ForumsArt, Music, and WritingEthan's writing. (this time not written at 3 AM)

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3,086 posts

Unlike some writers and poets I can never grab on to any recurring theme, so you will find my works to be all over the place.
Some ideas of what is to come:


I am the mountain,the solid rock, the earth;
I am impenetrable, a fortress; a god,
I am blank, unemotional,my will implacable.
no sight nor touch nor memory;I am alone.

Then it came; no, she came,
She was stirring,beauty, emotion, happinessfreedomexcitement and disturbing all at once!
She was an idea, a message that rushed right through me,
The idea that,life was possible that I, beast of solitude could could have something I dared not think about,
that I could fulfill my life with one cliched word:love.

Am now peaceful as i lay dying, the lover long dead; knowing I soon follow, staring at the long part between birth and death
I impart to you,dear human:contentment is the greatest thing to achieve.
That was one of my first attempts at writing that sort of work. The different styles are on purpose, if your wondering.

Hope for the future

For the moment people like us simply have to continue living. Speaking about such despair shall bring nothing.
But the knowledge that, if you could change one persons life for the better by spreading common sense,logic and wisdom could change your perception of this flawed,imperfect world for a long time.

I believe that all people have potential, and that it's the job of clever people to influence and shape it.
I was once depressed at the pointlessness of man, but then I realizedersevere in life. Endure, who knows? it might be fun.

Contradiction Acrostic

I llogical

L oneley
O ld
V ile
E ntrapment

Y uck
O utrage
U needed


A mbitious
R iveting
M edieval
O n-going
R oaring

G erbil
A rousing
M astery
E lysian
S uperabundance


The Efan adventures in limerick style (more to come)

An Efan fell out a plane,
his life going down the drain,
he took a look down,
saw the whole town,
and found himself in pain.

An efan once went splat,
scaring a poor rat,
the rat flew high,
afraid it might die,
and flew into the arms of a cat.

Please post what you think and your ideas for improvements.

"Never underestimate a writers need for your opinion"

  • 109 Replies
783 posts

Wow, very nice man. I'm not sure why but your writing is very meaningful (not trying to sound cheesy or anything)

3,086 posts

Wow, very nice man. I'm not sure why but your writing is very meaningful

Thank you
The fox wanders the shore of grey,
the only colour this dark day,
he lays to rest on a pile of hay,
he hears a noise, a ney.

The sun hits his face with her bright ray,
This is my ay/ey poem
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