spider after being hit by lightning fell. Jacob went to examine with his sword drew. The spider got up. Jacob hit it with his sword doing no damage. Jacob murmered another thing but nothing happened. Jacob was out of spells. The spider started moving towards him. jacob knew he was in trouble. Then the spider went to attack him but falling at his feat. The spider was dead. Jacob looked in amazement. The noticed it was still moving a bit and grabbed his sword. It's mouth opened and Slayer walked out carying the spiders heart.
hey Jacob hope you don't mind that I made you a character. You work for the good. You want to stop myspace and your the exact opposite in personality as Slayer. Except for that your both heroic
"Hi, I'm Big Jacob. Jacob for short", Jacob introduces. "Yo, the names Slayer. Your welcome", Slayer introduces. "Your welcome for Slayer?", Jacob questioned. "That spider would have killed you. Be careful it's a dangerous world out there",Slayer responded. "Hey, I was trying to help you", Jacob replied. "Well thank you, and you should go home I'm sure a nest of giant spiders will hatch soon", Slayer warned. "Hey I always knew who you are and I know someone who can tell you where myspace is just trust me", Jacob offered.
So Slayer and Brian followed this Jacob character to a cave. Slayer and Jacob went into a cave. A young woman was at the end of the cave. "Hi, Slayer. My name is Sunshine", the woman introduced. "She's the Oracle", Jacob stated. "Hi, but can we be quick cuz i got a mission to finish to help this world", Slayer said. "Well, Slayer you will fail in defeating Myspace if you stay in your demonic form like that", Sunshine foretold. "Well fix me if you can because i hate this form. I'm always mad at someone and I want to be normal again",Slayer informed. "Ok, I will get rid of your demonic form but you'll have to fight your evil side and it won't be easy. You'll also have to right all your wrongs if you want to stay human. Ok", Sunshine confessed. "Fine, do whatever but hurry!" Slayer rushed.
Sunshine got up and turned around. When she got up Slayer noticed a dead wolf that was behind her. Sunshine walked over and touched Slayers forehead. As she touched his forehead Slayer saw a light really bright. When Slayer got his sight back he noticed he was human again and not angry. Then he went to say thank you but Sunshine, Brian, and Jacob were gone. Slayer noticed that the dog started flopping around on the floor. It started morphing. Slayer watched and in 5 seconds the dead wolf was now the demonic version of him. It got up and Slayer figured out what Sunshine meant. Slayer thought to himself 'these cave halls are kind of narrow maybe i should move outside where there's more room to fight'. Slayer ran toward the end of the cave. His demon behind him running at super speed. Slayer was close to the end of the cave when his demon caught up with him. The Demon grabbed the back of Slayers neck and threw him out of the cave. Slayer quickly got up no matter how much pain he was in. That demon is strong Slayer thought to himself. The demon pulled out his sword and dissapeared into the shadows. Slayer could here the demons voice in his head laughing and saying "You are the Slayer and I am the Shadows". Slayer concentrating on the voice and then feeling a sharp pain slash across his back. "HAHAHA pathetic", the voice. Slayer ready with his sword drew. Slayer thought he heard a wind a jumped high with all his strength. Luckily Slayer felt his right leg blade hit something. Slayer knew it was the demon. revealing the demons position. As Slayer landed he noticed the demon run off. "Now all i got to do is follow the blood trail", Slayer said to himself.
Chapter 4.5 Slayer followed the trail of blood. It wasn't much but enough for Slayer to follow. Slayer followed the thin whispy blood trail to a huge really dark clearing. Slayer noticed that it was the place where he fought the giant spider and that the blood trail ended at his feat. Slayer could here the demon's voice taunting him in his head say," You'll have to do better than that if you want to beat me Slayer mwuhahahahaha!". Slayer looked around but the demon was nowhere to be found. Then Slayer saw a movement out of the corner of his eye. The giant spider was still alive 'but how' Slayer thought to himself. AS slayer looked closely the demon was werged with the spider with his sword drew. Slayer drew his sword then dashed toward the demon. The Demon Spider jumped towards Slayer. Slayer knowing he couldn't hurt the spider stopped running and jumped on the spiders back as it landed. Slayer got luck and landed behind the demon. Slater noticed that the demon had no legs and was fused with the spider legs down. the demons body swung around and Slayer swung his sword hoping to kill the demon. The demon block Slayer's attack. The the spider jumped throughing Slayer off balance. Slayer not knowing what to do tok two slashes at the demon with his arm blades. The demon blocking his right arm blade and being hit with Slayer's left arm blade. Slayer dangelling from the side of the spider. The only thing keeping Slayer to the spider, was his left arm blade stuck in the side of the demon. This was a very weird position for Slayer to fight in. The spider now hanging upside down. "Let go off me", the demons voice rang through Slayer's head. 'Ok I have an idea' Slayer thought to himself. Slayer holdin his sword in his right hand swung as hard as he can at the demon. The demon block but made a mistake. Slayer hitting the demon's hand and making him drop his sword. That's when Slayer dropped his own sword and caught the demon's demonic sword. " Give me that back!!!", the demon screeched at Slayer. "NO!!!", Slayer yelled stabbing the demonic sword through the demon's heart. A light came from the demon's heart blinding Slayer before the demon turned to dust. Slayer fell from high up in the treetops the giant spider. Slayer got caught under one of the spider's leg's. "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!", Slayer yelled before the spider hit the ground.
Hey Jacob I know that you said you hope this story is longer than 6 chapters and i was aiming for 10-12 What do you think about that. And for all you who read can you please tell me what you think so i can change things if i have to. thank you for reading also