This was originall started by fluffybunny442 a while back. Lolz, I necro'd it :P
In this contest, I will give an image to you, and you alter/change the image as much as you can, and make it look super awesome. Then I will judge your image on a scale of 1-10. Also, it would be awesome if we could have 2 or 3 judges.
And, I really would like to participate in this, so if someone else could I would really appreciate it.
physco I can't tell what you changed besides tinting it.
My pic just got smoked O.o I need to try and do more, mine seems like it wasn't changed much, even though it was frustrating due to being colorblind and my mom complaining about it. I had an other idea with the pic but didn't post it, perhaps I shall another if it is ok to have people vote on two? If not I will stick with this one
You can post two, and I will tell you which one I think is better. But only one can be judged.
Silvermoon do you want to be a judge?
If I can find copyright free images or royalty free images, images that I am legally allowed to use and modify, can I use them to add to the image we are supposed to change (siting sources of where I found the images)?
I said no before, but I think it will be okay, especially since crimson did it.
But Crimson, next time you render an image you need to site your sources. And I also understood the reference, and I think that slayguy is bad at judging.
But Crimson, next time you render an image you need to site your sources.
Yeah I realized that after I posted it, but wasn't going to make note of it unless you made a point of it, but I am aware of this. This new image has nothing outside of the original image, and things rendered with photoshop.
Who were you talking to? Because I just told Crimson you can do that if you site your sources and make sure it is free to use.
Apparently, both his posts were deleted, but in the second version he had some weird, animated... thing. Anyways, it looked like he had just found it somewhere, then slapped it on top of the picture he had in his first post. I think the reason why his posts were deleted was because in them, he told us his other account got banned, so he had made a new one.
Apparently, both his posts were deleted, but in the second version he had some weird, animated... thing. Anyways, it looked like he had just found it somewhere, then slapped it on top of the picture he had in his first post. I think the reason why his posts were deleted was because in them, he told us his other account got banned, so he had made a new one.
I'm sorry what? Are you talking about me, because I don't remember any of this happening.
Also I have to admit the quality of images this round is actually much greater then the last two rounds which is means this competition is headed in the right direction in my mind.
I'm sorry what? Are you talking about me, because I don't remember any of this happening.
No, I'm talking about the person I responded too. I didn't use his whole name when I responded, and I forgot it by now, but it started with running, and that's why I started my message with "Running". I wasn't talking to you, or about you.
Hyper, it looks more like a mix of the death star, the evil computer's eye from 2001 a space odyssey, and a common eyeball... But very cool picture. Who is going to judge this round?