The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Since italics was born free.What is the purpose of having wings?
To cry(rhyming of fly)Why is Nelson Mandela so great?
Because. Thats why.
Why be McDonalds Unhealthyz
because america is land of the geeseWhat isn't the meaning of life?
Because...Why is food called as food?
So you can food a food.What does a turtle do in the shower?
Sleep.Why 7987979?
Because ?9797897 yhW?sdrawkcab siht si yhW
Because GTA is good.
Why i have only 66 posts?
Because you are lazy and eat nothing but chips and soda.whay aim eye taulkin lak a reaaadnneuk
Lore, ipsum val havjaha wa la.Where does a bee travel for a holiday?
Honey hotel.Why I posted in page no.292?
Because number palindromity.Whatity Doesity thisity wordities meanity?
You have OCD.Omar has four apples and five oranges, and his train leaves at 7:30 pm. Calculate the circumference of the sun.
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