ForumsArt, Music, and Writingart

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We need more art, so another remake of my art thread.
Nope, nothing more to say.


You know the paint-thread No paint no gain? I saw it, thought "Hey, I wanna try something like that again." and opened paint.
Now, the OP states that it should be crappy 5-minutes paintings. Let's just say I ended up using just a wee bit more time than that.

I think I managed to get impatient, lazy and uninspired five times making this, and then I had to colour it too. And background is craptastic, because his hair is just a tiny bit annoying to try and colour in between, and I generally don't have patience for background. Perhaps another time.

Also, as seen in Strop's thread:
For whatever reason. Like... The background.

  • 197 Replies
3,086 posts

That could be one scary beastie! I found it quite interesting the way you drew the feet; i'm guessing it's a creature that wouldn't use it's feet so much....... anyway! The background clearly shows the Sazandora diving at some sort of prey or target(?) which give the person looking at it a good idea of what they are supposed to look for in terms of body position.

13,657 posts

That could be one scary beastie! I found it quite interesting the way you drew the feet; i'm guessing it's a creature that wouldn't use it's feet so much....... anyway!

Technically, it does seem to have feet, but I like to picture it being kinda bitten, torn and zombie ish. It makes more sense, to me, at least. But then again, I am the one with the theory that ponyta could swim if needed without damaging itself as well, so I am not sure what to take it for.

Also, it be awesome pokemon.

Zophia and I were rp'ing, as some might have noticed.
It went crap.
It tried to save some butt, but rejections. So, yeah.

It is story. Ish.
Also, because Cen sucks.
Cen jumped aside, narrowly escaping under both heads of the hydra. It rumbled, having not moved for what must had been centuries, and while this human was nothing more than a simple fly to twat, it was not affected by the mind control the other prey had been under, which meant it was... Faster than usual.
Meanwhile, Cen thought to his feet on the slippery ground, somehow feeling both relieved that he had miraculously managed to survive certain death, and hellish scared, because this very well could be more than just his mind playing mean tricks on him. And somehow, that realization made him want to live.
He ran through the mud (he really did hope it was mud), while the critter turned its heads in his direction, closely following his sprint around its massive corpus. This time it would not let him pass. After all, it was a prey just like any other. It stroke again, all three heads lunging forward, and in another desperate jump, he threw himself towards it's tail head first, which, while saving his poor *** from yet another attempt at eating him, also gave him a very sudden headache.
The dragonlike creature seemed unable to turn its heads properly to get a good grip on him, but it did not leave him be fore that reason. It kicked its hindlegs in little startled movements, and trashed its tail, pinching him up against the wet wall of the cave, roaring with all of its maws. Cen whimpered, struggling for dear life to get out under the tail for another run for freedom, but the combination of sticky mud and the pressure from the tail left him in a very awkward situation, unable to move more than his legs. Then the hydra decided to try again, slowly turning around to face him as much as possible, and these movements lifted the pressure. He slid down the wall, and made another groggy attempt to move, before being sent crash course into the wall again by the tail. He slid down, gasping for breath.
Opening his eyes, there was a mysterious absence of light. He had lost the lamp! Sadly, this was not the worst of the problems at hand, as he saw three pairs of red glowing eyes stare at him with the one intent to kill him in the most horrid way those three brains could think of. He yelled out, some nonsense that seemed too startle the monster for a short moment, in which he started his sliding run again. It roared, one head lunging forward in an attempt to grac him, but somewhere someone seemed to cross their fingers for him. He slipped, and glided down what seemed to be a slope, being missed by the head by mere inches. The stick from the maw was horrifying and made him oddly lightheaded, while the drool made it even harder to move upwards. He hunched his back, and when the monster removed its terrifying head to once again stare at him with these 6 eyes, he ran again, adrenaline and fear being his only fuel. There was a loud creaking sound, very near the sound of a great oak tree falling in the woods, and the creature moved about again, trying its best to cut him off, seeing simple attacks had to helped its cause. Another creak, and another, deafening to those human ears, but Cen kept running, falling and fighting for that little feeling of will to live he had left. The monster shrieked, mighty wings making tiny movements to get itself free. It wanted him, it wanted him now, to kill and eat and be satisfied. And with this rage the little human had given it, it wanted to free itself, and once again roam the world outside. It roared and jolted forward.
As Cen threw himself through the opening into the maze, he could hear the loudest creak of the all, followed by a mighty shriek of pain. The veins of red pulsated oddly, faster, more panicked, with the heart of the great one, as it saw its wings fall to the ground, broken by the core in its own attempt to free itself, and the pain from its legs, it stomach and neck from where the ground had been made one with it over the years. It shrieked again before curling up to protect the wounds, no longer caring for the little terrified being it had wanted so much. No, it only cared for itself now. It would have to heal, or wait, and grow stronger. There was other prey, and there would be another time where it would break free and gain revenge for these sins committed against it. Yes. In time, it would all come to it.
Cen ran, twisting and turning through the maze, not quite sure if he was lost or saved just yet. His head was filled with everything, and his mouth was rambling with all this, little things like how to save his own sorry ***, to other random words. None of this was really acknowledged by him, all that really was to know was that he had to get out, and in this moment, even if it hurt to breathe, to run, to think.
He couldn't even remember how he had gotten himself out of the mine, when he finally found himself in the forest again, still wet from slime, mud and cold sweat. All he knew was that he was alive.
5,642 posts

