The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Why did I start a new movie?
go watch my movie. it is better than yours.why is a no entrance blank oh lala export bobs is a a
That's not a question.What am I sitting on?
whatever you are sitting on.WHY DO I SEE BIG FAT BOOBS IN THE SKY?!?!?
Yes.Why is @riku_ullman posting weird stuff on this website?(No offense)
Because, Offense taken.How did the pancakes ever win the great spaghetti war with their hands cuffed?
They threw their syrup to bind their memoirs.What can a swatter swat if there are no slots to swot?
Simple, the doorbell.But if the grass is blue, what did shakespeare refer to ?
The clown on High Street.Why is the grass always greener on the other side?
Synthetic happiness.How come 2 people stole my nose on the same day ?
Because you are pinocchio! A lil lie...^^Whats hidden at the dark side of the moon?
A Nazi Compound.How do birds sing without lips ?
they use their mouthWhy the trees grow?
Because the grow tree.Why do books have words?
because someone can´t read the pictures
What colour would the Smurf turn if you choked him ?
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