So yeah just thought a limerick thread would be nice. If you don't know what a limerick is:
"a kind of humorous verse of five lines, in which the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines, which are shorter, form a rhymed couplet." -Dictionary[dot]com
So post your limericks here. Doesn't matter if they are amazing or not, they are just for fun!
One time I was sitting at the bar, When a hot girl came to me from afar, We went to my room, To find out of my doom, The girl was no girl anymore!
(if you don't get that one I mean its a transvestite)
There once was a man named Cam Who ate forty two tins of spam Then he called his son dad And was declared completely mad But he said "I dont give a dam"
There once was a man called Avorne Upon his enemies, revenge was sworn He tortured and killed At their pain he was thrilled Especially when their **** was torn.
There once was a man from Cardiff Who was kickass at playing guitar riffs When he did rock out All the fangirls would shout Then he'd go smoke a spliff
There once was a man called shish He owned several species of fish But he rented out to some students And oh, how prudent They said "your fish made a wonderful dish"
There once was cockroach called zack Who always wore a hat on his back But then it got bleached And turned bright peach And was stolen by a cockroach called Mac
A thread born from Klaus' wet dream The likes of which have not been seen But we don't want to be banned But don't want our poems so bland So how can we keep it PG-13?
by making the words less rude, by making the words less crude, as I'm sure you'll see, it's easy to be, A limerick renewed!
Let's keep this going, shall we?
"Polite"'s not as fun, you must admit We shall fall into rudeness, bit by bit Then the thread will be locked And thrown into the dock And all we can say is "Oh shit."
Why should limericks be rude It puts me in a sour mood Then small people read them And use the language in them Then get slapped silly for using language so crude