Ok I know some ppl will say i copied off of Big Jacobs story. Big Jacob gave me the rights to the story and wants me to continue on it. I will take any feed back you have. Also I've got permission to use the few new names that are coming in.
It was Jacob against Tartarus. Tartarus stood there with a smile on his face. Jacob wasn't too sure what to do. Jacob moved forward with caution. Under Tartarus's dark hood Jacob could see his eyes turn a light orange colour. Jacob charged at Tartarus. He was still standing there and not moving at all. As Jacob got closer Tartarus moved his hand throwing Jacob into the wall without even touching him. Jacob was nealing against the side of the wall surprised at what happened. Tartarus wasn't the kind of guy to fight fair but was the kind of guy to do anything to win a match. Tartarus seeing a good opporunity decided to use his mind and wave his hands to open a crevass that would engulf Jacob whole. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!", Sunshine yelled while tackling Tartarus. The crevass ended up opening right next to Jacob. Luck for Jacob that Sunshine tackled Tartarus when she did or he would've been a gonner. "Ok time for me to end this!" Tartarus exclaimed while using his telepathic ability to Through Sunshine into the Wall right next to Jacob.
Slayer was ready to fight Mypsace. "You can't win Slayer do you think you can beat me. I won last time and this time I have even more powers than before Slayer. How do you expect to beat me?" Myspace bragged. " I got some new powers too and I intend to use them to defeat you", Slayer respond courageously while dashing at myspace ready to strike. Slayer slashing at Myspace. Myspace doging five slash then blocking the last one. Slayer slashing in combos again and this time myspace countering and knocking Slayer to the floor. Slayer got back up . Slayer dodges 2 of Myspace's attacks. One left, one right, and then blocks an upperhand slash. Then Slayer heared a "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!", come from sunshine.Next thing Slayer saw Sunshine and Jacob were slouched against the wall about to be killed. Slayer still blocking Myspace's upperhand slash boundced off Myspace then bounced off a wall, to end up kicking Tartarus down the crevass before he can finish off Sunshine and Jacob with his sword. "NOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!!", Tartarus's voice dims down the crevass. Slayer bounces off the wall and does a flying kick towards Myspace. Myspace ducks then flip kicks Slayer out the stained glass window.