Oh jesus I haven't been feeding it. *pulls a dead charmander out from the closet* ...Excuse me, I'm going to go and cry a little. *bawwwwwwhawhawhahwwwww*
New thing to add to Thoad's Character sheet: He USED to own a lvl sixty-something charmander that he didn't want to evolve. It is now dead, due to lack of feeding. ...God, this just got dark.
Oh god no. Actually I meant the insanely stupid comedy about highway patrolmen by the same title. Officer Farva = one of my favourite dumbass characters ever.
So. What does happen when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
An explosion.
Last year at our write-ins, this suggestion would immediately be followed by the line "and then the lesbians had sex." I can't tell you what it would have been in 2007, I would get banned.
Oh god no. Actually I meant the insanely stupid comedy about highway patrolmen by the same title. Officer Farva = one of my favourite ******* characters ever.
That makes a lot more sense now. That movie was a weird mix of funny and waste of time.
"and then the lesbians had sex."
That would be my other novel.
The situation in The Loner is more like: What happens when a substance (in this case, a Boltzmann's breath) that kills anything alive touches something that cannot be killed?
Well, I did log in... That does mean I am automatically forced to enter and complete or otherwise face the consequences, right?
"and then the lesbians had sex."
And this will be the way out of trouble for this year's novel. Instead of having ninjas. Then again, I am not sure where ninjas would fit in into a story of horror, suspense and ugly hair.
Well, I did log in... That does mean I am automatically forced to enter and complete or otherwise face the consequences, right?
Last year only the people who actually entered a positive word count were included in region average totals >_>
One of my friends passes NaNoWriMo writing erosmut. Whenever she runs out of ideas, either she plays Bejewelled, or she writes smut. Her total was 330k last year. I dread to think what proportion of that was smut.
...did he seriously just say that?[/quote] In case I actually get to write it, I will include at least a paragraph where the protagonist won't be screaming in horror or facepalming at the narrator/author, and have him angst about his ugly hair. Possibly just after some chain saw killer took a swing at him.
One of my friends passes NaNoWriMo writing erosmut. Whenever she runs out of ideas, either she plays Bejewelled, or she writes smut. Her total was 330k last year. I dread to think what proportion of that was smut.
Many of the people from the AdelNano group do this...I mean the convos were like this:
Person: Hmm...writers block...I know, I'll chuck in some smut...or maybe a dream scene...or maybe some DREAM SMUT! Person 2: WOOO CONES! Me: :S