The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
You don't want your nipples anymore.Why are oranges called oranges?
Because Apples are all ready taken. Why is Mother Brain evil?
YesWhat does the fox say?
Wordswhy is lowco living in the past?
Since he missed the last bus to the present.Where is time located?
At the biggest clock in the world.Whereeeeeeeeeee's johnny?
Fixing the clockDid you see that guy driving 120 mph past a red light?
No, he hit my blind spot.Why did the chicken cross the road?
He doesn't have a car. Who is King Kong?
a king, probably of china or some other asian place.Why are the people here so dull and unsatisfying?
Due to your lack of hearing.Where can you find an airplane?
In a hanger(shirt hanger).Why the world has 7 continents?
Because pie is tasty. Why are so many people vegans?
Because they've been converted into egg yolks.If you had a box of mirrors, what would it look like if you shone a flashlight into it?
Like your armatar.Why is this is in bold letters?
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