I just want to do a critique on what I thought of the judging, which seemed a bit off this round. In some places it was very well thought out and in others it seemed rushed.
Strong: I thought that the statement was effective and gave well thought, constructive criticism.
Neutral: The statement works well, but could be have give out more incite.
Weak: I thought the statement was not based on anything solid and that the criticism was weak.
Jdogg: 6/10 It just looks like a heat map, but I like that the backround is greyish black.
Strong - Points out that the effect may have been easily done
Slayguy: 5/10 ehhhhhh not very interesting colors are good
Neutral - not interesting? Why? Should have mentioned that the effect is easily pulled off like Jdogg
Kirby: 5 My sister could do that in paint to be honest, no offense Average: 5.33
Strong - (but possibly offensive lol) points out easy effect
Jdogg: 6/10 Ow.. The two colored neon is cool but ugly. I like what you did with the sun.
Weak - Why is it ugly? Are the colors analogous, complementary, some shade in between? Why are they ugly?
Slayguy: 6/10 tree and neon wheres the sun?
Weak - It's a picture changing contest and they are changed. So what if it's neon, that doesn't break any rules.
Kirby: 5.9 Really ungly with the text if you ask me.
Average: 5.97
Neutral - Tells the author the text clashes with the image, but doesn't mention how it could be made to look better.
Jdogg: 7/10 The whole beige color is kind of ugly, I suggest making it more yellowy or golden, but I really like the effect on the picture.
Neutral/strong - The color being ugly come of a bit as opinion, but there is a suggestion for improve.
Slayguy: 7/10 looks like a heat map cool affect bad color choice
Weak - Why is the effect cool? Why is the color choice bad?
Kirby: 6.7 Reminds me of coffee bleh
Average: 6.9
Weak - It looks like coffee and that's bad why?
Jdogg: 7.5/10 This one made me laugh, and I like how when the tree merges it still looks good.
Strong - The art had humor and the effect was done well.
Slayguy: 7/10 i like the people. i wish the sun would of stayed
Neutral - The people are liked, but the sun should have stayed, but why?
Kirby: 8.5 The blur effect on the ground sharpening up towards the tree provides a good focal point but it just isn't really a mergable image to me. Average: 7.67
Strong - Gives very precise feedback on what worked well in the image and what didn't.
Jdogg: 7.5/10 I really like what you did, but it doesn't look too difficult to pull off.
Strong - Mentions that it look nice, but could have been too easily made.
Slayguy: 8/10 futuristic nice colors its eye popping
Strong - Futuristic, hints at the fact that the image has a strong and well found theme and mentions the colors are nice because they are eye popping.
Kirby: 8.9, looks a lot like an infrared photo except I just bon't like the black inside the tree
Average: 8.13
Neutral - Hints at the fact that the photo has a recognizable theme, infrared, but why is the black not liked inside the tree?
Jdogg: 9.5/10 Everything that you photoshopped in was great. The city could be a bit less blurry, and the life tube has a bad angle, but still very good. I love all the clouds and smoke, but the two big clouds need to be a bit more... wispier.
Strong - Mentions several aspects of the photo. Constructive criticism on the blur effect with how to improve it. Constructive criticism on the clouds with how to improve them.
Slayguy: wow ill be the buzz kill 6/10 random and the shoe and the sky is fuzzy
Weak - It's a picture changing contest so what if it's random? How is the shoe fuzzy? What area of the sky is fuzzy? No mention of how to fix the fuzziness (like less blur).
Jdogg: 8/10 The sky is really good with all of the cool colors, especially the sun. And the indigo was the best choice for the dominant color.
Strong - Mentions that the sky is good because of the use of cool colors and also mention indigo is a good choice for dominant color.
Slayguy: 9.5/10 i really like this nice coloring and background. this worked rather well
Strong/neutral - A little more information could have been added.
Kirby: 8 I like the 3D effect the shadow gives off but it little a little more if you ask me.
Average: 8.5/10
Neutral - Why a little more? Would that add symmetry or make the image or correct to a real life situation?
Jdogg: 9.5/10 Great image, the whole thing looks professional, and I love the rainbow you added.
Strong - It looks professional, it was well done.
Slayguy: Looks like a logo. keep it up! 9.7/10
Strong/neutral - Hints at the fact that it's professional, but it's a little hard to see that. you have to assume a logo is closely linked to something professionally done.
Kirby: Probably an 8, the sky doesn't really match the brightness of the tree.
Average: 9.06
Strong - Mentions why the sky doesn't fit in well, which lets the artist know how to fix it.
Jdogg: 9.5/10 I like how the glow is like shading, great job with that and the other specks of color, but the sun could be better.
Strong/neutral - Effective statements on the shading, but how could the sun be better?
Slayguy: 9.5/10 cenny cenny cenny another great work the grass is like fire and the tree is perfect with that bit of color sun needed work
Neutral - Why does the sun need work? What could make it look better?
Kirby: 9 Looks pretty noice but the sun went away D:
Average: 9.33
Weak - It's a picture changing contest, who cares if it went?
Jdogg: 10/10 I personally love this one. The watercolor is so good, and the color of fire really looks good with the green and blue.
Strong/neutral - Mentions the effect is done well and that the two colors go well, but could be a little more informative on why it is so great.
Slayguy: 10/10 WOW cool i love this looks like a painting!
Neutral - Changing it to a painting would be difficult, but mention why making it look like that is so appreciative.
Kirby: 9.3 It's a good idea I like it but would be better if it was a little bit sharper
Average: 9.77
Weak - Why is making it sharper make it better?
No offense on the judges. It takes time out of their day to do this and they aren't getting any compensation for it. Plus they keep the thread alive. I just believe a few spots of the judging were really weak and that it might alienate people who enter the contest because they are told their picture looks bad but not given a very solid reason why.