The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
i killed his waifu so he became a tree in revengewhy is the sky not a sky when it's a bananananarang?
Because it had to pee.How could John make tea on a Saturday when he made it on monday ?
The sun was off course that day and Monday and Sunday were the same days.Why people play video games?
It keeps the milk industry alive.What is this obsession about cakes being a lie?
Because pie always tells the truth and people can't handle the truth...Why is it darker at night?
The light takes a break.Why do people sneeze ?
To give holy blessings to one another.What can go up indefinitely?
all things that go up indefinitely.
why does Darkfire45's armatar have *something*?
Trees usually have *something* dude, 0_o
How did riku obtain his crown?
By transmuting a stovepipe hat.
Why do questions go missing after a while?
Global Warming.Why is Isambard Kingdom Brunel?
Because I have no idea what you just asked.Why are questions crazy?
Depends on the weather.How did I obtain a time machine?
you don't ask for one, you pee on one to destroy it.
is this italian? and is this italian?
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