Ok I know some ppl will say i copied off of Big Jacobs story. Big Jacob gave me the rights to the story and wants me to continue on it. I will take any feed back you have. Also I've got permission to use the few new names that are coming in.
Ok, I just wanted everyone to know before reading the next half of chapter five that i actually took some of your ideas/ advice and I'm adding them to the story. I just wanted to ask you all to be a bit patient with me because some of your ideas will make the chapter long and it will take a while to write. But your ideas?advice will help make the the story better. So get ready for the next half of the chapter. I'm writing it now.
"Wait Slayer we should wait until night time to infultrate myspace's castle. The guards switch posts at night. Oh. and also waiting will help Jacob perfect his new spell. It will be a permanit spell and will help alot to defeat myspace", Sunshine said.
"Ok we can wait until night", Slayer responded, " You help Jacob perfect his spell and I will scout the area."
Myspaces castle was in a clearing in the middle of the jungle. Slayer looked around at thousands of thousands of guards all standing at certain outposts. It was heavily guarded and would be a stupid idea for anyone to try and infultrate the castle. Even for Slayer. In the backround Slayer saw the mountains that were surrounding the jungle were Myspace's castle was. Slayer went back to see how Jacob's spell was coming along. Jacob was almost done perfecting it. Jacoblooked at Brian who was eating a nut at the time. Then Jacob chanted something and brian grew to the the size of a human. Mmm.. "I love nuts", Brian said. Slayer couldn't believe his eyes. Brian was a five foot five talking chipmunk. Brian chanted something else. After jacob finished chanting Brian had boxing gloves and a sword. 'Cool' Slayer thought to himself.
"Ok they're changing guards we should go now. We have a fifteen minuit window before more guards come in so be quick Slayer", Sunshine guided.
"Ok lets go", Slayer commanded.
Slayer ran to the external wall of the castle with Jacob, Brian and Sunshine close behind. Slayer crept into the door and around some of the inner towers. The outer wall off the castle seemed old and cryptic. Same with tower. There were at least 20 huge towers where most the archers were kept. The towers exceeded the fifty foot tall outer wall. Slayer can see that the castle was huge. In the center was the main part of the castle where Myspace was sitting. Slayer after 3 minuites got to the back of the main part of the castle where Myspace should be. The inside of the castle was a relic. There were torches with black flames and suits of armor. The castle was complicated. Slayer let Sunshine take the lead. Her ability to see the future let her know where all the traps were and where the main chamber was. Slayer kicked down the wooden door to the main chamber of the castle.Slayer dashed in with his sword drew and saw Myspace as expected sitting in fornt of a huge stained glass window.
"What's this!!", Myspace exclaimed surprised to see Slayer, "I killed you ten years ago Slayer! No one comes back from the underworld!".
"Except me and am ready to do it again and again and again until your defeat Myspace. Or would you rather prefur to be called father", Slayer sassed,"this ends now".
"Ok then Carange, Tartarus and Sloth come get rid of these fools once and for all."
Three guards came out of a long hall on the right side of the room. Jacob chanted again arming himself and Sunshine with a sword. Brian went on to challenge Sloth who was a 6 foot tall sloth with boxing gloves. Sunshine went on to fight Carnage who was a huge knight in black armor. Carnage was also a tad bit demonic. Then that left Jacob to take on Tartarus. Who was a mysterious fighter mage with his face hidden in shadow under his hood.
All this is like my favorite chapter im impressed theres so much suspense i cant take it you finally figured out how to make this so funny mysterious and action packed at the same time xD I like it epecially
Or would you rather prefur to be called father", Slayer sassed,"this ends now".
I like how he sassed it ah you even put in lots of detail like frankenstein suggested.
Brian put on his boxing gloves ready to box Sloth. Sloth seemed tires and Brian. Brian thought it would be no problem. Brian got a left hook right into Sloths face. That's when Sloth went crazy with punches hitting Brian vigorously without stopping. Brian stayed blocking hoing not to get knocked out but the punches kept coming and so fast. Eventually knocking Brian down. Brian got back up and Sloth seemed tired again. Brian started going crazy with punches landing most of them on Sloth but with seeming to be no effect. Brian's punches started to slow down. Brian was getting tired and was not used to boxing. Sloth hitting Brian again with tremendous strength and knocking him down again. 'That's it, I'm getting tired of this guy. Time to end this fight.' brian thought to himself. Brian pulled out a sword and giving Sloth one strong slash knocking Sloth down. Sloth seemed to be unconsious.
Sunshine was armed and ready to beat Carnage. Carnage just stood there and watched as Sunshine was read for an attack. "Right here", the voice came from behind her while being slashed. That's when Sunshine figured it out, Carnage was a master illusionistand wasn't so easy to be deafeated. Sunsine turned around and saw to her surprise that she was surrounded by eight Carnages. 'Uh-oh' the thought came to her mind. That's when all eight Carnages slashed downward. The only sword that cut her though was a sword from the side that ended up throwing Sunshine to the ground. Sunshine stuck out her palm and a light came out of her hand blinding Carnage and getting rid of Carnages illusions. Then Sunshine got up and started chanting for a few seconds until her blade cought on fire. Sunshine slashed Carnage with her flame blade scarring his armor. Carnage surprised that he got hit started swinging his sword randomly trying to bring down Sunshine. Carnage was sitll blinded and seeing spots everywhere when a sword blocked one of his attacks. Then the sword was pushed up knocking Carnage off balance. Sunshine ready to finish the battle stabbed Carnage slaying him.
Don't mean to dissapoint you Big Jacob but i will first write the last part to chapter 5.5. lol People like description and that makes my story longer. I don't have alot of time on my hands to spend writing all day. So this is the best way to help everyone be pleased with my story. So sorry for the inconvienence for reading more but as everyone can see it is worth reading more. Oh one last thing I don't read alot and Language Arts(LA)/ English is my worst subject overall. I know my grammer and spelling is horrible. So please no comments on my bad grammer or spelling. Just wrap your head around the main idea of the story. I'll take all your suggestions for a better story. If this wasn't for fun and I had more time on my hands, I would spend more time on speling and grammer.