The rules are simple; write a short story based off of the current theme. The story should be posted in one post, keeping with the shortness, or else the judges will be confused. Also, if you would like to make multiple entries, please note which you would like to have judged. Give all stories a title.
Winners of each round will choose a theme for the next.
v6y.....chill out this thread is for fun. If you wanna get a merit the write a good game review like other users have and stop asking for one.
DeadlyVelociraptor, art being part of judging would all be up to SiverMoon, but I think it may be interesting. You could rate the art as a sidenote and talk about it, but not let it influence the overall literary work's judging.
I may consult a mod when we get more entries. Also, the next person wanting to be a judge who submits a story will take the job. You can add an image, sure, but it shouldn't impact the main point of the contest; storytelling.
I would love if the second judge would actually know something about writing ^.^
ok man... woh!!!! im in 7th grade. I know im young but this year, i have been chosen for an elective course that is about creative writing. last year, i took and fictional writing. Both of these classes had only 30 kids. there are over 400 kids in my my school, so i think thats pretty good!!!! sorry if i sound pushy. not trying to. and i like how your judging. id agree to that.
For people who didn't know "shinobi" is another word for "ninja".
The Shinobi's Code
I awoke with fright at the sound of my husband in the night. "What's going on Hattori?" I asked and he simply put a finger to my lips to silence me. I could tell that this was important and I grabbed our 10 yr. old child, Akira, and went to hide in the basement. I could hear the footsteps of my husband and suddenly the footsteps of another man. I heard a leap by both men and a deadly gnashing sound of steel grinding through the bone of its foe. Then there was silenceâ¦â¦..If my husband was alive, surely he would have come to get me out wouldn't he? I waited until morning in utter horror of what might await me in my house. As I came up from the basement I saw my husband's dismembered body covered in blood. The only trace of the killer left was a shuriken in my husband's forehead that had a note rolled up in it. The note was written in Hattori's blood and read "No one can leave his home and forget his honor. Let this be a lesson to all that once a shinobi, always a shinobiâ¦.until death."
5 years later
"Akira! Where are you?" yelled Kaya, "I'm coming mother!". Akira was now 15 and a wonderful warrior who had toppled countless shinobi with his bloodstained sword. Many called him ruthless and didn't know when to stop, but his mother saw that when he fought he was really crying out for help and would end up going into a rage because of the incident with his fatherâ¦"Yes mother?", asks Akira ,"Sit down my son, it is time I told you the details of your father's deathâ¦.I believe you are old enough now and you have the right to know." Akira sits down and listensâ¦â¦.
Akira sat there for many minutes after his mother's story in silence. It was a lot for a young man of his age to take in when he formerly knew very little of his father. He told his mother that he would be back after a whileâ¦â¦.While Akira was gone his mother waited very impatiently, for she was worried that he might suspect something from her story.
When Akira returned he was calm. He carefully packed his armor, survival equipment, some food provisions, his bow and quiver, and last, but not least he strapped his katana to his belt. His mother asked him what he was doing and he replied that he was going to search for his father's murderer and would not return until he killed him. Kaya tried to stop her only son by waltzing into his own grave, but he was utterly determined to avenge his father and shrugged her off. He had gathered information on the murderer and was now headed towards his last seen location.
After weeks of traveling and 6 days of information gathering he found the location of the murderer. His plan was to attack the small house he lived in during the middle of the night in hopes of an easy kill. Unfortunately things didn't go as plannedâ¦.. Akira walked straight into an ambush. He was surrounded by 20 shinobi and behind them was his foe cloaked in black. The murderer spoke, "Why have you come? Did your mother not warn you of the dangers?" Akira responded angrily, "I came to avenge my father by slaying the wretch that killed him!". "As you wish.", said the murderer, "Go ahead and try it!". At once all the shinobi lunged at Akira. Blood stained the room, limbs flew through the air and the night turned red. Once the sound of steel on steel and blood splattering against the walls stopped, one man stood in the center of the room victorious.
Akira was blood stained and covered in numerous wounds, but none were enough to cut him down. The murderer spoke, "You have trained well and have won. I will give you the chance to run now while you suffer not fatal injuries.". "I will not run! My mother told me what you did to my father and how just because he abandoned being a shinobi you killed him!". "Is that what she told you?", the man responded, "You mother has lied to you boy, the truth is that SHE was the shinobi. She was missioned to kill your father years ago, but she ended up falling in love with him and having a child. Your father was killed to complete the mission and to remind her that a shinobi must always complete their task without fail. That is the Shinobi Code!". Horrified Akira stood there, he couldn't move due to this unbearable truth that he just learned. The man spoke once again, "I gave you the chance to run, but it appears that you won't take it. May you rest in peace with your father in the heavens." With a single thrust the man slipped his blade between Akira's ribs and ended his life.
The End
I wanted to put art , but my scanner broke and I am trying to get this in on time to be a judge. Hope you liked it!
you have to type them in note pad. for some reason, word puts thoughts on. note pad unfortunately doesn't have spell check =(
I didn't use either, I'm on a Mac and I used TextEdit . I know its kinda short even for a short story and I kinda flim-flam through the plot together to save time, but what the heck right? If I come up with another idea I'll resubmit another story.
Unfortunately no. I will wait until I see a subject that inspires me.
Ditto, I still entered, though :P
ok man... woh!!!! im in 7th grade. I know im young but this year, i have been chosen for an elective course that is about creative writing. last year, i took and fictional writing. Both of these classes had only 30 kids. there are over 400 kids in my my school, so i think thats pretty good!!!! sorry if i sound pushy. not trying to. and i like how your judging. id agree to that.
Wasn't actually referring to you, by the way. Said it for future reference
@MusicMan, I shall judge yours when I feel like it- but only post my thoughts around March 10th.
@Silvermoon, forgot the grammar, punctuation, spelling part of judging.
Yeah, I'll need help with the grammar part; English is my second language, after all.
Yeah, I'll need help with the grammar part; English is my second language, after all.
If I'm a judge I can help you with that...I'm native. But I've noticed that many that speak english as a second language know it better than most natives to it. If you are learning it as a second language you usually go through a more extensive learning of it. (Don't worry I'm not like most people and can speak properly.)
If I'm a judge I can help you with that...I'm native. But I've noticed that many that speak english as a second language know it better than most natives to it. If you are learning it as a second language you usually go through a more extensive learning of it. (Don't worry I'm not like most people and can speak properly.)
Yeah... I noticed some mistakes on your piece, just saying.