So November is coming around rather soon...anyone thinking of participating in this crazy excuse for becoming a social recluse?
If you haven't heard of it before, NaNoWriMo involves writing a fifty thousand word novel in November. It's simple really, just type 1667 words per day for thirty days, and you'll have finished your first novel.
I've done it the past three years (completed past two) and recommend it to anyone who enjoys writing. It is a really good way to force yourself to write and greatly improve your writing skills.
So, we are getting closer. 7-8 days left now, depending where you are in the world, and most are supposed to be around 3.8k words at this point, unless you are Strop. I assume everyone is otherwise doing well, and the reason there is so little activity in this section is because we are all sitting somewhere writing like the wind. Or write like the win as procrastination instead of doing that 20 page research paper in my case. Either way, the widgets are back up after the site change earlier this year, which mean we can now properly portray the word count in the proud/tired fashion it should be presented.
Anyone got a good advice to help some aching finger joints?
You have one 20 page research paper, I have one 10 page paper and two 3 page'ers due at the end of the semester. Curse you NaNoWriMo for being on November.
I had a 15 page paper with a deadline the 11th. I now have this other research paper with some 20 books as sources... So I kinda wish NaNO was in... September. No, wait, October. October is a (slightly) better month.
But almost done. Which probably mean I should pay more attention to the paper...
You should collect all the papers into one document as see if you can manage around halfway there? Though that might depend on your usual format for papers...
I wish NaNo was in June, that would be the absolute perfect time, because summer just got started, and school is pretty much over, for the US at any rate, so there is so much time on my hands.
So, we are getting closer. 7-8 days left now, depending where you are in the world, and most are supposed to be around 3.8k words at this point, unless you are Strop.
Yeah I'm not going to make it this year. I'm only on about 25000 words. But I'm working 52 hours this week, and I keep finishing late because we happen to have extremely high maintenance patients. Also I'm not the kind of person who can switch on a muse, I have to wait for it, so I'm not the fastest writer in the world.
You may say "but there's seven days left!" Tomorrow's my best chance because I have a short day, but I have to run some errands, wash my car (inside out, a long job), build my office desk, go to the bank, sort out some paperwork with the HR, then work all day Saturday. Then I have a date Sunday (which I am NOT rescheduling). Monday's my other half day. Any day I work a full day I'm awake since before 6 in the morning and I HATE mornings, so I'm bushed and can't write more than a thousand words.
So I'm probably not going to make it. But I could probably get up to 35k if I pushed hard. Anything that helps me get to at least halfway in my novel is good, because otherwise it would be languishing at the bottom of god knows what pile of other stuff I have to do.
So, it is all done in a few days (two or three depending on where you are). Last minute/day stress? I know I will be neglecting my assignment to get out the last 5k, though considering the utter lack of structure in my writing, it won't be too hard besides the motivation carving for the pressure.
No stress from me, I had already realised by about the 17th that things wouldn't be adding up for me this year.
I've finished at 28,260. It's obviously not a success as far as NaNoWriMo is concerned, but I am up to where I expected I would get in terms of the plot. I'm now knocking on the door of the first major twist, but I can see there is a lot of work to be done re-editing what I've got so far just to iron out the plot inconsistencies and bring out a few issues more clearly.
From that point of view, at least, I'm happy enough. I should probably keep writing, which I'll do when I'm taking a break from finishing WoM stuff <_<
I failed. Which is okay, I guess. I started, and I remain passionate about my novel, which is a change from the year I won. Maybe next year. Then we can all do novel swaps or something.