The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Yes, secretly that website is run by the Italian mafia to try to discredit the English language.Am I made of miniature chairs?
No, the miniature chairs were made out of you.If one chicken can't kill an elephant,how come 2 chickens ate pizza?
They didn't, they ate Poizaz.If too little oxygen kills you, and too much kills you, why then is there felafel?
To make your mother proud.Why does one build towers in the middle of nowhere?
Because it would be silly to build a tower on top of another tower.How did the ham find the cheese in under 30 sec. without getting spotted by the glass of milk, which was watching the whole time?
By space sattelites.Why doesn't Mobile Suits exist in real life?
They do exist in real life.What happened to the fairy what wanted to sing "Happy BirthCake" to Santa Claus?
Santa farted.If fruit is good, and cake is great, why is fruitcake nasty garbage?
Laws of physics.How did the cheesecake dig a 30 feet hole in pure concrete whilst being attacked by 2 biker mice from mars?
It didn't.How to define a pizza?
One uses letters.How did the caged elephant escape, without using his dictionary?
He opened the cage.How to live without eating and drinking.
(Thats not really a question but...)
You don't.
Why does the cat has a cheezburger?
The local store ran out of pancakes.How could the mice find the ham, but still be late for work?
Because they had to bring home the bacon.
Why does my rice taste like chocolate-flavored bees?
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