The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Beeeee-cause you put honey on your sushi.Why is @Koshionos a great artist?
He's a necromancer.Why is my hand cold?
Because you peed on it, duh.Why am I tired?
Because you just woke up.Why is the earth blue?
Because of all the water.What happens if you...[url][/url]
You die of bacon poisoning.What happens if I eat blk2860?
You get a tapeworm in your intestine.Why am I so discombobulated?
Because your combobulate has been removed.Where are all the baby pigeons?
In your stomach. You ate in your sleep.Why does the AG store have tags that it doesn't use, like stickers? Seriously, does anyone know?
Because it's solely made up of your phlegm and acid.Why do I want to eat my poop?
Spatulas.Who's the king of printer cartridges?
Jerry Seinfeld.Why am I sweaty?
Because seeing so much text is making you drunk and everything around you trippy.
Why is my keyboard made of poptarts?
Gramer aint th smart, der brainz wher da goodz r.Why don't I have desert?
Don't worry, you just forgot the dimension you're in. You'll get it sooner or later.Why is the above user becoming nostalgic?
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