The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
They cheatedHow does thou kill thy gantic
You don't.Why did the pancake draw the line backwards ?
Because I baked you a pie.What flavor is it?
Pie flavorDo you know who i am?
No, but you do, your armatar says it all.Why is Socrates wise?
Because he knew nothing.How do favorite a game?
Play it and you will know if you do.Why is the glass never empty?
AS we're drinking it from the bottle to the top.Why aren't puns noteworthy?
Quite extraordinary, I admit... but yes, they do.How did tommy feed his lion in class whilst being tied to a pole ?
NoSo is the bottle plastic?
Unless it drinks milk then maybe it'll be coming alive.Why is this question irrelevant?
Because you never wanted to ask it.Why did Adam eat the apple?
The tree did.How did bob Ace his test whilst being electrocuted by a banana riding a 3 headed horse on a motorcycle?
He studied the night before kids!Why do starfish grow back arms?
Because they need to be able to play more video games.
Why is @xXxDAPRO89xXx a tree?
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