It went crap.

My curiosity muscle is tingling. I WANT TEH INFORMATION (tomorrow, I'm on a friend's computer).

It tried to save some butt,

13,657 posts


My curiosity muscle is tingling. I WANT TEH INFORMATION

Stuff went bad. It has not yet been fixed, and most likely will not, considering it is New Years Eve tonight.


Screw you, Thoad.
10,816 posts

[quote]UNF UNF UNF?

Screw you, Thoad.[/quote]

As is part of my new "don't annoy Cenere with too many tasteless jokes" resolution, I would not say anything but the alternative, here, would be for me to sit tight and hope nobody else says anything, which, considering, probably isn't too wise.

So inb4 misconstrued double-entendre!
1,828 posts

considering it is New Years Eve tonight.

Good luck with all your New Year resolutions!

I have a few of mine but they are the usually things I want to accomplish...
But I did accomplish one from last year I lost like 40 pounds yaay! And that was without too much effort, now I need to go further and get below 200 pounds for next year
9,434 posts

Cen is going to be so happy about the completely irrelevant-to-thread chitter thar. So happy. I can just imagine his facial expression when he gets around to reading those first few comments on his thread this year.


It has not yet been fixed, and most likely will not, considering it is New Years Eve tonight.
Still hoping we can sort it out. Can at least try, yeah? :<
13,657 posts

There was a reply here. It apparently did not submit.
So, shortening it down to: "Gee thanks for nothing guys" and "I doubt it, since you, idk, left."

Also, trad. drawing for sis. Might get it scanned when done.

13,657 posts

No scan for now, sadly.

Pokemon(C) Nintendo.
Click for full size.

11,891 posts

Ishizumai needs a caption. :P

13,657 posts

Like "Why I can has no cheezburger??!" or something?
It is a dang cute little one...

9,434 posts

Love how smooth your lines are and the way you draw them, but I don't think that template served you well at all. > >;

"I doubt it, since you, idk, left."
But it worked out~
13,657 posts

Love how smooth your lines are and the way you draw them, but I don't think that template served you well at all. > >;

Well, I just wanted to try it out. I would do more, bigger and better if I wasn't concerned about how to get some money > >
13,657 posts

So, commissions go!
But that is not it. Rather we have:
Zophia and I met up during the holidays and ruined a couple of sheets of paper with a couple of pencils. It looks awesome and weird at the same time. These will be scanned in the nearest future!
I have also gotten myself a calender (Doctor prescribed me to plan my days more, so...), which means covers to draw on! These will also be scanned when they are done.

Aaaand... Dream armatar.
I should probably fix up the background a bit, though...

11,891 posts

So, commissions go!

I'd commission you if I had money, but I don't.

I have also gotten myself a calender (Doctor prescribed me to plan my days more, so...), which means covers to draw on! These will also be scanned when they are done.

Dang. I didn't know you were rolling you own sheets of paper!
Showing 76-90 of 197