So yeah just thought a limerick thread would be nice. If you don't know what a limerick is:
"a kind of humorous verse of five lines, in which the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other, and the third and fourth lines, which are shorter, form a rhymed couplet." -Dictionary[dot]com
So post your limericks here. Doesn't matter if they are amazing or not, they are just for fun!
One time I was sitting at the bar, When a hot girl came to me from afar, We went to my room, To find out of my doom, The girl was no girl anymore!
(if you don't get that one I mean its a transvestite)
Enough with the rude lymeriks, they're going to get this thread locked, which would make me sad =(.
My friend told me something farcicle I told him his brain was an icicle And that his head was missing a screw But as it turns out it was perfectly true He had actually swallowed a bicycle
There once was a man named Campbell The only thing he would eat were brambles But he could caught in a bush Then his leg turnes to mush And now he walks with an ungainly amble
Enough with the rude lymeriks, they're going to get this thread locked, which would make me sad =(.
Rofl man, the OP limerick was inappropriate. I think that's kind of the idea. And you know, double, triple, and quadruple posting can also get a thread locked.
There once was a man named Rich He was a wealthy rich bitch But one day at the bank His accounts were all tanked And now Rich has not a stitch
Theres nothing wrong with double, triple, or quadruple posting as long as there is another comment or a several hour gap between comments.
I saw an immensely fat man on the street He was eating a whole leg of meat! But then his arteries clogged And his mind fogged Then he collapsed like a ton of concrete
Efan is fond of correction Doing so gives him an erection But what is this? His correction was piss (synonym for pee, in case it gets censored) And it did not avoid my detection