The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Rash driving.Why I'am I addicted to forum games?
Because you haven't learned how to use contractions yet. It's 'I'm' not 'I'am'. Well, even if you used 'I'm' you'd still be grammatically incorrect.
Why did I join the Grammar Nazis?
Because the Grammar Nazis offered you non-R2 cookies.Why is math so hard?
Yes.Why does you has cheeseburger?
No.Why is the sky?
Because I has cheeezeburger and cheeseburger es good.
Why Is the sky?
Due to sky being brighter than sound.Why are pies squared?
beacuase pies start with a p and pants start with p and sponge bob square pants has square pants.what happens when I press submit?
Derp.Why are all the answers on this thread not smart?
cuz' we are zombies I think.will I go to jail when I go to forums games?
Yes because Rocky Balboa is awesome.Why is pi tasty?
Because it's the flavor of the universe.Why is the salami walking?
Because those boots were made for walking.Why is it impossible to lick your own back?
duh it's possible with a portal gunwhy am I typing this?
Because 'that' was already taken.Why does a meal come with the moon ?
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