I have to actually finish the WoM, finish working on the med school yearbook, and actually start work on the novel I started 3 years ago (my editor is waiting for me!)
That's insane! I hate it when you can't finish a story and then kinda loose the idea, then remake the idea, then scratch that and then retype it. Its a battle! But you seem incredibly busy juggling all those things at once, well good luck to you.
I only made it to 12k last year . . . I am going to redeem myself. I'm gonna do my usual thing when writing long pieces and write a whole lot of nothing at all.
These days? I'm far too lazy and with far too short of an attention span to attempt NaNoWriMo without using Adderall or something to make me concentrate. I do advocate it though - I got 25K words in 8 days but the 'Trolley' incident sort of put me out of action for the whole of November.
Ideassssss........ I dont think I can do anything all magical and mystical or w/e... I would have to create a whole new world and new languages... bleh. Anyone got ideas that they prolly wont use that I can mooch off of?
Ideassssss........ I dont think I can do anything all magical and mystical or w/e... I would have to create a whole new world and new languages... bleh. Anyone got ideas that they prolly wont use that I can mooch off of?
One could always write a story involving two rapscallions Shayne West and Frank West (no relation or resemblance to any famous real or fictitious persons with the same or different names) trying to save Earth with the help of the Moon Fairy as Xzenomorphs from the Orion Nebula wage all out war against Battlethoads from the Ursa Cluster. And did I mention the subplot where the Moon Fairy is on her own personal quest to reclaim her father's razor strop from the nefarious Mogwai? But a startling revelation is revealed as the West brothers meet a Ryan Avorne from an alternate Earth!
I call it Beasts Meet Wests. Oh yeah, there are racist undercurrents too. This thing practically writes itself.
HOLY SH*T REALLY? Dude, I'm in california right now! I can only wish that I could meet you in the flesh. That'd be 1 crossed off of my some 10 people that I wanna meet IRL. Slightly off topic: THe list is: Strop Zoph Cen X number of people from deviantart.
And here's a bunch of ideas for you guys. I have too many. In fact, I have a better idea for what novel I'm going to do for NaNoWriMo. Okay, so here's an idea for your fantasy folks: There is a large pangea-like continent. Life was peaceful and humble, though not technologically or culturally advanced. Government wasn't really there, and if you wronged someone they would generally be the judge and the jury of your crime. This changed all in a day. A man in a small village tampers with chemistry and finds a resource which would become so valuable due to it's properties. The resource would be able to power large machines and cities by the ounce. It was formed in a greenish white powder. There were 12 different "nations" that lived on the mainland, and they all wanted the resource. It was incredibly rare, and only found in nature in the middle of the pangea. and that's basically all you'd need. I'm going to be working on my Planet 59 pet project. Have a story of the Sea Branch, prolly. Simply because i love the Sea Branch of Planet 59's science facility. If you want more info on it, I can e-mail it to you. Even though Planet 59 is kind of a pet project where I just do a bunch of short stories etc. for it, it still has an *SS-TON of context to it.
One could always write a story involving two rapscallions Shayne West and Frank West (no relation or resemblance to any famous real or fictitious persons with the same or different names) trying to save Earth with the help of the Moon Fairy as Xzenomorphs from the Orion Nebula wage all out war against Battlethoads from the Ursa Cluster. And did I mention the subplot where the Moon Fairy is on her own personal quest to reclaim her father's razor strop from the nefarious Mogwai? But a startling revelation is revealed as the West brothers meet a Ryan Avorne from an alternate Earth!
I am so using this. I will have to change some things but this is a good Base!
You know what would be awesome? and ArmorGames Convention. Fo shizzle.
One could always write a story involving two rapscallions Shayne West and Frank West (no relation or resemblance to any famous real or fictitious persons with the same or different names) trying to save Earth with the help of
Why am I thinking "Super Starship Troopers"?
You know what would be awesome? and ArmorGames Convention. Fo shizzle.
Lemme rustle up my raichu suit and we'll totally nerd it up.
[quote]My ML's gonna have to find somebody else to repeatedly kick from the IRC channel this year >:P
You too?[/quote]
To be fair, all the times she was fielding an actually valid complaint about my online conduct, she simply told me privately.
That did take the shine off the experience though. NaNoWriMo chatroom conversations are generally pretty crazy, but it's hard to be "anything goes" when some anonymous PC-Nazi keeps whining about the occasional edgy statement. I mean one day all I said was that I was "feeling misogynistic" without even saying anything misogynistic and they complained (much to the confusion of the other females in the region, after all they reportedly feel misogynistic on a regular basis)!!!
Aside from some of the characters in that bunch, some of whom hate me solely on the basis of my occupation, others on the basis of my gender, most of them are great. But as it stands now, unlike last year, I've just got no reason at all to do it. I'm not in it for the challenge of writing 50k in a month, or even 10 days. I've already got plans for the stories I'm currently telling. And last but not least, I'm not interested in the drama on the forums, especially without the need to have peer pressure pushing me along. So this time, when I say I won't be doing it this year... it's not with the same sense of extreme temptation that I had last year.
Here's what I'm writing (unless I change my mind again):
My novel is the story of a Boltzmann brain, following this titular character from his spontaneous creation through his accent to godhood. Along the way, he meets other Boltzmanns, gathers a crew of cronies and explores topics like physics, philosophy and religion in humorous (but completely serious) and offbeat ways. Part myth, part creation story, part space opera, part Flat Land, The Loner is spontaneously arising from the quantum chaos near you! This November!
My novel is the story of a Boltzmann brain, following this titular character from his spontaneous creation through his accent to godhood. Along the way, he meets other Boltzmanns, gathers a crew of cronies and explores topics like physics, philosophy and religion in humorous (but completely serious) and offbeat ways. Part myth, part creation story, part space opera, part Flat Land, The Loner is spontaneously arising from the quantum chaos near you! This November!
You just blew my nerd-o-meter, and I can tell you now the probability of that verges on the 10^-23 magnitude.