The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
100000000000000000km squared.Bla Bla Bla?
If its naked... sure!How many chinese are needed to change a bulb?
The power level is over nine thousand.Where does the wind blow?
When you fart.Are bananas square shaped?
Because Armor games is great.Why does a bird have feathers?
In order to become a wingman.Where do rockets go when they head into space?
Into heaven. Why does my finger hurt?
Because your finger was blessed by the biting fairy.What is made from bread?
sand witch.jahskjchkjcah?
ririririr!What does a dog do first when it lands in the middle of a lake?
PeesWhy should (Surveillance required)?
Yes and no.why is the sky a slight shade of purple?
Since God accidentally spilt wine all over it one day.What is found in an underwater cave?
SmugglersWhy in the name of Jesus did i ask a fox "what do you say" in about 5 pages back?
Because you are estupido grande.What is this rash that comes and goes?
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